Qmatic will integrate Discover Group's corporate digital content into its CEM solution9 October 2014 El acuerdo tecnológico-comercial entre Qmatic, proveedor de soluciones de Customer Experience Management, y Descubre Group, especializada en la creación de contenidos digitales corporativos, tiene como objetivo la integración de ambas ...
Clear Channel installs a canopy in London with dynamic advertising powered by sustainable energy8 October 2014 La parada de autobús localizada en el puente de Waterloo de Londres dispone de pantallas de publicidad dinámica de Clear Channel alimentadas con energía renovable. Para ello se ha instalado ...
The charity Age UK implements a digital signage network in its solidarity stores8 October 2014 In order to optimize communication with customers, donors and employees, the charity for the elderly, Age UK, has installed in its stores a network of digital screens with ...
Augmented reality will take the Plaza de Callao for fans of Fox series to interact with their characters7 October 2014 Already qualified as a "unique and unprecedented augmented reality experience", Fox Spain has taken another step in the interaction between fans and the contents of their ...
El mayorista Caverin Solutions distribuirá los sistemas de Aopen para el mercado de digital signage7 October 2014 El acuerdo de distribución entre el fabricante Aopen y el mayorista Caverin Solutions está focalizado en el mercado de digital signage para ofrecer una completa plataforma de soluciones hardware, software ...
Dynamic outdoor advertising could grow this year by 9%6 October 2014 It is expected that 2015 be a good year for advertising investment in Spain, according to Zenith Vigía, with a growth that could reach the 2,6%. For that year they are also ...
Elo IntelliTouch Curve, screen for interactive applications of digital signage and game rooms6 October 2014 The IntelliTouch Curve screen from Elo Touch Solutions has been designed with a robust structure as it is designed to be used in interactive digital signage applications, como kiosco ...
A videowall built with MicroTiles is used by Stanford University as an educational tool6 October 2014 RP Visuals has designed a videowall of 439 square meters with Christie's MicroTiles to replace the old projection system that Stanford University had at the Wallenberg ...
Tripp Lite is introduced in the digital signage environment to improve signal transmission problems6 October 2014 The manufacturer of connectivity solutions and power protection equipment Tripp Lite has developed a new range of connectivity systems (Extenders, Dividers, Cables & Brackets) diseñadas específicamente ...
NanoSlims screens focus the debate in the meeting room of Elon University3 October 2014 The new student hall of Elon University, the Global Neighborhood, has been equipped with two NanoSlim LED screens of 5 mm that measure 2,7 meters high by ...
AOpen Datawall, set of solutions to configure videowalls in digital signage environments3 October 2014 Las soluciones Datawall de AOpen están paquetizadas y han sido diseñadas para ayudar a los integradores de AV y especialistas de eventos audiovisuales a configurar sus instalaciones multipantalla en aplicaciones ...
Alzinia despliega el nuevo sistema de digital signage de Casa de América en Madrid3 October 2014 Con el objetivo de mejorar su estrategia de comunicación, la institución Casa de América, ubicada en un histórico edificio del centro de Madrid, ha confiado el despliegue de sistemas de ...
The National Museum of Astana impacts visitors with a spectacular videowall installed on the ground2 October 2014 The floor of the National Museum of Astana has become a very important part of the exhibition on display, thanks to the great videowall that GDS has installed with ...
Emirates makes Madrileños 'fly' from interactive canopies to promote its ICE Digital Widescreen service2 October 2014 Emirates has chosen six interactive canopies from JCDecaux Innovate in Madrid to promote its ICE inflight entertainment service to the citizens of the capital of ...
Tres60 Grupo will carry out the immersive audiovisual production of the Spanish Pavilion at the Milan Expo 20151 October 2014 The Spanish Pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015 will have the production and post-production of the audiovisual systems of Tres60 Grupo, through its subsidiary Videoreport, how ...
Charmex and Samsung will bring together the audiovisual sector at the event 'The Digital Signage Ecosystem'’1 October 2014 Expertos en tecnologías de digital signage se reunirán en Madrid el 9 de octubre para abordar el futuro de este mercado y conocer las soluciones que Charmex y Samsung proporcionan ...
Contex: Europe's monitor market is growing by 11% 2Q of 2014, especially in large format1 October 2014 With double-digit growth, superior to 11%, the monitor market in Western Europe in the second quarter of 2014 registers a more than positive behavior, Reaching ...
JCDecaux and Alcatel-Lucent to develop connected urban furniture for smart cities30 September 2014 Developing connected street furniture to improve communication and services in smart cities is the aim of the collaboration between outdoor advertising specialist JCDecaux and ...
Samsung develops the second generation of display solutions for digital signage, SSSP 2.030 September 2014 La segunda generación de Samsung Smart Signage Platform (SSSP 2.0) ofrece un mayor potencial y versatilidad gracias al procesador quad-Core System on Chip y al módulo WiFi, que permite controlar ...
Clear Channel inaugurates its interactive LED screen in the Fuencarral Market in Madrid29 September 2014 Con unas dimensiones de 7,29x2,54 metros y una resolución de 416x1.136 píxeles, the interactive LED screen that Clear Channel has just inaugurated in the Fuencarral Market in Madrid, one ...