Neuromobile Output: Indoor location engine for retail environments24 June 2016 Además de funcionar como una herramienta de marketing para utilizar en tiendas y centros comerciales, también aporta ventajas tanto a los consumidores, ya que al enviar publicidad, segmentada, en función ...
IAB Spain renews its board of directors for the next two years24 June 2016 The general assembly of members has elected Beatriz Medina, by A3 Media, and Angel Nebot, by Smartclip, As new president and vice president, respectively of this entity. The association of the ...
B-Tech presents its new range of kiosks for screens of 27 to 98 Inch23 June 2016 El certamen European Digital Signage Summit, que hoy ha abierto sus puertas en la ciudad alemana de Munich y uno de los referentes en digital signage y DooH, has been ...
Internet Kiosks continues to bet on digital signage with the IKSignage 22T23 June 2016 It is a new concept of terminal designed with an all-in-one barebone system that integrates into a touch screen of 21,5 inches with Full HD LED technology ...
Daktronics provides its visual technology Led to offer the best image during the UEFA Euro 201622 June 2016 Dos pantallas Led gigantes de 70 metros cuadrados de este fabricante, instaladas en el estadio Matmut Atlántico de Burdeos, ofrecen a los aficionados del estadio una experiencia visual más cercana ...
The largest telecommunications company in Lithuania bets on digital signage22 June 2016 Para esta red de señalización digital, made up of 4 videowall de Samsung y pantallas táctiles de 65 Inch, se ha utilizado el software basado en la nube de Signagelive. one ...
Nuvelar develops its new cloud management platform for digital signage22 June 2016 With a complete design of its interface, This new cloud-based digital platform allows you to manage, Combine and send content, both static and dynamic, a diferentes dispositivos desde un ...
Signes discusses the benefits of wayfinding in interactive digital signage projects17 June 2016 More and more elements are involved in the use of digital signage, as well as the components of a network in such projects. Este fabricante e ...
Daktronics develops an outdoor Led screen of 1,9 mm pixel pich16 June 2016 During your participation in InfoComm 2016, the North American manufacturer has presented its new ultra high resolution outdoor Led screen, with a pixel pich of 1,9 Mm, and the advantages ...
Ingram Micro shows its commitment to Collaboration and Led Technology in the fourth edition of IMagine Event16 June 2016 During the day yesterday, the wholesaler brought together the channel to show in practical scenarios the solutions most demanded by the market. In addition, took the opportunity to present the new ...
super 8, the new DooH brand of cinematographic exhibition, events and culture in the Gran Vía axis of Madrid15 June 2016 A new brand to offer 360º experiences in cinema, Digital Advertising Out of Home, event production and culture define the proposal of the City Lights team, now Super ...
Elo Series 90: touch monitors for interactive kiosk applications14 June 2016 Esta gama se compone de 12 modelos open frame, con tamaños de pantalla que van de 10,1 to 27 Inch, y formato tradicional y panorámico. Construidos con tecnología PCAP 2GS, ...
Maverick markets the new version of the Vision FreeSpace meeting room management system14 June 2016 This review includes a Dongle, that allows you to take advantage of existing room management systems with traditional digital signage screens, actuando como central de control y permitiendo su ubicación en la ...
NEC Display offers up to twelve touch points on its interactive screens with ShadowSense technology14 June 2016 Las pantallas de gran formato de las series E, P y XUHD de este fabricante integran tecnología táctil ShadowSense mejorada para fomentar la colaboración y productividad en entornos empresariales, retail ...
ViewSonic incorpora BestWave DisplayIt!Xpress a su oferta de digital signage13 June 2016 Esta asociación le permite ofrecer soluciones de hardware y software para satisfacer cualquier necesidad de cartelería digital en entornos como el transporte, retail, Hotel, salud o educación. El software ofrece una ...
Planar and Leyard introduce a solo bezel 1,6 mm and 3D visualization in its clarity matrix videowall range10 June 2016 InfoComm 2016, which ends its edition today in Las Vegas, has been the event chosen by the manufacturers to show two new models of their Clarity Matrix series, uno con ...
Christie unveils its new tools for large-scale visual experiences at InfoComm 20169 June 2016 Mystique es el último desarrollo que la multinacional ha anticipado en este certamen para ofrecer experiencias de gran escala, que incluyen software, hardware y servicios, para dar respuesta a la ...
The Isla de la Cartuja Scientific Research Centre optimises its AV infrastructure with Vitelsa8 June 2016 El equipamiento audiovisual proporcionado para el salón de actos, la sala de reuniones, la de control y las aulas de formación permite a los equipos multidisciplinares del CSIC y la ...
Panasonic shows in InfoComm its new series of EF1 screens in 75 and 84"8 June 2016 Alta calidad de imagen y rendimiento y funcionalidad autónoma, con un elegante panel IPS para adaptarse a cualquier entorno, caracterizan a esta nueva serie de pantallas que, gracias a integrar ...
Comm-Tec organizes three Training Days of Watchout v6 in Spain and Portugal7 June 2016 Las ciudades de Lisboa, Madrid y Sevilla acogerán desde el próximo 27 de junio tres jornadas formativas de la versión 6 del sistema de presentación multipantalla Watchout de Dataton, organizadas ...