Ecuador offers a complete sensory experience at Expo Milan with TMTFactory2 June 2015 The pavilion that Ecuador has at Expo Milan 2015 offers a sensory experience where visitors can feel and perceive the culture and traditions of the country through ...
'The Experience' promotes leisure and training with digital signage and IPTV from Tripleplay2 June 2015 A digital signage system, supported by Samsung displays, and a Tripleplay IPTV channel to provide informative content and live television has been the bet made by ...
IP+D and Viggo Hotel TV join to boost the Spanish hotel industry with AV technology1 June 2015 Viggo Hotel TV solutions join with IP+D to offer tools that increase the attention and comfort of hospitality customers. The Spanish company IP+D Hospitality ...
AMD at the heart of New York's biggest screen, in Times Square29 May 2015 AMD technology is behind one of the largest and most technologically advanced screens in the world in Times Square. To offer UHD resolution in this ...
Experts from the AV industry discuss UHD and HDBaseT networks in digital signage and digital signage29 May 2015 In the visual and interactive framework of the new Demo Room that NEC Display has in Madrid, this manufacturer has organized, in collaboration with Digital AV Magazine, a series of ...
Pharmaceuticals adds to Qmatic's customer waiting management28 May 2015 Qmatic's Solo system, equipped with touch screen dispenser, monitors and statistics software, has improved both the customer experience and the management of SantaCruz Pharmacy, ...
Charmex organizes in Valencia a training event to show the most innovative AV solutions27 May 2015 En el evento formativo orientado al canal que Charmex ha organizado para los próximos 3 and 4 de junio en Valencia, se pondrá de relieve las últimas tendencias tecnológicas en ...
Large format displays with NEC Display ShawdowSense multi-touch technology27 May 2015 La compañía ha mejorado la interactividad en sus nuevas pantallas multitáctiles de gran formato E705 SST y la E805 SST, que combinadas con pizarras interactivas cubren las necesidades tecnológicas educativas ...
Digital signage takes 32 million euros of digital advertising investment in 201427 May 2015 La inversión en publicidad en digital signage en España alcanzó los 32 million euros last year, tal y como recoge el Estudio de inversión en publicidad digital 2014, ...
La Pedrera de Gaudí receives its visitors with a digital totem formed by four Led and LCD screens26 May 2015 Casa Milá or 'La Pedrera', the emblematic modernist building in Barcelona built by Gaudí, features an innovative digital totem pole, composed of four digital screens from Leddream, that informs and surprises ...
Planar develops a video-calculator to design the best videowall configuration of DirectLight Led26 May 2015 El fabricante tiene disponible esta herramienta online gratuita para clientes e instaladores que simplifica en rapidez y precisión la simulación de diferentes opciones de videowall, diseño y especificaciones de su ...
SoftBank enters Beabloo's capital with 8 millions of euros26 May 2015 The investment of 10 millions of euros, aportada mayoritariamente por el gigante japonés SoftBank Group, le permitirá a Beabloo seguir centrando sus esfuerzos en I+D y expandir su negocio internacional ...
The digital signage is imposed as outdoor advertising support in Spanish cities25 May 2015 Los centros comerciales, las carreteras, las calles y los medios de transporte son los emplazamientos donde mayor penetración está teniendo la señalización digital multimedia, según el último estudio AIMC Marcas. the ...
Digital signage: a great business opportunity for the channel25 May 2015 The digital signage market is already in a position to assume a leading position in the audiovisual sector, with a combination of information and communication technologies ...
Two new Tensator virtual assistants land at London's Luton Airport22 May 2015 The results provided by the two Tensator virtual assistants installed in 2011 ha hecho que el proyecto se amplíe y se incorporen otros dos con objeto de optimizar aún ...
IMagine Event 2015 consolidates in its third edition the project around proAV integrated solutions22 May 2015 more than 350 profesionales del canal han apoyado la tercera edición de IMagine Event, organizado por las divisiones ProAV y DC/POS del mayorista Ingram Micro, para conocer en detalle escenarios reales ...
Eurostar adds high-speed communication with a digital signage network at its stations22 May 2015 The Eurostar commercial high-speed train service not only connects the cities of London, Brussels and Paris through the Eurotunnel, but it has already begun to do so ...
Digital signage helps Holiday Inn Calgary interact with hotel guests21 May 2015 The Holiday Inn Calgary (Canada) has improved customer service with a digital signage solution that provides real-time flight information, schedule of events, services of the ...
The convergence between digital signage and IoT will boost the market worldwide, according to IDC21 May 2015 El informe de la consultora IDC prevé que la tecnología de digital signage dinamizará el mercado del Internet de las Cosas (Iot), hasta alcanzar un crecimiento en torno al 19% ...
Caverin expands its audiovisual offer with NEC Led solutions20 May 2015 El catálogo de soluciones profesionales de Caverin se ha incrementado con los productos Led de NEC Display, encargándose de su distribución en España. On the other hand, el mayorista también está ...