Tripleplay designs a multicampus system of digital signage and IPTV for Robert Gordon University30 October 2014 The centralized management solution based on digital signage and IPTV software Tripleplay has been chosen by Robert Gordon University (Rgu) to service your ...
Quanmax OPS-100, fanless media player with advanced graphics capabilities30 October 2014 Designed to operate with high-resolution displays, Quanmax OPS-100 player is capable of rendering multimedia content with advanced graphics capabilities. The OPS-100 is an OPS media player (Open Pluggable ...
Charmex begins its expansion process in Latin America with activity in Peru and Colombia29 October 2014 Los mercados de Perú y Colombia focalizarán en un primer momento la actividad del mayorista Charmex en América Latina, como parte de su proyecto de expansión en la región, que participará ...
Sharp strengthens the management team to grow in digital signage29 October 2014 Tetsuji Kawamura ha sido nombrado director de Marketing y presidente de Sharp Electronics Europe, mientras que Jun Ashida es el nuevo presidente de la División de Sistemas de Información en ...
UDE goes to Matelec 2014 with the latest audio news for professional installation29 October 2014 The multifunction audio player RM-101 is one of the novelties with which UDE Audio has come to Matelec 2014. likewise, Icon Multimedia is presenting at the stand of its partner ...
Digital signage and 3D mapping technologies take the Cavaliers' court to host LeBron James28 October 2014 The Cleveland Cavaliers NBA basketball team has not hesitated to continue investing in display technologies in its new season, tanto para que sus aficionados vivan ...
NPR has bet on digital signage for its Washington headquarters27 October 2014 NPR's new headquarters in Washington has a large video wall and several screens located in the building's lobby, as well as a large digital tower and screen ticker ...
Caverin Solutions discusses with industry experts the main challenges of the AV sector in Spain27 October 2014 Como antecedente de los temas que se debatirán en el evento Digital Experience Show 2014 organizado por Caverin Solutions, algunos de los expertos que participarán en el mismo, the next ...
Sharp gathers its partners in Valencia to show its latest professional screens27 October 2014 En el Mobile Conectivity Congress III, celebrado en Valencia, Sharp dio a conocer a sus distribuidores de España y Portugal la pantalla táctil colaborativa Big Pad II y la gama ... presents its new digital totem Cheap&Chip for SMEs to promote their products24 October 2014 Con el objetivo de modernizar los establecimientos de pequeño y medio tamaño con la tecnología de comunicación digital, la empresa española ha desarrollado un nuevo tótem digital de interior, ...
A large vaulted LED display welcomes nh collection eurobuilding guests24 October 2014 Audiovisual solutions are the main elements in the recently renovated NH Collection Eurobuilding that can already be seen on the façade where 3D digital art has been used and ...
ViewSonic's strategy in the Spanish market focuses on large-format screens with 4K24 October 2014 Las pantallas de gran formato y la resolución 4K son dos de las grandes apuestas de ViewSonic para el mercado de cartelería digital, education and enterprise. Y para estos sectores ...
VIA helps create an immersive shopping experience in the Breeze Center23 October 2014 El Breeze Center está diseñado para convertirse en el centro comercial inteligente del futuro y VIA Technologies ha participado con sus soluciones de señalización digital y videowall, gestionadas con su ...
Crocus Group uses Scala for the digital signage network of its shopping centers in Moscow22 October 2014 Scala's technology is used in the digital signage network that Crocus Group has deployed in its Moscow shopping malls., which serves as a support for your ...
Elation Emag4: Modular LED display for demanding audiovisual applications22 October 2014 Emag4 is the new high-resolution video panel from Elation Professional especially suitable for demanding audiovisual applications in terms of image quality and frequency speed. Designed for ...
The Symposium 2014 Ingram Micro heats engines with more than 1.800 registered attendees21 October 2014 La 13ª edición del Simposium que Ingram Micro va a celebrar el próximo 30 de octubre en Barcelona contará, además de la tradicional área de exposición y ponencias, con zonas ...
Richard Heslett, Christie: "We have room for growth in interactivity, 4K/UHD, OLED or low pixel distance LED"21 October 2014 Christie's Senior Director of Product, Richard Heslett, Says, in this interview for Digital AV Magazine, the firm's decision to bet on display technologies, Like this ...
Charmex launches a microsite based on its Mi-Cloud solution for digital signage20 October 2014 La división de soluciones de digital signage de Charmex ha creado un microsite,, con el objetivo de facilitar a las compañías todas las herramientas y metodologías necesarias en su ...
Calvin Klein Uses Digital Signage at Macy's to Optimize shopping experience20 October 2014 A touch screen of 75 pulgadas de Samsung y asistentes virtuales de ventas es lo que Calvin Klein ha instalado en su tienda insignia de Macy's para sumergir a sus clientes ...
Ceymsa Audiovisual will exclusively distribute Hisense products in Spain and Portugal20 October 2014 El mayorista Ceymsa Audiovisual y el fabricante chino de TV Hisense han alcanzado un acuerdo por el que el primero comercializará sus productos en los mercados de España y Portugal. the ...