Panasonic presents its mobile marketing proposal: SF1H displays and LinkRay technology22 March 2017 La nueva serie de pantallas LCD de alta resolución, available in formats of 42, 49 and 55", incluyen la plataforma LinkRay, que permite la transmisión de datos a través de ...
IoT technology will revolutionize the retail market according to a report by Zebra Technologies22 March 2017 El estudio '2017 Retail Vision Study' pone de relieve cómo la tecnología inteligente permitirá a las tiendas capturar más datos, conseguir una mayor precisión e información del cliente y, de esta ...
The Park Place shopping center installs a digital signage solution adapted to the weather of Canada21 March 2017 En la zona exterior se ha instalado un videowall de 2x2 configurado con paneles LCD de 55 pulgadas de DynaScan y se ha introducido dentro de una estructura que la ...
"Our advantage is that we are engineers and respond directly to customer needs", Luis Rafael Villafañe de Maler21 March 2017 Their time at the Amsterdam fair has allowed them to share with visitors their ten years of experience in the sector and the opportunity to present their most recent ...
Omnichannel technologies revolutionize the way banks communicate with their customers21 March 2017 Beabloo explains in this article the benefits of digital signage technology to financial institutions, allowing you to optimize and create value in communications with your customers and ...
Eyevis goes to Prolight+Sound 2017 with its most innovative 4K LCD videowalls20 March 2017 Entre las soluciones que podrán verse en su stand se encuentra un videowall de 2x2 diseñado con módulos Led ePanel-S y otro con las pantallas ESN-Series. También podrá verse la ...
Philips partners with SignStix to offer a comprehensive digital signage solution20 March 2017 From the SignStix Digital Engagement Platform, embedded in the D-Line range of screens, You can control content creation and campaign management, as well as perform ...
Panasonic XC-CSG01G: High contrast glass projection as an alternative in digital signage17 March 2017 Disponible en el mercado a partir del próximo 22 March, el fabricante ha desarrollado esta pantalla transparente para su aplicación en escaparates en retail, Hotels, Museums, Etc. as a ...
Sharp PN-LE901: large format LCD screen for digital signage applications17 March 2017 With Full HD resolution, a dynamic contrast ratio of 4.000.000:1, Built-in speakers and tuner, This solution 90 inches is ideal for use in the retail environment, restoration ...
Key areas to promote customer loyalty and increase sales in stores17 March 2017 For Alexandra Frith, customer engagement at Retail Pro International, There are three keys that will boost sales in the retail sector: The beacons, los pasillos sin fin y la inteligencia ...
Exterion Media markets the 116 square meters of the Sambil Outlet shopping center16 March 2017 Mutua Madrid Open estrenará esta espectacular pantalla outdoor, considerada la más grande de España, y que está localizada en una zona de máxima visibilidad con más de 500.000 impactos a ...
"Whatever the size or AV project of the client, the mounting solution is B-Tech", Paul Haggarty16 March 2017 Responding to all the needs of mounting screens and videowall that the customer requires is the premise of the British manufacturer B-Tech, And it has demonstrated this with its innovations in ...
The NBA Store combines online and physical shopping with an interactive digital signage solution15 March 2017 To offer a better shopping experience, it has implemented an O2O strategy based on Beabloo technology that has installed a touch digital totem in one of the stores ...
"What sets Peerless products apart is their speed of assembly and easy maintenance", Gordon Dutch14 March 2017 Rapidity, simplicity and a clear commitment to Led technology have been key elements that have been seen in the solutions that the company has recently presented at ISE ...
Cloudera and Shoppermotion transform retail by analyzing consumer behavior14 March 2017 La empresa española ha creado un sistema de mapeo en tiempo real que permite a los establecimientos saber cómo y en qué emplean su tiempo sus clientes. Para ello se ...
NEC shows in PTE 2017 how Led technology improves the passenger experience13 March 2017 En su stand se ofrecerá un recorrido por el aeropuerto de próxima generación con aplicaciones diseñadas específicamente para cada necesidad. Los asistentes aprenderán cómo las soluciones FIDS basadas en cloud ...
Spanish investment in digital signage will grow in 9,1% This year, according to DBCI13 March 2017 The zenith Vigía agency foresees a very positive increase in investment in digital signage in the Spanish market, the second largest after mobile advertising, What ...
Planar y Leyard amplían su línea para videowall Clarity Matrix con modelos de bisel ultra estrecho10 March 2017 Las nuevas pantallas LCD MX46HDX y LX55HDX presentan un bisel de 1,7 Mm. proporcionando configuraciones casi sin fisuras con un color y brillo uniforme en todo el videowall. Planar y Leyard ...
Maxipizza modernizes its signage system with a Digital Menu Board solution10 March 2017 La nueva solución de digital signage, basado en el concepto iMenu.TV de Dj3 Networks, se ha instalado en el local ubicado en el centro canario de Siete Palmas y está ...
VIA Technologies acelera el despliegue de proyectos IoT para cartelería10 March 2017 La tarjeta VIA SOM-6X50 ayuda en el despliegue de aplicaciones de ticketing, cartelería y kioscos, optimizando el diseño y construcción de las pantallas utilizadas en sistemas de información automatizados y ...