EET Europarts brought together ProAV market experts in Madrid, digital signage and video surveillance6 April 2017 This meeting has taken place on the occasion of the celebration of its first technological days and that manufacturers have taken advantage of to publicize the novelties that can be seen ...
BrightSign integrates its players with three world leaders in content management5 April 2017 El fabricante suma a su creciente lista de desarrolladores de CMS certificados para sus sistemas de digital signage a multinacionales como ComQi, Four Winds Interactive y SignageLive. El contenido es crítico cuando ...
The shopping center of Leganés opens its doors with one of the largest Led displays&go4 April 2017 En la fachada Norte del Sambil outlet tiene instalada una pantalla Led outdoor de 116 square meters and a pixel pitch of 16 Mm, lo que le permite proyectar contenidos ...
Alfalite leads Prolight+Sound 2017 its new Litepix panel to create curved Led screens4 April 2017 The Spanish company participates in this event, which today opens its doors at messe Frankfurt until next 7 April, with its new Led video panels, both for ...
Absen shows the potential of its Led screens for events and rental in Prolight + Sound 20174 April 2017 As the main element of the stand, a large videowall configured by 84 Led M panels 2.9 and N2 Led modules are also exposed, la ultraligera multifunción T5 ...
El Ayuntamiento de Vera apuesta por la cartelería digital para promocionar la zona4 April 2017 En diversas zonas del casco urbano y la costa se han instalado 18 soportes publicitarios que se adaptan al entorno y una pantalla Led interactiva de gran impacto visual que ...
Shuttle DS77U: fanless 4K media player for digital signage applications3 April 2017 Con un perfil de menos de 40 Mm, esta línea está disponible con los últimos procesadores Intel Kaby Lake-U e incorporan una gran variedad de puertos de conectividad. A few teams ...
Iiyama 40 Series: Large format LFD displays for retail and entertainment3 April 2017 Compuesta por modelos de 32, 43, 48 and 55 Inch, todos con diferentes tipos de paneles Led para adaptarse a una amplia variedad de aplicaciones de visualización. El fabricante de pantallas ...
Econocom, as a service company, Focuses its core on digital transformation31 March 2017 Seguir con su curva de crecimiento es el segundo gran objetivo de esta compañía que en 2016 consiguió en España una facturación de 272 millions of euros, what it means ...
Mango continues to bet on its new concept of digital store in the flagship store of Serrano29 March 2017 With a sales area of 2.000 square meters, the recently opened megastore of the Madrid capital, incorporates technologies such as digital testers, the e-ticket, PayGo payment functionality ...
Digital Projection offers a spectacular visual immersion to visitors to Dubai City Walk28 March 2017 This new shopping center of the Arab emirate has 34 projectors of the Titan range of this manufacturer, that form the visual backbone of the facility, while combining ...
Iwall in Shop brings little ones closer to Ben's world 10 through gestural interaction and augmented reality28 March 2017 Together with Mediaset Spain they have created an engagement experience that uses motion detection and hyperdirectional sound emission so that young people can imitate the ...
Sharp brings interactive technology to small spaces with the PN-L401C display28 March 2017 Este equipo viene a ampliar la línea Aquos Board combinando un diseño compacto con avanzadas funcionales multitáctiles y de conectividad. Una solución que mejora la visualización en entornos de digital ...
Axiomtek expands its line of Full HD multi-touch panels with a 21.5" model for digital signage27 March 2017 Diseñada sin ventilador y con el procesador Intel Pentium N3710, el GOT3217WL-845-PCT presentan una pantalla TFT multitáctil capacitiva de 10 toques con resolución Full HD y un brillo de 250 ...
Christie improves Pandoras Box with the development of Octo Server to offer up to eight outputs27 March 2017 Prolight+Sound 2017, to be held from the 4 to the 7 April in the German city of Frankfurt, It is the framework chosen by the manufacturer to present this new hardware, that offers ...
Iiyama presents two ranges of touch screens with PCAP technology for digital signage27 March 2017 The new series 38, formed by the screen of 27 inch TF2738MSC-B1 and Series 34, composed of five IPS Led models of 21,5 Inch, incorporate projected capacitive touch technology ...
JR Simplot's Experience Center Encourages Creativity and Innovation from its Nixel Curved Screen24 March 2017 Este soporte digital de 360 grados ha sido diseñado para ser integrado en una columna de hormigón ubicada en el centro de la sala, que se encuentra conectado a tres iPads, ...
Impactmedia incorporates to its circuit of digital signage a new interactive support24 March 2017 Augmented reality, el marketing sensorial o el conteo de personas son algunas de las funcionalidades que incluye el nuevo modelo que ya ha sido instalado en ocho centros comerciales ...
Matrox introduces its new Maevex encoder 6150 for 4K streaming and recording23 March 2017 La compañía mostrará las potentes capacidades de esta tarjeta codificadora PCI Express, que forma parte de su serie 6100 Quad bike, para aplicaciones de digital signage y comunicaciones digitales en empresas ...
Navori QL 2.0 responds to the challenges and growth of the digital signage market23 March 2017 The new version of this digital signage software offers a completely redesigned user interface, support for 34 languages and a very robust structure for out-of-home networks. This update, ...