Televes provides eight hundred AV and information points to the Shangri-La Hotel in Doha31 March 2016 La gama de soluciones a través de fibra óptica (FibreData) y cable coaxial (CoaxData) para el despliegue de servicios audiovisuales adaptados al sector hotelero de esta multinacional española han sido ... TV: Dooh platform that puts television at the service of bars31 March 2016 Promocionar el negocio, obtener ingresos adicionales con la publicidad de terceros o disponer de WiFi inteligente para tener acceso a análisis y Big Data para conocer mejor a los clientes ...
Christie bets on Prolight + Sound 2016 with its new projection and visualization solutions29 March 2016 Quienes visiten el stand de Christie en la feria Prolight+Sound 2016, of the 5 to the 8 April in the German city of Frankfurt, tendrán la oportunidad de conocer en detalle ...
Carrefour expands its comprehensive digital retail project with the installation of a new video wall29 March 2016 The French distribution company continues to be committed to the installation of digital visual solutions at its points of sale, that are part of the digital signage project in the ...
Exterity ArtioSign and e5640 4K: high performance professional solutions for digital signage and AV29 March 2016 La solución para señalización digital ArtioSign proporciona control centralizado sobre las pantallas, capacidad para programar contenidos para audiencias específicas y un servicio de mensajería para dar prioridad sobre la información mostrada. ...
Canon responds to the audiovisual market with the LX-MU800Z and LX-MU600Z laser projectors29 March 2016 Capaces de proyectar con una luminosidad de 8.000 and 6.800 Lumens, ofrecen una resolución de 1.920x1.200 y proporcionan hasta 20.000 hours of operation. In addition, estos equipos carecen de filtros, Incorporate ...
Diez tótems con realidad aumentada evocan cómo era Santander antes del incendio de 194128 March 2016 La ruta del Incendio es la nueva propuesta turística que se ha puesto en marcha en la ciudad para mostrar a los visitantes cómo era la urbe antes y después ...
Illy transmits the quality of his coffee through a great videowall in his store on Regent Street23 March 2016 The emblematic Italian coffee shop in London's Regent Street has transferred this philosophy of quality of its products to display screens with Samsung solutions ...
The transformation of digital signage: trends and developments23 March 2016 Crear experiencias one to one entre la marca y el público objetivo con sistemas visuales interactivos, iBeacons, soluciones de medición de audiencias, como Wi-Fi tracking y cámaras para la identificación ...
Extron TLP Pro 1022M and 1022T: touch screens 10 inches for AV applications23 March 2016 Diseñadas con panel táctil capacitivo, estas soluciones funcionan junto a cualquier procesador de control IP Link Pro de Extron y están diseñadas para su uso en aplicaciones con sistemas AV que ...
Iwall in shop integrates its screens in the renovated Triangle shopping center in Barcelona23 March 2016 The digital signage company, which has six hundred iwalls distributed in fifty shopping centers throughout Spain, It has now added nine screens of 65 inches to this remodeled space ...
The University of Winchester continues to bet on a healthy lifestyle through digital signage22 March 2016 This educational center has installed an interactive touch screen Elo 3201L that serves as a center to inform about the allergens of the meals that integrate into its menus, as well as ...
Westmed Medical Center Improves Patient Experience With Digital Signage21 March 2016 YCD Multimedia y Essentialcom han colaborado en la instalación de sendos videowalls, en la recepción y el pasillo principal, para lo que han utilizado pantallas Led de Samsung y el software ...
Easescreen 9 Offers synchronization to the frame of any number of Media Player18 March 2016 Integración de soluciones de teleconferencia basadas en software y sistemas de audio, así como extensión a cuatro idiomas más son algunas de las numerosas funciones de esta última versión para ...
RCD Espanyol opens Powerpixxel's giant Led display that will display advertising on its facade18 March 2016 Yesterday, the Blue and Whites officially lit up the big screen located on the façade of the Gol Prat of this German manufacturer, which already shows the first advertisements and institutional information, ...
Neo Advertising creates the O division|Neo de intelligent retail with Oriol Tomás as strategy director17 March 2016 The specialist in digital signage and digital communication has created O|Neo, a division that will be promoted by Oriol Tomás as director of strategy and in which digital technologies are combined, communication ...
Dataton strengthens its presence in Iberia with Comm-Tec17 March 2016 After the signing of the agreement, Comm-Tec to distribute Dataton's AV solutions, entre las que destacan su sistema de presentación multipantalla Watchout y los reproductores multimedia de estado sólido Watchpax ...
TD Maverick Extends Three-Year Av Product Warranty17 March 2016 With this initiative, el mayorista busca incrementar la flexibilidad para el canal y la protección de los usuarios finales en el mercado ibérico. In addition, espera seguir creciendo al ritmo que ...
Clear Channel manages the digital signage media of Madrid17 March 2016 Madrid busca convertirse en una Smart City de referencia en el mundo y, for that purpose, va a modernizar su mobiliario urbano con 300 screens and 350 puntos WiFi. These supports ...
The countdown of La Hora del Planeta starts in the videowalls of Spanish train stations15 March 2016 WWF Earth Hour, that will take place around the world next 19 March, It has started the 'countdown' to the blackout in the seven videowall ...