The ISE Special 2016 of Digital AV Magazine is already underway8 February 2016 To provide comprehensive news coverage of everything that happens at Integrated Systems Europe, the Digital AV Magazine team will travel to Amsterdam and, with sponsorship ...
Honolulu Airport reports flights from two large-format LED screens3 February 2016 En la terminal de Interisland se han instalado dos pantallas NanoSlim, with a pixel pitch of 6 mm y unas dimensiones de 44,65x7,28 pulgadas. Unos equipos que son utilizados para informar ...
Ingram Micro to recreate two university scenarios at ISE 20163 February 2016 Un aula interactiva y una cafetería universitaria serán dos de los principales escenarios que podrán verse en el stand que Ingram Micro tendrá en ISE 2016 para mostrar su amplio ...
LED&Go develops a widescreen in the elevator of the Splau shopping center2 February 2016 A spectacular Led screen of 25 square meters and pixel pitch of 5 mm now occupies the entire face of the panoramic elevator of the Splau shopping center, In the municipality of Barcelona ...
B-Tech will boost its participation in ISE 2016 with mounting solutions for Led panels2 February 2016 Av mounting solutions provider attends for the eleventh consecutive time, on this occasion with the largest stand of all its participation, so that professionals can know the ...
Userful 8.5: 6K multi-source video wall controller with support for 60 Screens1 February 2016 Userful revolutionizes the AV industry with a multi-source videowall controller that is capable of delivering 6K content in real time over a standard Ethernet network and allows, ...
The walls display Led present a bright future: Benefits and advantages1 February 2016 The Led display wall has proven to be a very effective means to transmit messages or entertainment to large groups of people. but, How does it work??, What key strengths and advantages ...
Elo extends its Android solution for digital signage to screens of 32 to 70 Inch29 January 2016 As an all-in-one solution, for both hardware management and content delivery, the new Android ECM module for digital signage of the company offers a platform ...
Revlon reinforces its brand image with Led display supports28 January 2016 Colaborando con la empresa Planta 18, LED&Go ha instalado dos pantallas de interior, de dos metros cuadrados, en el centro comercial de Xanadú en Madrid, y otras dos, de un metro ...
Ingram Micro cites the channel to attend the Symposium in November 201628 January 2016 Ingram Micro ya ha adelantado las fechas del Simposium que realiza anualmente para compartir una jornada de nertworking y negocios con el canal. La cita está prevista para el 3 ...
Peerless-AV llenará de ‘soluciones ganadoras’ su participación en ISE 201627 January 2016 El fabricante audiovisual acude de nuevo a este certamen con un lema claro: ‘Únete al equipo ganador con Peerless-AV’, con un espacio expositivo diseñado como un estadio de fútbol, in ...
Zenith Watcher: advertising investment in digital signage in Spain will grow by 12,2%27 January 2016 Las previsiones de este panel, compuesto por directivos de medios de comunicación, son positivas para el presente año, principalmente en el entorno de móviles, con un crecimiento estimado del 14%, ...
NEC Display will show at ISE 2016 its Led LiFT display solutions26 January 2016 Fruto de su colaboración con el fabricante alemán Squadrat, NEC Display ha ampliado su línea de pantallas Led desarrolladas con la tecnología Led intelligent Front, que incluyen tarjetas gráficas intercambiables ...
Macroservice presents SolView's range of open frame monitors for digital signage26 January 2016 With sizes of 8,4 until 32 pulgadas y chasis open frame, estos sistemas se pueden integrar en kioscos y tótems en exteriores, digital signage, equipos de toma de datos, Machines ...
HP RP9 Retail System secures transactions at the point of sale26 January 2016 La tecnología de Protección de Datos de Intel, que incorpora el dispositivo HP RP9 Retail System, asegura que la información personal del consumidor esté protegida desde el mismo momento en ...
Beabloo and Moca show how digital and proximity marketing help the sports retail market26 January 2016 Durante su asistencia a ISPO 2016, Beabloo está mostrando cómo su solución omnicanal mejora el impacto de las estrategias de marketing en el retail deportivo; mientras que Moca Platform está ...
Panasonic provides the fans of the Arena da Baixada with a digital signage system visible throughout the stadium25 January 2016 Called Digital Media Center, It is the first digital signage system in Brazil that offers fans of Club Atlético Paranaense complete visibility from anywhere in the ...
Barclaycard Center Madrid entrusts Musicam with the visual atmosphere with large format screens25 January 2016 The customer experience specialist has been responsible for the installation of twelve screens, in formats of 55 and 75", that this multipurpose enclosure in Madrid (former Palace of the ...
Beabloo quiere revolucionar tecnológicamente el punto de venta en ISE 201622 January 2016 Este especialista en combinar marketing digital multicanal y big data en retail reproducirá al detalle en su stand una tienda de moda para que los visitantes puedan ver, conocer y ...
Carrefour introduces digital signage at points of sale to optimize communication with customers22 January 2016 Hand in hand with Neo Advertising, Carrefour has launched a digital signage project, installing interactive screens and kiosks at the points of sale that it has along ...