Daktronics muestra en Ámsterdam las ventajas de la tecnología UHD9 February 2016 Su stand es un escaparate con los últimos desarrollos de la compañía en pantallas Led utilizando la tecnología de ultra alta definición. En él se han recreado diferentes escenarios que ...
Ise 2016: dnp shows the evolution of optical visual systems with 100" LaserPanels9 February 2016 Definida por el fabricante danés como “el siguiente paso en la evolución de las pantallas planas y paneles ópticos láser”, la presencia en ISE 2016 de su nueva solución LaserPanels ...
Navori presents the second generation of the Android media player for digital signage9 February 2016 The player for digital signage, compatible with native Android, Navori QL Stix 3500, integrates scalable storage options (until 32 GB) and support for 4K content, while reducing ...
HDR content playback, BrightSign's big bet on ISE 20169 February 2016 Rated as the next level in the visual systems industry after 4K, esta compañía realiza demostraciones en el certamen con esta tecnología con sus nuevos reproductores para digital ...
Harman offers at ISE 2016 an immersive experience through the integration of your brands9 February 2016 An immersive world in 4K resolution around your professional audio solutions, system control, audiovisual transmission, lighting applied to a club, hotel, boardroom, Hotels, ...
Ise 2016 opens its doors to AV-IT integration in the longest-running edition in its history9 February 2016 All access doors to the Amsterdam RAI Center have opened their doors to the 10 from the morning to the thousands of professionals who want to make the most of the four ...
Deneva software manages digital systems in Latin American shopping malls8 February 2016 Developed by the Spanish Icon Multimedia, This CMS for the management and reproduction of digital signage content is integrated into totems and screens of two important commercial spaces of ...
Fractalia integrates the concept of creative engineering in two centers in Peru8 February 2016 A través de su división Smart Projects, Fractalia ha implementado el concepto de ingeniería creativa, fusionado con la cartelería digital, en los proyectos que ha realizado en Lima para el ...
The ISE Special 2016 of Digital AV Magazine is already underway8 February 2016 To provide comprehensive news coverage of everything that happens at Integrated Systems Europe, the Digital AV Magazine team will travel to Amsterdam and, with sponsorship ...
Honolulu Airport reports flights from two large-format LED screens3 February 2016 En la terminal de Interisland se han instalado dos pantallas NanoSlim, with a pixel pitch of 6 mm y unas dimensiones de 44,65x7,28 pulgadas. Unos equipos que son utilizados para informar ...
Ingram Micro to recreate two university scenarios at ISE 20163 February 2016 Un aula interactiva y una cafetería universitaria serán dos de los principales escenarios que podrán verse en el stand que Ingram Micro tendrá en ISE 2016 para mostrar su amplio ...
LED&Go develops a widescreen in the elevator of the Splau shopping center2 February 2016 A spectacular Led screen of 25 square meters and pixel pitch of 5 mm now occupies the entire face of the panoramic elevator of the Splau shopping center, In the municipality of Barcelona ...
B-Tech will boost its participation in ISE 2016 with mounting solutions for Led panels2 February 2016 Av mounting solutions provider attends for the eleventh consecutive time, on this occasion with the largest stand of all its participation, so that professionals can know the ...
Userful 8.5: 6K multi-source video wall controller with support for 60 Screens1 February 2016 Userful revolutionizes the AV industry with a multi-source videowall controller that is capable of delivering 6K content in real time over a standard Ethernet network and allows, ...
The walls display Led present a bright future: Benefits and advantages1 February 2016 The Led display wall has proven to be a very effective means to transmit messages or entertainment to large groups of people. but, How does it work??, What key strengths and advantages ...
Elo extends its Android solution for digital signage to screens of 32 to 70 Inch29 January 2016 As an all-in-one solution, for both hardware management and content delivery, the new Android ECM module for digital signage of the company offers a platform ...
Revlon reinforces its brand image with Led display supports28 January 2016 Colaborando con la empresa Planta 18, LED&Go ha instalado dos pantallas de interior, de dos metros cuadrados, en el centro comercial de Xanadú en Madrid, y otras dos, de un metro ...
Ingram Micro cites the channel to attend the Symposium in November 201628 January 2016 Ingram Micro ya ha adelantado las fechas del Simposium que realiza anualmente para compartir una jornada de nertworking y negocios con el canal. La cita está prevista para el 3 ...
Peerless-AV llenará de ‘soluciones ganadoras’ su participación en ISE 201627 January 2016 El fabricante audiovisual acude de nuevo a este certamen con un lema claro: ‘Únete al equipo ganador con Peerless-AV’, con un espacio expositivo diseñado como un estadio de fútbol, in ...
Zenith Watcher: advertising investment in digital signage in Spain will grow by 12,2%27 January 2016 Las previsiones de este panel, compuesto por directivos de medios de comunicación, son positivas para el presente año, principalmente en el entorno de móviles, con un crecimiento estimado del 14%, ...