Screens and digital kiosks offer an interactive 'heartbeat' in the museum dedicated to the heart4 February 2015 Raise awareness and prevent cardiovascular disease visually, interactive and fun for children and adults is the goal of Halle Heart Children' Museum, an installation that fosters through ...
The Tachi Palace hotel installs the largest curved videowall in the United States3 February 2015 With their 243,8 square meters, el videowall del hotel Tachi Palace ha sido diseñado con las pantallas LED NanoCurve de NanoLumens. Una espectacular instalación, that provides 776.704 Pixels, with images ...
Super Bowl XLIX shows off its AV power on Daktronics' new Led display at Phoenix Stadium2 February 2015 The most followed and watched sporting event in the world, the Super Bowl, It has once again been the spectacle that has not disappointed millions of football fans, with the ...
Spectacular video walls capture the attention of visitors at the Fitur stands 201530 January 2015 Large format audiovisual solutions, interactive screens and augmented and virtual reality experiences are some of the technologies that are starring in the 35 edition of Fitur. One more year Fitur ...
Tripleplay unveils in ISE 2015 4K compatibility on its TripleSign Digital Signage platform29 January 2015 The provider of IPTV and digital signage Tripleplay has chosen ISE 2015 as the ideal framework to present the solution developed with the DS81 4K media player from Shuttle for ...
Cube Gen2: avant-garde 3D solution for live events and digital signage29 January 2015 La solución desarrollada por Volanti Display, Cube Gen2, is a 3D cube made up of five high-resolution LCD screens of 21 inches each, Intended for use on tour ...
The People's Party Convention is accompanied by an audiovisual production and videomapping projections29 January 2015 MagicFrames ha realizado la producción audiovisual de la Convención anual del Partido Popular, que ha ofrecido un vídeo Opening, proyecciones de videomapping con animación 3D y dibujos en acuarela sobre ...
Nestlé Venezuela optimiza sus soportes digitales con una red de digital signage28 January 2015 Imvinet proporciona a Nestlé Venezuela su sistema centralizado AOC para la instalación de una red de digital signage que refuerza la comunicación interna y su imagen de marca. The brand of ...
La familia de pantallas PS de Planar amplía su formato hasta las 82 pulgadas con el modelo PS825028 January 2015 Planar Systems sigue apostando por las pantallas de gran formato y ha incorporado a su familia PS el modelo de 82 pulgadas PS8250 y su versión táctil PS8250T. A few teams ...
An advanced AV infrastructure brings the Birthplace of Country Music to life27 January 2015 The cradle of country music has an appointment at the museum that opened its doors last year in the city of Bristol. The Birthplace of Country Music is ...
Versatile and flexible training with digital signage systems, IPTV and streaming as support26 January 2015 Engage students in their learning with the help of new visualization and collaboration technologies, but with a responsible use of them has been the objective of Aston ...
Ise 2015: SpinetiX will offer distributors its new digital signage management service based on cloud26 January 2015 El fabricante suizo de productos de señalización digital SpinetiX presentará en ISE 2015 su nuevo servicio de gestión y monitorización de la base instalada basado en cloud, junto a sus ...
Microsoft creates an experience for customers to interact with the digital signage network of its stores26 January 2015 Microsoft, YCD Multimedia and Synect performed, at the end of December, a digital experience that captivated visitors who flocked to the IT manufacturer's stores. Pictures could be taken ...
Simply Done, AV value program and collaboration with which TD Maverick will activate the channel in ISE 201523 January 2015 TD Maverick, división AV profesional del mayorista Tech Data, participa de nuevo en ISE para mostrar en la edición 2015 sus nuevas herramientas de activación del canal, con el programa ...
A London real estate company is committed to dynamic advertising to strengthen its brand image23 January 2015 En el edificio N1 City Wharf de Londres se ha instalado un videowall de 6x3 compuesto por 9 pantallas Samsung de 55” que muestra contenidos en alta definición y sirve ...
Epson muestra al canal su tecnología de proyección para el mercado de alquiler e instalación22 January 2015 En una jornada, dirigida a mayoristas y clientes, Epson ha puesto de relieve las funcionalidades y características que aportan sus proyectores profesionales para el mercado de alquiler e instalación. Epson organizó ...
A digital signage network optimizes communications at Utrech City Hall22 January 2015 The digital signage project, implemented in the City Council of Utrecht, will be presented at ISE 2015. In this infrastructure, the following have been used 34 large-format LCD screens and the ...
Trilite Trixels: autostereoscopic 3D technology for outdoor digital signage screens22 January 2015 Trixels is the concept, based on laser beams and moving mirrors, desarrollado por la startup austriaca Trilite para hacer efectiva la producción de imágenes 3D al tamaño de una pantalla ...
Videotel to present at DSE 2015 XD players for digital signage22 January 2015 Los modelos VP70XD y VP71XD son los buques insignia de la línea de media players XD para señalización digital de Videotel, que destacan por su durabilidad, fiabilidad y facilidad de uso, ...
Panasonic provides audiovisual equipment to the new building of the Moesgard Museum21 January 2015 En la renovación del museo de arqueología y etnología Moesgard se han instalado más de veinte pantallas de Panasonic, en formatos que van de 55 to 80", y diferentes proyectores DLP ...