Microsoft iniciará la producción de pantallas táctiles de gran formato de Perceptive Pixel5 September 2014 El vicepresidente de la división de dispositivos de Microsoft, Steven Elop, ha anunciado que la compañía se plantea iniciar la producción y comercialización de pantallas táctiles de gran formato, two ...
Toshiba advances at IFA 2014 its prototype Ultra HD U series displays5 September 2014 La apuesta por las pantallas planas de gran formato y la Ultra Alta Definición (UHD) definen la propuesta de Toshiba en IFA 2014, a la que se suma su sistema inteligente ...
Casino Gran Madrid – Colón integra las soluciones de digital signage de NEC Display para acercar sus servicios al cliente5 September 2014 Los modelos de gran formato V652 y V552 de NEC Display han sido las opciones de visualización elegidas por Casino Gran Madrid - Colón para sus instalaciones. likewise, también se ...
Sharp potencia su negocio de digital signage reforzando el equipo directivo europeo de Visual Solutions4 September 2014 Sid Stanley, como director de ventas, y Michael Bailly, responsable de planificación de producto y marketing, son los nuevos profesionales que Sharp ha incorporado a su equipo directivo europeo de ...
Ateire presents the first units of its Luminia totem 30003 September 2014 La sucursal de Ateire en México, a través de Servicios de TI de Durango, ha mostrado las primeras unidades de tótems digitales para exterior del modelo Luminia 3000, fabricados con ...
AOpen Digital Engine players manage the contents of Croc's digital signage network2 September 2014 El integrador ruso Croc precisaba de una solución que le permitiera automatizar el envío de contenidos para la red de señalización digital que tenía instalada en sus oficinas. The player ...
The Leibniz Knowledge Media Research Center shows its research developments from an Eyevis multi-touch screen1 September 2014 Eyevis ha proporcionado al instituto alemán de investigación Leibniz Knowledge Media Research Center una pantalla LED UHD de 82 inches with 32 toques para su proyecto Eye-Visit. Esta se ha ...
El Consejo de Educación de Abu Dhabi optimiza su tramitación de citas con la tecnología de Wavetec1 September 2014 Wavetec instala un sistema de gestión de colas en el Consejo de Educación de Abu Dhabi para optimizar sus áreas de servicio y agilizar la tramitación de citas. El Adec (Consejo ...
IFA 2014 abrirá sus puertas con una superficie más amplia y un mayor número de expositores29 August 2014 of the 5 to the 10 September, Berlín se convertirá en la ciudad de la tecnología con la celebración de IFA 2014, una edición en la que se celebrará el 90 ...
Watches of Switzerland proposes a trip to the world of watches from the large tactile videowall of its London store29 August 2014 An interactive touch screen of 3x2 meters, designed by Box Technologies, es la pieza central de la tienda de relojes Watches of Switzerland ha inaugurado recientemente en Reino Unido. Located in Regent ...
Aopen's transparent display provides Inglot with a tool to differentiate itself from its competition29 August 2014 Inglot has installed a transparent screen in its stores, designed with AOpen's In-Store Showcase solution, that combines 3D design with digital signage and allows you to differentiate yourself ...
Virtual Sensitive will present in autumn its Coconote circular touch table with one hundred points of contact29 August 2014 The new version of the interactive circular table Coconote of Virtual Sensitive will be presented in Spain next autumn. It will include Eyevis DLP projectors and will feature 100 points ...
Augmented reality and digital siginage combine to promote the Red Hot Festival in Hong Kong29 August 2014 JCDecaux and Mindshare installed a digital signage display this summer and embedded a camera and sensors in a Hong Kong bus stop to show what ...
Axiomtek OPS882-HM: digital signage player with 4K resolution29 August 2014 Based on Intel Core i5 processor, the Axiomtek OPS882-HM digital signage IPSS media player incorporates AVB and NFC technology. A computer with 4K resolution ideal for the sector ...
Wavetec designs an LED videowall of 55 square meters for the Glasgow Science Centre28 August 2014 At the entrance of the Glasgow Science Center has been installed an outdoor videowall of 15,3 meters wide by 3,6 meters long whose design and content management ...
Samsung and Tripleplay provide digital signage technology for the Ernest-Wallon stadium28 August 2014 The renovated stadium of the Rugby Team Stade Toulousain has a digital signage and IPTV solution integrated by TripleSign and TripleTV solutions from Tripleplay, and 35 HD displays ...
Matrox manages Catherine Church's multi-screen and multi-projector solution27 August 2014 In order to achieve a visually dynamic prayer space, Catherine Church in Tucson has installed on its altar an audiovisual solution composed of three screens and three projectors ...
Cayin helps Innisfree create an immersive experience that fuses technology and nature27 August 2014 Cayin's digital signage solutions help Innisfree create an immersive experience in its new Taipei store where nature and technology merge. This has been ...
NEC Display provides visual systems for Sherlock Holmes exhibition at London Museum27 August 2014 The next 17 October, the Museum of London will premiere an exhibition, dedicated to the figure of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, whose key piece will be a videowall formed by 16 ...
NEC Display is positioned as one of the protagonists of the 4K takeoff and Ultra High Definition26 August 2014 NEC Display has opted for Ultra High Definition 4K and has been one of the main protagonists during this year in which this technology has begun to be ...