Monitor Samsung UD970 diseñado para profesionales del entorno audiovisual17 October 2014 El monitor profesional de Ultra High Definition (UHD) Samsung UD970 ofrece una gran calidad de imagen y precisión de color, lo que le hace idóneo para los profesionales del sector ...
Panasonic TH-55LFV70: 55" ultra-thin display for videowall configuration in uninterrupted use17 October 2014 Diseñado para funcionar de forma ininterrumpida, Panasonic ha introducido en el mercado el modelo TH-55LFV70, un display ultrafino, with a framework of 3,5 Mm. y formato de 55 Inch, for ...
NEC Display integrates ShadowSense touch technology into its Professional large format screens16 October 2014 Las pantallas de gran formato de la Serie Professional de NEC Display, que integran la tecnología ShadowSense, son idóneas para utilizar en aplicaciones de señalización digital para el sector retail, in ...
Digital Experience Show 2014: Caverin Solutions invites the sector to go beyond digital signage16 October 2014 The next 12 November, el mayorista de valor en audiovisuales y eficiencia energética Caverin Solutions organiza en Madrid la segunda edición de su evento ‘Digital Experience Show: further ...
MultiTouch unveils its interactive 9-unit MultiTaction iWall boardroom system16 October 2014 The interactive videowall solution for meeting rooms 9-unit Multitaction iWall, Composed of nine 55" screens, MultiTouch is exhibited for the first time at the Gitex contest 2014, ...
VIA Alta DS 2 Android: Full HD display with a second independent screen for digital signage16 October 2014 The Taiwanese manufacturer VIA Technologies has introduced its new media player VIA Alta DS 2 with Android support 4.3 y visualización Full HD en una segunda pantalla independiente ...
Sony's 3LCD laser projection promotes immersive visual collaboration in engineering BIM projects15 October 2014 Odeh Engineers, engineering consultancy specializing in the design and analysis of commercial buildings, ha escogido los proyectores 3LCD con fuente de luz láser de Sony para crear un gran panel ...
Datapath facilitates the design and management of videowalls with Wall Designer15 October 2014 Wall Designer está diseñado para trabajar de forma integrada con los productos de múltiples pantallas de Datapath, permitiendo seleccionar los monitores por fabricante/modelo, y organizar y orientar en el videowall. ...
Sharp brings to Europe its screens PN-Y with integrated USB media player for digital signage14 October 2014 La gama de monitores PN-Y de Sharp responde a las necesidades del mercado de digital signage con soluciones sencillas que no precisan servicio técnico para su configuración y mantenimiento. Unas pantallas LED ...
NEC Display's screens are once again the protagonists of Hiperdino's dynamic digital advertising and TV project14 October 2014 NEC Display's professional screens are once again the protagonists of the project integrated by DJ3 Canarias in a new Hiperdino establishment in Gran Canaria, como parte del circuito de publicidad ...
eShow Madrid 2014: more than 11.000 professionals support the fair proposal around digital integration14 October 2014 With the participation of 140 exhibitors and the visit of 11.000 Professional, based on the organization's data, eShow Madrid 2014 consolidates its proposal as a reference event in the ...
The London Underground is committed to a modern design with automation systems and digital signage13 October 2014 Digital signage displays, WiFi connectivity, sistemas de automatización e iluminación LED son los ejes principales de la renovación tecnológica y diseño en sus vagones que el Metro de Londres ...
Caverin Solutions consolidates its business with a growth of the 35% of invoicing in Q310 October 2014 The policy of agreements and partnerships carried out in recent years by Caverin Solutions, Spanish wholesaler of AV solutions and energy efficiency, has yielded positive results in its business, after ...
The citizens of Zaragoza participate in a social project that will be shown on the digital façade Ethiopia10 October 2014 La fachada digital de Etopía Centro de Arte y Tecnología de Zaragoza mostrará la performance del proyecto United Colors of Dissent, ganador de la segunda edición de Paseo Project, for ...
Charmex and Samsung lay the foundation for consolidating the digital signage business10 October 2014 Clients, integradores y partners se reunieron ayer en Madrid en un evento que celebraron Charmex y Samsung bajo el lema ‘El ecosistema del digital signage’, una ocasión que aprovecharon ambas ...
Sharp brings its 90 LED TV″ and screens for the International Jumping Competition 201410 October 2014 Una gran pantalla de 90 pulgadas LED TV y hasta 35 sistemas audiovisuales y monitores cedidos por Sharp permitirán el seguimiento de la 103ª edición del Concurso de Saltos Internacional ...
Havas Media boosts its business presentations on large format projection screens9 October 2014 The new headquarters in New York of the global communication group Havas Media has given a fundamental role to AV and projection solutions as tools to promote ...
Brightline's Visual Solutions Attract the Attention of Students at the University of Tennessee9 October 2014 Brightline Interactive ha instalado un kiosco informativo con pantalla táctil en el vestíbulo del Anderson Training Center de la Universidad de Tennessee para informar a los nuevos deportistas y servir ...
Salesland presents an interactive totem with video salesman to market products and services9 October 2014 El nuevo tótem interactivo con videovendedor de Salesland combina las ventajas de un salescenter y la venta presencial para que el usuario interactúe con el comercial a través de una ...
Toledo Time Capsule: a multisensory experience that catches the viewer in the Middle Ages9 October 2014 Through an audiovisual show held in six dimensions, that combines videomapping, Holograms, laser and olfactory effects, Toledo Time Capsule engages the viewer in a multi-sensory experience and takes them into a ...