Sharp marks its 'technology footprint' at ISE 2015 with a 4K display and a color-calibrated video wall16 December 2014 The PN-H701 Professional Monitor, of 70 inches and 4K technology, and the PN-V551 display, of 55 inches and designed for color-calibrated video wall installation, These are the two great novelties ...
Eljo: Unicol's new range of flat-screen mounts up to 55"16 December 2014 Techex, Spanish wholesaler of professional AV and digital signage solutions, has the new Eljo range available on the Iberian market, Brackets for flat screens up to 55 inches developed by ...
Tres60 Group takes stock of the last quarter of the year: six contests won and 11,2 millions of euros16 December 2014 The last quarter of the year has had a more than positive balance for Tres60 Grupo, that has been awarded 11,2 million euros in content production competitions, services ...
NEC shows at ISE 2015 an innovative visual experience applied to real life15 December 2014 4K UHD applications, Large format LED screens, Skyline projection and the presentation of the first SSL 4K projector are some of the solutions with which NEC Display attends ISE ...
Samsung SSP and Signagelive's cloud software optimize StubHub Center's digital signage network15 December 2014 The StubHub Center has replaced its traditional signage system with a digital signage network developed with the Samsung Smart Platform Signage solution (ssp) and the software based on the ...
I3V promotes digital communication of pharmacies with a videowall in the center of Bilbao12 December 2014 El especialista en proyectos y sistemas de digital signage i3V ha instalado un videowall de 3x3 en una céntrica farmacia de Bilbao, siguiendo la línea de sistemas de visualización digital ...
Arbor Technology's Aslan Panoramic Panels for Digital Signage Installations12 December 2014 Arbor Technology ha desarrollado la línea de paneles PC Aslan, pensados para aplicaciones de señalización digital y automatización industrial. Incorporan pantallas táctiles en formato 16:9. La serie Aslan es una línea ...
NEC inaugurates its first demo room in Spain: A space that exhibits an ecosystem of audiovisual solutions11 December 2014 Pantallas de gran formato con resolución 4K, equipos táctiles e innovadores sistemas de proyección son los principales protagonistas de la sala demo que NEC Display acaba de inaugurar en Madrid. ...
Vitelsa develops AV production at the inauguration of the new OHIM headquarters11 December 2014 The inauguration of the new building of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), based in Alicante, has had the technical capacity of Vitelsa for the installation of the ...
Planar continues to bet on 4K with a multi-touch screen of 98 Inch11 December 2014 La UltraRes 98” Touch es la última propuesta de Planar en sistemas de visualización de ultra alta definición. Una pantalla de gran formato con resolución de 3840 X 2160 which incorporates a ...
Metropolis Digital Media selects BroadSign to deploy five hundred screens in London taxis10 December 2014 El especialista en publicidad dooh en vehículos Metrópolis Digital Media ha elegido la tecnología de BroadSign como plataforma de software basada en ‘la nube’ en el despliegue de quinientas pantallas ...
Keywest develops a six-channel digital signage player with function to control videowalls9 December 2014 Breeze Multi-Head 6 It is a two-in-one system that offers functionalities to operate as a digital signage multimedia player, connected to the cloud to deliver content to displays, ...
MyBank is Telefónica's digital and interactive proposal for the banking sector9 December 2014 Telefónica has created in its Innovation Center the myBank demonstration space, a proposal for bank branches based on digital marketing solutions and whose key components are mobility ...
A large videowall Christie Microtiles receives visitors who tour the LKAB mine9 December 2014 Located north of the Arctic Circle, the Swedish multinational LKAB, specialized in the extraction of iron ore, has installed a huge videowall in the reception of its center ...
ViewSonic develops new Led displays and interactive digital kiosks with six simultaneous touches5 December 2014 The CDP5560-TL and CDP4260-TL screens, of 55 and 42 Inch, respectively, and the EP5012-L and EP5012-TL ePoster digital touch kiosks, of 50 Inch, ViewSonic's latest proposal for ...
The pictorial works of the Rijksmuseum come to life in the Dutch metro thanks to the digital signage5 December 2014 Amsterdam and Rotterdam metro stations became, last March, in 'living' art galleries. KPN, in collaboration with Aopen and CS Digital Media, Installed ...
NEC Display opens a Demo Room to provide added and technological value to customers and partners4 December 2014 The new Demo Room that NEC Display has created in Madrid will serve as a meeting point for partners and customers to discover the company's new products and services. ...
Ise 2015: Sony pushes the boundaries of definition in laser projection and 4K visualization4 December 2014 With an 'imveloping' tour of its exhibition space, Sony offers at ISE 2015 its advances in laser projection and Ultra High Definition visualization (UHD-4K) to explain to professionals how ...
Mahidol University in Bangkok installs a digital signage network to optimize its communications4 December 2014 A digital signage network, based on Cayin's SMP-WEB4 players and CMS-20 server, enables Mahidol University Bangkok to optimize internal communication within the campus ...
IDSI acquires Simulation Displays as part of its strategy in the European AV immersion market4 December 2014 The North American company Inmersive Display Solutions has announced the purchase of its small remaining shareholding in the English company Simulation Displays to undertake turnkey projects of ...