EET Europarts consolidates its position in the pan-European POS and Auto-ID market with the acquisition of DED25 July 2017 With this acquisition it seeks to achieve the goal of becoming, before 2020, in one of the main distributors, on the European market, of points of sale and identification products ...
Hyundai Taiwan reinforces its brand image and optimizes customer service thanks to digital signage24 July 2017 Desde que comenzara la implementación hace casi dos años, nueve de sus principales ubicaciones con centros de servicio han adoptado las soluciones de señalización digital de Cayin. El proyecto sigue ...
RealMotion boosts the contents of Sofitel Paris Baltimore's immersive video wall24 July 2017 Este intuitivo e interactivo soporte digital, localizado en el vestíbulo, ha sido diseñado utilizando los paneles Christie MicroTiles y sus contenidos son gestionados con el software de Float4. It's about ...
B the travel brand boosts its communication with more than four hundred LG screens21 July 2017 El proyecto para la red de digital signage en los más de cuatrocientos establecimientos de esta agencia de viajes del Grupo Barceló ha sido realizado por el mayorista audiovisual Caverin|Econocom, ...
Caltron HWT-1210: Touch monitor for high brightness digital Sigange environments21 July 2017 This team, dotado con la más avanzada tecnología de visualización, es idóneo para su uso en aplicaciones de exterior como kioscos de autoservicio, industria aeroespacial o entidades financieras. Caltron Industries continúa ...
Panasonic expands its line of digital signage screens for indoor with the SF2 range20 July 2017 Available in 43, 49, 55 and 65 Inch, this line is designed with a wide-view IPS panel and 450 cd/m2 que incluye una función de conmutación ...
Quanmax develops OPS digital signage players with 4K UHD video support20 July 2017 Available in the Iberian and Chilean market through Anatronic, The OPS-2002 and OPS-2050 series offer high computing and graphics performance to attract the attention of visitors and ...
Enhanced modular video wall and IP broadcast displays, sonoVTS proposal for IBC 201720 July 2017 El proveedor e integrador de sistemas audiovisuales alemán prepara su participación en este certamen, that will take place in the 15 to the 19 September in Amsterdam, con sistemas profesionales de visualización ...
B-Tech AV Mounts nominated finalist as 'Manufacturer of the Year'’ at the AV Awards gala 201718 July 2017 Considered the most prestigious awards in the audiovisual industry, Known as 'The Oscars' of this market, esta nominación pone en valor los doce meses de trabajo e innovación realizados ...
The Santiago Martín de Tenerife pavilion installs a perimeter banner with which it will increase its advertising revenue17 July 2017 This digital support of U television Led of 32 linear meters joins the projects already carried out by Mondo in this pavilion last year with the installation of ...
Icon Multimedia manages with Deneva more than two hundred videowalls of Dentix Clinics14 July 2017 El sistema de gestión de digital signage de esta compañía española está ya operando en más de 120 clínicas de esta cadena en todo el mundo, como en Colombia, where ...
Crambo and its partners showcase new AV and collaboration proposals in Madrid13 July 2017 Technological innovation and gastronomy in a modern space, as Madrid's Food Market Barceló, have focused the event that Crambo held yesterday with its Intel partners, Philips, SMART Technologies, Vogel's, ...
Charmex shows the latest AV solutions for the education sector in its showroom in Barcelona11 July 2017 Las jornadas de puertas abiertas, que está celebrando para distribuidores y usuarios finales, están sirviendo de escenario para dar a conocer soluciones como los monitores multitáctiles interactivos Clevertouch, the systems ...
Datapath FX4: multi-screen controllers for digital signage projects11 July 2017 Desarrollados para facilitar el despliegue y creación de pequeñas y medianas soluciones de señalización digital, esta gama de controladores independientes ofrece más posibilidades de conexiones entrantes y salidas sincronizadas, between ...
Netipbox helps to boost the offer in the restaurant area of the Aquarium of Barcelona10 July 2017 Los objetivos marcados se consiguieron gracias a la implementación de varios reproductores plug&play detrás de 11 Samsung screens. Estos equipos también incorporan las herramientas netipmanager y netipmaker. El grupo Aspro Parks, ...
Crambo will present with its partners new solutions and applications of digital signage7 July 2017 The next 12 July in Madrid, in the innovative gastronomic space Food Market Barceló, the wholesaler will show in operation its latest solutions, systems and applications in visualization, in collaboration ...
Bayer installs an AV infrastructure at its headquarters in London that encourages collaboration and communication6 July 2017 The building has more than 60 common spaces where a wide range of AV devices has been installed, as NEC screens of different formats, Biamp collaboration systems ...
Black Box presents its new HDMI controllers to create spectacular videowall6 July 2017 VPlex4 models (with DVI input) and VPlex4000 (with HDMI and Display Port) solve the limitations of the screens of the standard videowall for the distribution of content by the ...
Australian atp event centre centralises its AV solutions with AMX SVSI6 July 2017 With this IP-based system the complex has established a distribution center where content can be sent instantly to screens located anywhere in the building.. between ...
"Daktronics accompanies the customer throughout the life of the project, with a support that sets us apart from the rest", Ivan del Rio5 July 2017 Led screens with pixel pitch of high density and resolution, with designs of any size, curved and transparent to respond to any type of project, either small or ...