R-Vision and Beabloo team up to create smart stores in China24 April 2017 Some of the solutions contemplated by the agreement are digital signage screens with facial detection software, that allow you to present to the public advertising related to your profile, or ...
Peerless-AV creates interactive experiences of digital signage with its new kiosk in vertical format21 April 2017 With a curved design, The Portrait Kiosk is a customizable solution designed to install in enterprise environments, retail and hospitality that supports screens between 40 and 55 Inch. The new one ...
A digital signage solution offers high-impact audiovisual communication in Alucine cinemas20 April 2017 Vitelsa ha sido la empresa encargada de realizar el diseño e implementación de este proyecto de señalización y marketing dinámico en el centro de Puerto de Sagunto (valence) that allows ...
Clear Channel will market the digital media of Playground La Vaguada20 April 2017 Este circuito de digital signage está integrado por una gran variedad de pantallas como la solución Led de 10 metros de alto de la Gran Plaza, los equipos de diferentes tamaños y ...
Esprinet adds to its AV Pro offer the solutions of Philips Professional Display and TV Hotel19 April 2017 El mayorista añade a la propuesta de su división de negocio AV Pro la gama de monitores profesionales para aplicaciones de digital signage y TV Hotel de este fabricante, What ...
Reale Seguros combines gamification and digital signage to bring the brand closer to employees19 April 2017 Para crear una experiencia que buscaba impacto y notoriedad, Neo utilizó dos pantallas LG de gran formato, equipadas con cámaras dotadas de la tecnología Kinect y un sensor, desarrollado por TC ...
The interactive tool 'Thoughts' promotes tourism in Pineda de Mar19 April 2017 The city council of this municipality in the province of Barcelona has installed two videowalls with this system developed by Cubensis Project, que detecta la imagen y el movimiento de las ...
Shopping experience and digital transformation: What textile brands are looking for most18 April 2017 La transformación tecnológica del sector retail, principalmente en el entorno textil, pasa por ofrecer al consumidor una propuesta tecnológica diferencial que esta siendo especialmente relevante en la apertura de las ...
NEC expands its offer in professional signage with versatile screens that adapt to any environment18 April 2017 Los nuevos modelos de la Serie E están disponibles con panel S-IPS y S-PVA en formatos que van desde las 32 at 65 Inch. Unos equipos pensados para utilizar en ...
Quanmax QDSP-7000: media player for 4K content in digital signage applications17 April 2017 This line of players integrates an Intel ULT Skylake / Kaby Lake processor with Intel HD Graphics GPU 520/620 ultra-low power consumption in a rugged aluminum chassis without ducts or ...
Internet Kiosks develops a new information terminal with 22 Inch17 April 2017 The IK22P is an indoor interactive kiosk that incorporates a computer and supports a wide variety of peripherals such as readers, Miniprinter and wireless communication systems. Internet Kioskos has expanded its ...
Maverick muestra su visión sobre el futuro del mercado audiovisual17 April 2017 La transición de la pizarra interactiva al panel en los entornos educativos, la consolidación de la cartelería digital y la renovación o las nuevas instalaciones de salas de reuniones en ...
BrightSign players encourage visual and interactive training in 150 Gyms12 April 2017 Ofrecer una experiencia deportiva personalizada e interactiva es el concepto que la empresa Notice Branded Media propone con FunXtion Experience Station, que se ha instalado en más de 150 Gyms ...
The Starterre dealer makes the difference with a large Absen Led videowall11 April 2017 Localizada en la sala de exposiciones, esta solución de visualización de 53 metros cuadrados está configurada con paneles N4. Con su resolución de 5.760x576 píxeles permite que los contenidos puedan ...
Maler Digital Signage performs the KFC digital menu project in the United Kingdom and Ireland10 April 2017 more than 890 establishments distributed in both countries, with a total of 8.500 screens and 124 different groups of information and content make up this ambitious digital project whose operations have been ...
LG carries out a comprehensive project of digitalization and technological innovation at Rafa Nadal Academy by Movistar10 April 2017 The facilities of this high-performance sports center, located in Mallorca, of the great Spanish tennis player have the latest technology from the manufacturer in professional screens, monitors and solutions ...
Netflix immerses in its series with a videowall Led 13K to visitors of its new headquarters in LA7 April 2017 This great wall of Led video, of some 25 meters high and pixel pich of 1,99 Mm, Receive employees and visitors of this chain with surprising content set ...
Una espectacular arquitectura visual informa a los pasajeros en el aeropuerto de Toronto Pearson7 April 2017 En uno de los pasillos de la Terminal 1 se ha instalado una minimalista solución visual que simula una flor cuyos pétalos están configurados por Led retroiluminados, y en cada ...
The agreement between Maler and Cega reflects its fruits in different Spanish signage projects7 April 2017 Entre las iniciativas que han llevado a cabo de forma conjunta se encuentran los ‘standees’ de The Walt Disney Company Iberia y la red de digital signage de los centros comerciales ...
Three interactive video walls provide a relaxing 12K experience at Thibodaux Wellness Center6 April 2017 Users and patients who come and enter this wellness center and doctor in the American town of Louisiana describe the video as captivating, de diecisiete minutos de ...