"In LG we bet on the channel to offer a quality digital signage to the customer", Pablo Gomez, B2B display4 March 2016 Provide a high quality visual solution in any business environment is the maximum of developments in professional digital signage screens (4K, outside, Windows, Etc) of the ...
ETH Zurich University renews its digital signage network with 120 BrightSign players4 March 2016 El campus tiene instaladas un gran número de pantallas de NEC y Samsung, así como proyectores de Panasonic. Los media player XD1030 y XD1032 de BrightSign se encargan de proporcionar ...
Santalucía extends its digital signage channel with a new content strategy4 March 2016 La aseguradora en protección familiar cuenta con una nueva pantalla de digital signage, como parte de la solución desarrollada por Neo Advertising, instalada en un atípico videowall situado en su ...
NEC will fly for Led technology and digital surfaces at the PTE fair 20164 March 2016 Acudirá al congreso Passenger Terminal Expo para mostrar sus aplicaciones dirigidas a las diferentes fases de la experiencia aeroportuaria, con pantallas que muestran la información sobre los vuelos, señalética interactiva, ...
"With our complete portfolio we respond to the needs of any type of audiovisual application", Christian Orcin de Leyard3 March 2016 Tras la adquisición de Planar, la compañía dispone de un amplio portfolio con el que dar respuesta a cualquier tipo de aplicación audiovisual. Como explica Christian Orcin, VP of Sales EMEA de ...
Pyramid Computer develops new interactive IoT modules for your retail application3 March 2016 The German specialist has expanded its all-in-one polytouch systems with new IoT smart modules, Integrated in innovative vending machines that facilitate not only the check-out process and ...
Navori optimizes content flow in large digital signage deployments3 March 2016 The new modules Navori has added to its QL software, Load Balancing, Failover and CDN, facilitate the distribution of content in digital signage networks that integrate a large ...
Daktronics designs its first large-format curved Led screen for a shopping center2 March 2016 La comunicación digital ha tomado un nuevo giro en un importante centro comercial de California con la instalación de una gran pantalla de vídeo Led curva, que rodea un ascensor ...
"The differential of Tripleplay is to cover with a solution all the needs of the client in digital signage", Carlos Amorós1 March 2016 The IPTV Solution Provider, cartelería digital y vídeo streaming ha dejado patente en la reciente edición 2016 of ISE the differential elements of its solutions, software-based, What ...
Panasonic desarrolla displays Led con la función de transmisión Light ID para digital signage1 March 2016 Esta nueva tecnología del fabricante permite compartir contenido de forma sencilla y a gran velocidad para fines informativos, entertainment, guía y publicidad con pantallas con tecnología Led. Panasonic Light ID, presentada ...
Unilumin Utile‐2 joins Sono's portfolio of Led screens for ephemeral installations1 March 2016 Dotada con la tecnología Led SMD, a luminosity of 1.200 nits y una distancia entre píxeles de 2,6 Mm, la pantalla Unilumin Utile‐2 es idónea para utilizar en eventos y ...
Artixium makes clear the rapid evolution of its Led systems during ISE 201629 February 2016 ‘Evolución (Evolution)’ ha sido el slogan escogido por este fabricante de pantallas Led durante su participación en ISE 2016, cuyos responsables califican de “éxito”, para mostrar el crecimiento logrado en ...
"ISE has allowed us to talk to our partners and create business for next year", Joan Aixa, director TD Maverick Iberia29 February 2016 TD Maverick, división AV profesional de Tech Data, acudió a la feria de Ámsterdam para compartir experiencias con sus partners, pero sobre todo, para hablar de negocio y de la estrategia ...
Eikonos helped to capture the attention of the visitor who came to the MWC 2016 with AV solutions29 February 2016 With a traditional style, where the brand image was reinforced, the NEC Corporatión stand at MWC 2016 had the participation of Eikonos for its assembly and ...
Sharp at ISE 2016: High-performance visual innovation and system convergence26 February 2016 Referente en el desarrollo de paneles de gran formato y sistemas interactivos, el fabricante ha dejado su impronta en I+D en ISE 2016 con la presentación del primer monitor comercial de ...
Quanmax Keex-1850 and QBOX-2080: Braswell embedded systems for medical applications and digital signage25 February 2016 Quanmax's 3.5" ECX motherboard and fanless Box PC are designed with Intel Braswell processors for high graphics performance and efficiency in ...
Peerless AV: a winning company with its new AV assemblies in ISE 201625 February 2016 With a clear objective: "to be the number one supplier of AV mounting solutions and to become the preferred partner of installers, distributors and manufacturers in Europe", the Director General ...
Seeketing attends the 4YFN in Barcelona to show its marketing intelligence solution25 February 2016 The objective of this tool is to connect the behavior of online users and offline visitors who walk through airports., shopping malls, Large retailers, smart cities and networks ...
HD2700D Videotel Player for Interactive Signage Applications24 February 2016 Una unidad combo de grado industrial diseñada para funcionar 24x7 de forma automática, tanto a la hora de encenderse como en la programación de contenidos y que visualiza contenido digital ...
The Barceló Sants hotel installs a spectacular 4K video wall to showcase its services and events24 February 2016 The wholesaler Caverin Solutions, together with your business partner Soluciones, Systems and Equipment, have supplied and installed this four-star Barcelona hotel a spectacular videowall, composed of twenty ...