'Eye contact', When digital signage becomes emotional art1 August 2014 more than 650 color pixels, illuminated by more than 16.000 LEDs make up the digital work made by artist Peter Hubson, called 'Eye contact' and winner of the ...
Cisco and its IoE technology inaugurate the interactive watch for the Pan American Games Toronto 201531 July 2014 The interactive clock that marks the countdown to the celebration of the Pan American and Parapan American Games Toronto 2015 shows how Cisco's Internet of Everything and technology ...
Universal Event Production creates a sport-based multimedia experience during Nike Phenomenal House31 July 2014 Un innovador espectáculo de luz, sonido y visualización realizado por el especialista Universal Event Production (UEP) ha protagonizado Nike Phenomenal House, en la que esta firma deportiva ha presentado su ...
The Canarian municipality of Güímar is promoted with a videowall in the Pyramid of Arona shopping center31 July 2014 Located in one of the most touristic areas of the south of the Canary Island of Tenerife, on the beach of the Americas, el centro comercial la Pirámide de Arona ha ...
Panasonic incorporates Miracast wireless technology to its new Network LED Display range30 July 2014 La nueva serie LFC70 de displays LED de Panasonic, dirigida al mercado corporativo y educativo, incorpora la tecnología inalámbrica Miracast para la transmisión a alta velocidad de diferente contenido, Including ...
BroadSign manages the network of digital signage screens of buses in Sao Paulo29 July 2014 The digital signage network of the Brazilian company Nemooh Mídia has already deployed a thousand screens in five hundred buses in Sao Paulo, that are managed with the software platform ...
New software, firmware and API for Matrox Maevex H.264 encoders/decoders29 July 2014 Además de las nuevas funciones que incluyen la grabación y el sistema a prueba de fallos, la API Matrox Maevex proporciona a los integradores de AV y OEM una solución ...
Philips LED Color Kinetics technology to stroll through New York's Times Square in the heart of Moscow28 July 2014 Vegas Crocus City Mall, located in Moscow, has made a whole audiovisual display in HD to recreate the New York Times Square with a media façade of LED Color screens ...
Panasonic enhances LFE7 range for digital signage with new 42 and 50"28 July 2014 Diseñados para aplicaciones profesionales de cartelería digital de uso intensivo, los nuevos modelos de pantalla full HD básicos, sizes of 42 and 50 Inch, se incorporan a la serie ...
Playthe.net will be deployed 15.000 digital screens in hospitality establishments25 July 2014 Fruit of the collaboration agreement with the Spanish Federation of Hospitality (FEHR), the company will playthe.net deploy a network of 15.000 digital screens in catering establishments in the remainder of the ...
Envision Solar EV ARC Digital: solar charging station with integrated DooH display24 July 2014 La multinacional norteamericana Envision Solar ha combinado su experiencia en puntos de recarga autónomos y portátiles con energía solar con la integración de pantallas digitales DooH de gran formato para ...
Panasonic's latest videowall technology helps Brisa monitor The motorways of Portugal24 July 2014 Breeze, the largest motorway concessionaire and manager in Portugal, has updated its video control system with 44 new screens of 55 Inch, in videowall configuration of ...
Vestel presents its digital signage systems all in one with VSS-Signage software24 July 2014 Digital signage monitors, sizes of 32 until 65 Inch, developed by Vestel's B2B Solutions division offer an all-in-one solution for communication and interactive advertising thanks to ...
Asefa Seguros uses LED screens&GO as a brand communication tool22 July 2014 The insurance company Asefa Seguros has installed in its offices in Barcelona and Madrid indoor LED screens of the LED firm&GO, integrated with the structure of the vertical windows of ...
Digital signage to boost sales in points of sale and generate results18 July 2014 The panos restaurant and bakery franchise, belonging to the Belgian group La Lorraine Bakery Group, has installed 180 digital signage screens to improve communication at your points of view ...
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid awards Vitelsa the maintenance of its AV and videoconferencing systems17 July 2014 En el año en el que celebra su veinticinco aniversario, la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ha adjudicado el contrato de asistencia técnica y mantenimiento de todos sus sistemas audiovisuales y videocomunicaciones ...
Kite GB and Zytronic PCT technology highlight the benefits of digital signage in optics17 July 2014 Un pantalla táctil LCD ultradelgada en formato de espejo dotada de la tecnología táctil PCT de Zytronic es la solución elegida por la óptica londinense Kite GB para acercar sus ...
DisplayMapper Brings Daylight-Visible 3D Video Mapping to Retail with MirrorBox16 July 2014 Basado en un software en cloud y controlado desde una red central a través de ‘la nube’, MirrorBox es un sistema de videomapping 3D visible a la luz del día, ...
London City Airport and Bloomberg implement a digital signage solution for business travellers16 July 2014 Thinking of business travelers, London City Airport and Bloomberg have developed a complete digital signage solution that aims to improve the ...
ViewSonic, 4K display with extensive connectivity options for multimedia applications16 July 2014 Con una resolución de 3840x2160 píxeles y una diagonal de 28 Inch, la pantalla ViewSonic VX2880ml ofrece imágenes brillantes y está preparada para operar en modo multimonitor y ser conectada ...