Clear Channel inaugurates its interactive LED screen in the Fuencarral Market in Madrid29 September 2014 Con unas dimensiones de 7,29x2,54 metros y una resolución de 416x1.136 píxeles, the interactive LED screen that Clear Channel has just inaugurated in the Fuencarral Market in Madrid, one ...
Un centro comercial de China transforma las paredes de su ascensor en una gran pantalla de vídeo de LEDs29 September 2014 El Wuxi Livat Shopping Mall atrae la atención de los visitantes desde la espectacular pantalla de vídeo construida utilizando las paredes del ascensor. Para su construcción se han utilizado las ...
Acciona Producciones y Diseño's AV immersion project at Wu Kingdom Helv Relic Museum, awarded with a Red Dot29 September 2014 The audiovisual immersion show designed and executed by Acciona Producciones y Diseño for the Wu Kingdom Helv Relic Museum in the Chinese city of Wuxi, the largest made up to ...
BenQ SV500: large format display for digital signage applications26 September 2014 La pantalla de gran formato para digital signage BenQ SV500 presenta una diagonal de 127 cm con un formato de 50 Inch, un sistema con retroiluminación LED y resolución Full HD ...
VIA shows what the restaurants of the future will look like with a bowl of 'smart noodles' that interacts with users26 September 2014 El bol de sopa que se les ofrece a los visitantes que acuden al stand de VIA, en el Shanghai International Digital Signage & Touch Technology Show, combina la tecnología ...
The B2B division of LG Spain consolidates its integrated technological strategy and doubles its profitability in 201425 September 2014 La filial española de LG ha logrado con creces implantar su estrategia y propuesta de negocio liderada por la división B2B, basada en la integración de áreas tecnológicas y de ...
Tightrope integrates the corporate communications of Choice Hotels under a network of digital signage25 September 2014 Tightrope's Carousel solution was the option chosen by the Choice Hotels chain to implement a dynamic and interactive digital signage network that would solve their communication problems ...
The circular screen of Led&Go crowns La Maquinista shopping centre in Barcelona25 September 2014 El centro comercial La Maquinista, el más grande de Cataluña y uno de los mayores a nivel nacional, ha reforzado su imagen de marca con una singular pantalla LED de ... extends its digital signage circuit to Portugal thanks to the agreement with Digital XXL24 September 2014 more than 150 pantallas digitales gigantes distribuidas por las principales ciudades españolas, además de las lusas de Lisboa y Oporto forman el circuito DooH de Digital XXL, proveedor con el que ...
YCD Multimedia entrusts Sam Losar with the maximum responsibility of the company24 September 2014 El proveedor de soluciones de software de digital signage YCD Multimedia ha designado a Sam Losar nuevo CEO de la compañía, sustituyendo a su cofundador, Noam Levavi. El consejo de administración ...
Wavetec technology optimizes customer service in Samsung aftermarket stores23 September 2014 Samsung ha instalado en sus tiendas de postventa la solución de gestión de colas de Wavetec, apoyada por la herramienta de digital signage, Donatello. El objetivo es ofrecer un mejor servicio al ...
Biowall: a public audiovisual space for the enjoyment and relaxation of the whole community23 September 2014 The biotechnology company United Therapeutics, specialized in medicines for patients with chronic diseases, has created an audiovisual space as a meeting and relaxation point that can be accessed ...
VIA Artigo A900 with Android support for environments emerging from the Internet of Things and M2M communications23 September 2014 Con avanzadas capacidades multimedia, VIA Artigo A900 ofrece un compacto sistema basado en Android idóneo para aplicaciones de digital signage y kioscos interactivos. VIA Artigo A900 incluye todos los componentes necesarios ...
Absen's European Roadshow arrives in Madrid with its latest LED display trends22 September 2014 Absen aprovechó su asistencia al IV Simposium Digital Signage de Crambo Visuales para celebrar en Madrid su European Roadshow, en el que pudieron verse sus últimos desarrollos como la cortina ...
A videowall of 137 square meters spark children's imaginations at Wilmington's duPont Hospital22 September 2014 Formed by 45 screens of 46 NEC Display Solutions inches, duPont Children's Hospital in Wilmington has installed the Nemours Discovery Zone video wall. An interactive environment, developed by Kinesis ...
FBI 'Wall Honor': digital and interactive technology to remember those who died in the act of service19 September 2014 More than seventy interactive kiosks, with screens 55 inches and called 'Wall Honor', are distributed by the 56 offices that the FBI has in major U.S. cities ...
Advantech develops its first digital signage player for Ultra HD content – 4K18 September 2014 El modelo DS-570 es el primer reproductor de digital signage que el fabricante taiwanés Advantech desarrolla para Ultra Alta Definición (UHD) para proporcionar contenido 4K en hasta cuatro displays simultáneamente. the ...
Two gigantic LED video screens give the modernist touch to the metropolitan resort The 9 of Cleveland18 September 2014 Cleveland's New Luxury Resort, The 9, preserves the iconic architecture of the building while combining it with certain innovative and avant-garde elements such as the 5.000 metre ...
Banco Exterior de Venezuela is committed to digital signage with a centralized dynamic information system17 September 2014 ACO Digital Signage is the centralized system of Imvinet that provides dynamic content in real time to the digital screens that the Foreign Bank of Venezuela has installed to ...
Crystal Display CDS-700 SLT Touch Monitor Offers Ten Simultaneous Touches at an Affordable Cost17 September 2014 Desarrollado para su aplicación en salas de reuniones, conferencias y exposiciones, el nuevo monitor multitouch CDS-700SLT de Crystal Display Systems incorpora en un tamaño de 70 pulgadas un sensor automático ...