Two spectacular Led screens attract players to the new bingo hall of Palace Station8 June 2017 At the entrance there is a NanoLumens Nixel Series display half a meter high by 17 wide and a pixel pitch of 4 Mm, mientras que en ...
Carrefour consolidates its omnichannel strategy, multi-format and multi-brand with Clear Channel8 June 2017 The objective of this alliance is the renewal of a large part of the supports already installed, as well as the incorporation of new elements of digital advertising in 82 centres, with ...
Diode markets Seypos solutions aimed at the retail rector, Catering and Industry7 June 2017 Esta firma española incluye en su catálogo soluciones como los TPV todo-en-uno dotados de pantallas de 12, 15 or 17 pulgadas y tecnología táctil resistiva de 5 Threads, Elo Touch y ...
AV Stumpfl will present at the Orlando fair new projection screens and media servers6 June 2017 Para el mercado de alquiler y espectáculos se presentará la pantalla de proyección móvil Monoclip. In addition, se exhibirá la pantalla curva FullWhite y una actualización del servidor de medios Wings ...
Zielo is visually renewed with a large format exterior Led screen and 7000 nits of brilliance6 June 2017 The first shopping centre in Europe with Leed Gold certification, has updated the outdoor Led display for a new visual support with this technology, 82m2 and pixel pitch ...
Christie tackles the next generation spyder for spectacular visual experiences5 June 2017 The X80 is the new multi-window and multi-screen processor ideal for the rental market and large format applications. Offers the ability to manage 4K at a speed of 60 ...
Roland Pro A/V introduces XS-1HD multi-format and multi-screen matrix switch5 June 2017 Esta versátil y compacta solución con soporte Full HD, es idónea para producciones de empresa, organizaciones religiosas y alquiler de equipos, con aplicación en salones de banquetes, Pavilions, teatros o ...
IMED Hospitals expands its digital signage network to the centers of Valencia and Torrevieja5 June 2017 As he did in Elche, en estos dos centros hospitalarios Medip Health ha sido la empresa responsable del proyecto que ha vuelto a apostar por las soluciones de la marca ...
Daktronics responds to the retail sector with the narrow pixel Pitch – NPP range of LED screens2 June 2017 The manufacturer has shown for the first time at the Retail Digital Signage Expo 2017, held during the week dedicated to this environment in London, your LED screens with pixel pitch ...
Ideum redesigns its large format 4K UHD touch table, Colossus1 June 2017 In the new version has been updated its touch screen of 86 inches and the computer equipment of its base, in addition to presenting a thinner design. The Colossus II table ...
Iberdrola chooses Tecco's Aracast Digital Signage platform for its internal communication channel1 June 2017 In addition to integrating digital content management software, The Spanish manufacturer has also been responsible for the equipment of the new San Agustín de Guadalix Campus, in Madrid, with ...
Vogel's responds to the proliferation of 10" screens for retail and hospitality1 June 2017 Four are the new supports that have been released: A wall model (PTA 3103), two desktop (PTA 3105 and PTA 3102) and one to the ground (PTA 3101). ...
Fede-Aepe Outdoor Advertising Conference: from smart cities to programmatic buying1 June 2017 The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao will host the following days: 15 and 16 next June the XXVI edition of the conference of this association, which will feature expert speakers who ...
La Vaguada implements a large digital signage circuit by Led&go31 May 2017 Este centro comercial sigue apostando por el marketing digital y ha incorporado a su base de digital signage, two screens of 7,4 m2 localizadas en los accesos a la zona ...
Videotel unveils its most innovative 4K media player for digital signage31 May 2017 Este equipo interactivo todo en uno está diseñado para operar en una infraestructura de red, conectado a través de Ethernet o WiFi, in hotels, shops, restaurants, Fairs, Events, centros de ...
The University of Washington installs a large video wall in its new multidisciplinary collaboration room30 May 2017 This visualization solution, configured with six NEC X555UNV displays, It offers an immersive environment that allows researchers to share information, 3D Images & Presentations. La Biblioteca de Ciencias de ...
Macroservice introduces Hyundai IT's new UHD 4K large format displays for digital signage30 May 2017 This family integrates models of 65, 75, 86 and 98 inches with a variety of options to suit every project. Las series UMG y XMG incorporan cristal frontal antivandálico y ...
Movilok, UC3M and UPM develop a Big Data project to promote Smart Tourism26 May 2017 Esitur is an initiative that seeks to define the use of digital signage and turn conventional tourist showcases into interactive information points, Accessible from mobile, and enriched with content ...
Cayin will show at Computex Taipei 2017 digital signage solutions for retail26 May 2017 Aprovechará su asistencia a este certamen para dar a conocer las prestaciones de su nuevo gestor de contenidos CMS-SE, una alternativa idónea para el diseño de redes de digital signage ...
NEC Display and Waapiti add technologies and solutions to digitize the retail sector26 May 2017 Ambas compañías han celebrado en Madrid la jornada Smart & Intuitive con la participación de profesionales de este entorno, que han podido conocer en detalle cómo la tecnología forma parte ...