Movistar implements Zytronic's multi-touch projected capacitive technology in its stores in Latam17 November 2015 Con objeto de ofrecer una experiencia más interactiva a sus clientes, Movistar ha instalado en sus tiendas de Sudamérica una solución de visualización, integrada por pantallas táctiles y kioscos informativos. ...
Christie Acquires Allure Global Solutions to Boost Presence in DooH Vertical Markets17 November 2015 La multinacional audiovisual ha anunciado la adquisición de todos los activos, productos y servicios de esta firma de cartelería digital con sede en Atlanta (United States), que a partir de ...
Elo Touch y Vya Systems integran soluciones de digital signage omnicanal para retail16 November 2015 Ambas empresas han integrado las pantallas táctiles I-Serie de la primera y el software de gestión de recursos de marketing de la segunda para ofrecer a los minoristas mayor flexibilidad y control ...
AOpen Google Chrome solutions arrive in Spain from the hand of Charmex13 November 2015 Entre los productos de AOpen que Charmex distribuirá en el mercado español se encuentran las soluciones de cartelería digital Google Chrome, que incluyen el reproductor multimedia Chromebox Commercial y la ...
Sure International optimizes its digital signage infrastructure with Matrox C68012 November 2015 A videowall, composed of 6 monitores Philips de 46 Inch, rodean una de las tiendas de Sure en Reino Unido para ofrecer una inmersiva experiencia de compra a los clientes. this ...
The Riu Plaza Berlin hotel opens its doors with a strong commitment to digital signage12 November 2015 IP+D se ha encargado de suministrar e instalar el equipamiento audiovisual del nuevo establecimiento abierto en la capital germana por la cadena hotelera Riu que integra tótems digitales Retual, Screens ...
Think&Make and Led&Go elevates advertising to the highest creative level with Triton11 November 2015 Triton is a triangular-based outdoor advertising solution, developed by Think&Make and Led&go, that allows the playback of high-resolution videos, with a high brightness on one side, ...
Toshiba screens fostered a new visual experience at the Rugby World Cup 201510 November 2015 As a supplier of the Rugby World Cup 2015, recently held in England and Wales, The Japanese multinational has installed 161 Your TD-E Series displays in multiple locations ...
Optoma ProScene ZU650: projector for audiovisual installations and digital signage10 November 2015 The WUXGA projector from 6.000 Optoma lumens ZU650 is designed with laser phosphor technology and allows up to 20.000 hours of service life, What makes it ideal ...
Wavetec Donatello Line: digital signage to turn retail environments into profitable spaces10 November 2015 This new plug and play line of interactive digital merchandising screens allow you to involve customers in the service area and improve your experience in the establishment, Like this ...
Polytouch 55 4K, a multi-touch 'all-in-one' with UHD display10 November 2015 Designed for interactive digital signage applications, as well as infotainment terminals, the UHD Polytouch multi-touch screen 55 4K of Pyramid Computer is offered in two versions: how ...
Deneva manages the circular screens of the Fontanar shopping center in Colombia9 November 2015 In the Fontanar shopping center in Colombia, two display systems with 4K resolution have been installed that are managed with the Deneva digital signage solution. The first is a ...
Samsung and Blackdove merge art with digital signage and take it to shops6 November 2015 Blackdove Digital Canvas is a project that is based on Samsung's digital signage platform and uses its screens 48 and 55 inches to show the ...
Userful and WG Electronics join their technologies to create transparent large-format videowalls6 November 2015 In order to revolutionize the way advertising is displayed in the retail market, Userful has joined its Network Video Wall solution to the display technology of ...
NEC Display develops two 55" screens with S-IPS panel for videowall configuration5 November 2015 The MultiSync X555UNS and X555UNV large format models, designed for digital advertising with an impact on the shopping experience and DooH applications, join the proposal of solutions ...
Virtualware transforms the tourist office of the City of Calonge into an interactive space4 November 2015 This consistory of the province of Girona has selected this technology company to develop an interactive solution in the tourist office of this town of Girona, based on ...
Neo Advertising analyzes the role of digital signage in corporate communication4 November 2015 The specialist in digital signage and digital communication has started the publication of 'Neo View: White papers', A series of specialized articles on this subject for professionals, that in its ...
Con Matrox Maevex, el metro de Oslo gestiona los contenidos de su red de digital signage3 November 2015 Los codificadores y decodificadores Matrox Maevex H.264 resuelven los problemas para controlar y transmitir los contenidos en HD de la red de señalizacion digital del metro de Oslo. The installation ...
DooH digital supports at the service of jobless youth to find work3 November 2015 Fundación Telefónica's campaign 'Including them depends on everyone' has the selfless collaboration of Clear Channel, which has made available a circuit of digital and touch screens ...
JCDecaux buys Outfront Media's Latin America business3 November 2015 With a cost of 82 millions of dollars, JCDecaux Latin America/Corameq has reached an agreement to acquire the Outfront Media business in Latin America, which will allow you to strengthen your ...