Acer expands its digital signage business by participating in the private placement of Aopen shares13 November 2017 With this operation, se convierte en el mayor accionista corporativo de Aopen. Esta operación ayudará a integrar la nube, los dispositivos de visualización, la plataforma de señalización digital y diversos ...
Toronto's new Air Jordan store attracts customers with a dynamic and attractive AV system10 November 2017 Para ofrecer una innovadora experiencia de compra, se ha instalado un sofisticado sistema de audio multi-zona y un equipamiento visual integrado por proyectores de Panasonic, pantallas de SiliconCore y reproductores ...
Tripleplay announces support for BrightSign media players10 November 2017 The provider of digital signage solutions, IPTV and video streaming will include this trailer as part of its upcoming software release, named Caveman 1.0. BrightSign Media Players ...
Elan Media uses BroadSign Core software in its digital signage network9 November 2017 This tool is used to provide the contents to the out-of-home network, made up of 270 Screens, that the advertising company has installed in the shopping centers of Qatar. In addition, ...
BWL creates a digital signage network to optimize communications with its employees9 November 2017 ConnectedSign se ha encargado de desarrollar esta infraestructura, composed of more than 50 pantallas de diferentes tamaños instaladas en todas los espacios, que garantiza la cobertura en los entornos de ...
Movilok, the UC3M and the UPM advance in the design of the tourist showcase of the future7 November 2017 The Esitur projector takes as its starting point the digital signage solution Showcases, with which it is possible to control the content that appears on the informative advertising screens. The University ...
The NEC Demo room hosts an open day to show its AV solutions7 November 2017 In this day aimed at its partners, to be held next year 15 November, You can see the most innovative systems of the company such as the interactive multi-touch table or ...
Charmex opens its first office in Portugal and consolidates its presence in the country's audiovisual market6 November 2017 Las nuevas instalaciones cuentan con un showroom en el que se ofrece un espacio dinámico para promover las soluciones interactivas que comercializa para los sectores educativo y corporativo. The line ...
Arraya Tower II skyscraper incorporates digital signage into its elevators3 November 2017 El segundo edificio más alto de Kuwait quería una solución que permitiera mantener informados en todo momento a sus inquilinos con las cotizaciones bursátiles. Para conseguirlo se han instalado pantallas ...
Elo Touch takes self-service systems with Wallaby equipment to a new level3 November 2017 Estos nuevos puestos todo-en-uno, disponibles con soporte de suelo y para colocar sobre una superficie, son personalizables y pueden incorporar pantallas táctiles I- Series y X-Series. Cuentan con conexiones para ...
RMG Korbyt: content management platform for digital signage applications2 November 2017 Presented as the cornerstone of the company's strategy, this tool is designed for use in the retail and hospitality market, as well as in corporate internal communications. ...
Panasonic completes its LinkRay offer with ID modulators that allow data to be transmitted through light2 November 2017 With the AL-A001GL and XC-ALS01W-1 existing digital signage screens and fixed billboards, with integrated Led light source, can become a LinkRay transmitter. Technology ...
Mercedes-Benz Arena renews its IPTV and digital signage infrastructure with Tripleplay31 October 2017 In the VIP areas, Bars, F restaurants and outlets&B have been installed around 200 Screens. A network that offers a direct communication channel with the ...
NEC Display organizes an open day with its retail and collaboration solutions31 October 2017 The event will take place next time 15 november in its demo room in San Sebastián de los Reyes, where your latest screens and projection equipment will be displayed, Like this ...
Absen presents the new generation of its indoor Led panel M2.9 for the rental market27 October 2017 The new M2.9 Pro version has been optimized by incorporating advanced image processing, that guarantees a more impactful and eye-catching content. A screen of 18 bits+ improves performance in ...
London's iconic Piccadilly Circus lights up with its new curved Led display27 October 2017 The world-famous Piccadilly lights were turned on again yesterday by their owner Land Securities, after a nine-month renewal period of its signage ...
The OUE Tower in Los Angeles welcomes its visitors with a brilliant work of visual engineering25 October 2017 America's iconic bank tower, now from the OUE group, has remodeled its entrance with a striking curved Led screen, of 38x5 meters, by prolific artist David Niles, ...
Adidas transforms with Led screens the windows of its renovated store in the Gran Vía of Madrid20 October 2017 The German sports brand has recently renovated its main establishment in Spain with high-brightness Led display systems in the windows of the historic building it occupies in Spain. ...
Crambo shows the channel the latest samsung visualization news for vertical markets19 October 2017 At the event, celebrado ayer en el Food Market Barcelo, se puso de relieve las apuestas tecnológicas del fabricante por la integración del SoC en sus monitores, las pantallas UHD ...
Textura connects its flagship points of sale with a network of digital signage18 October 2017 This company is modernizing its stores by implementing omnichannel models, interactive and connected. Beabloo has been responsible for implementing a digital signage system 3.0, visible both inside ...