The Video Wall Mini system for the retail environment concentrates the success of VIA Technologies in InfoComm 201420 June 2014 VIA Technologies ha presentado sus últimas soluciones de señalización digital durante InfoComm 2014, con el sistema Video Wall Mini como el principal protagonista de su stand. Los profesionales que han asistido ...
Piksel DS4: integral platform of digital signage and online video to improve the communication of companies19 June 2014 La nueva plataforma Piksel Digital Signage (DS4) integra las capacidades de señalización digital con la plataforma de vídeo en línea (OVP) existente para que las organizaciones gestionen y publiquen contenido ...
Clear Channel shows professionals and brands the potential of their mobile outdoor platform at Cannes Lions 201419 June 2014 El Festival Internacional de Creatividad Cannes Lions 2014 ha sido de nuevo el marco elegido por Clear Channel Outdoor (BCC), certamen del que es patrocinador en la categoría Outdoors Lions ...
Planar is committed to the adoption of ultra high definition with 4K screens that expand its UltraRes and EP-Series line19 June 2014 La ultra alta definición es la apuesta con la que ha acudido Planar a InfoComm que queda patente en el modelo UltraRes 98”, las pantallas EP-Series 58" and 65", and ...
NEC acude a CineEurope 2014 con los proyectores láser DCI y su apuesta por el futuro de la señalización digital18 June 2014 NEC Display está realizando demostraciones de sus proyectores láser DCI, NC1040L y NC1100L, en CineEurope 2014, que se está celebrando en Barcelona y mañana cerrará sus puertas. likewise, también está ...
BenQ takes advantage of its support to InfoComm 2014 to show your latest news for digital signage18 June 2014 The display solutions for the digital signage market with which BenQ has come to InfoComm include the new 4K screens of 80, 70 and 55 Inch, Interactive ...
Crambo Latin America attends InfoComm 2014 with a wide range for digital signage18 June 2014 InfoComm ha sido el escenario elegido por Crambo Latinoamérica para mostrar su oferta de soluciones para digital signage. Entre las novedades que se pueden ver en su stand se encuentran ...
TMTFactory fuses on-screen interactivity and e-commerce technology in the FCBarcelona megastore18 June 2014 Las diez pantallas Digital Locker de la megastore del FCBarcelona combinan ahora la interactividad con los compradores y las ventajas del e-commerce en el punto de venta para reducir los ...
Stereo Rent offers a mobile audiovisual system with its truck-display LED fold-out17 June 2014 Equipped with LED modules from the manufacturer Ledman 10 mm resolution, Stereo Rent's truck-screen offers a mobile and high visual quality option for events, Digital Advertising, ...
Saudi Arabian customs carry out their digital communication with Deneva.cuatro of ICON Multimedia17 June 2014 La empresa española ICON Multimedia ha instalado su solución integral de comunicación digital Deneva.cuatro, homologado en este país y traducido al árabe, en las delegaciones de Saudi Customs SADC, organismo ...
QT Hotel implements an IPTV and VOD solution with TriplePlay technology17 June 2014 StreamVision has installed QT Hotels in the complex & Resort de Canberra (Australia) the TriplePlay platform, TripleChoice Hospitality TV portal. Una solución que sirve tanto para entretener a los ...
Neo Advertising incorporates Rafael Negro as director of marketing and sales16 June 2014 The specialist in digital signage systems Neo Advertising has incorporated Rafael Negro as director of marketing and sales to support the company's strategies in this segment ...
SmartAVI goes to InfoComm 2014 with its latest developments for digital signage and distribution of A / V signals13 June 2014 Three new controllers for video walls and digital signage with 4K resolution and products for the distribution of A/V signals are some of the new features that SmartAVI will unveil at ...
VIA Video Wall Mini transforms the static spaces of stores into multimedia environments13 June 2014 Specially designed for retail and small businesses, Video Wall Mini is VIA Technologies' new all-in-one video wall solution, capable of managing up to four displays with a ...
JCDecaux inaugurates a digital signage circuit in the Bilbao Metro12 June 2014 The digital circuit infrastructure, which has just been inaugurated in Metro de Bilbao, has ten Full HD screens of 72 inches that have been installed on the platforms ...
Crambo Visuales organizes the first Audiovisual Innovation Showroom with Clorofila Digital12 June 2014 Transparent LCD cubes, Digital totem, Light Boxes Combined with Images, Audio-visual counters..., are some of the new products and solutions for the digital signage market that ...
Planar Displays Offer a Great Interactive Experience for Michigan Wolverine Fans12 June 2014 The University of Michigan's Crisler Center has installed a digital signage network consisting of PS-Series displays and Planar's Clarity Matrix video wall. The implementation of this infrastructure ...
LED Dream designs and installs a mega-SCREEN LED 150 m2 for the façade of the Gran Jonquera shopping center11 June 2014 The Spanish engineering of visual media LED Dream has designed and installed the high brightness LED screen and 150 m2 for the main façade of the Gran Jonquera shopping center, ...
Colorado, first American state to install Tranzbyte's Zazzz marijuana kiosk10 June 2014 The Herbal Elements Medical Herbalist in Eagle-Vail (Colorado) has been the first establishment to install the Zazzz marijuana vending kiosk by Tranzbyte. In addition, its manufacturer has incorporated the software ...
OverView Boat: LCD panels for videowall configuration with ultra-narrow bezel and automatic calibration10 June 2014 The specialist in display solutions Barco has developed a new range of LCD screens for videowall configuration with an ultra-narrow bezel (3,5 Mm.) and redundant power supplies, with ...