LG expands its offer of Led signage solutions with 46 new models22 June 2020 The new teams, that were presented in the last virtual edition of InfoComm 2020 Connected, They cover ten categories with models that offer a pixel pitch that goes from 0,9 to ...
Quividi updates its Dooh audience measurement platform and digital signage22 June 2020 Con objeto de adaptarse a la actual situación, en la que cada vez más personas llevan cubierta la cara, la nueva versión de AMP permite la detección de los que ...
ISE looks forward to its release in the edition with enthusiasm and maximum security 2021 in Barcelona19 June 2020 The organization has advanced some details of the planning, safety measures and novelties to design "an exciting and safe exhibition for everyone", with a more diverse conference program ...
ViewSonic relies on InfoComm Connected to introduce its AV systems for collaboration18 June 2020 With a new line of products designed to offer more functions and applications to the professional audiovisual industry. Organized by Avixa (Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association), the InfoComm virtual fair 2020 Connected that ...
Planar presents its latest visualization innovations online18 June 2020 Among the novelties is the line of LCD screens of the HB series, the newly announced range of screens Led FX series, the new models of the TVF series ...
Desigual brings Admira technology to its new location in Tokyo17 June 2020 La firma de moda ha inaugurado recientemente un moderno establecimiento en el céntrico distrito de Ginza, que ha contado con la integración y desarrollos de digital signage de este especialista. the ...
LG Signage Lite: infotainment for any vertical17 June 2020 retail, restoration, public spaces, Hotels, enterprises, Etc. son los entornos de aplicación de esta gama de televisiones profesionales, compuesta por los modelos UT640S y LT340C. LG Signage Lite es la gama ...
Sodexo relies on Altabox's capacity control system for its corporate restaurants16 June 2020 The system performs real-time measurement of capacity, Integrated in the digital signage of the facilities managed by this specialist in companies, hospitals, Museums, Universities and colleges. As part of ...
BrightSign creates a virtual Pavilion to showcase CMS developments on its BSN.cloud platform15 June 2020 Diseñado para la feria DSE 2020 (cancelada por la pandemia), con la denominación ‘Live Pavilion’, el fabricante lo ha transformado como un portal online para mostrar al mercado la integración ...
Altabox/Econocom accompanies Parfois in its de-escalation plan12 June 2020 The chain has opted to open its main flagship in the NorteShopping center, in Porto, store where the Kentia CMS is being used for musical ambience, Like this ...
Albany Airport renews its obsolete ribbon screen for a Led solution from SNA Displays11 June 2020 Located above the check-in counters are ten indoor Led screens of the Bold series. These measure 8 meters long and around 30 cm high, ...
Convergent and BrightSign deliver mobile-controlled interactive experiences10 June 2020 Together they have developed SafeStre Screen Control, a solution that allows users to interact with large format screens, located in stores, banks... no need to touch them. Its handling is ...
Datapath WallControl 10 gives the user more control of sources and asset management10 June 2020 The version 1.12 of this software of control of videowall in real time improves the identification of the source, the reuse of assets, in addition to simplifying management by ...
AG Neovo TBX: digital signage screens for vehicles9 June 2020 Disponibles con certificación E-Mark, resolución Full HD y un tamaño de 22 Inch, ofrecen un sistema inteligente de información para pasajeros, además de poder ser utilizadas en aplicaciones de videovigilancia ...
Daktronics and Marquee Media install a triple marquee and VIP corner in Sacramento9 June 2020 Three screens configured as a large visual triptych and two more placed in a corner create a unique experience for viewers and advertisers in this California city. Daktronics ...
OMG Internet creates the immersive meeting point 'Hachiko Digital' with Barco Unisee9 June 2020 Este espacio en torno al conocido perro 'Hachiko', symbol of the Japanese city of Shibuya, has 48 units of the videowall system of this manufacturer, which is combined with ...
Absen's Led technology helps modernize Bangalore's train stations8 June 2020 Como parte del proyecto RDN, se ha instalado en la entrada principal de la División de Bangalore de South Western Railway una pantalla XD6 Plus de 24,3x3 metros y otra ...
Zenia Boulevard mall is digitized with Led solutions&go5 June 2020 In the main square, an outdoor LED screen has been installed 27 square meters, a pitch of P10 mm and a resolution of 704x384 pixels. A visual support in the ...
LG designs a large format Led totem for Terminal B of Moscow Airport4 June 2020 This digital signage system has a personalized frame, so that each Led panel has no visible spaces between them to create a four-sided screen. The Terminal ...
Barcelona's DAU building bets on Led technology and environmental content3 June 2020 With a U-shaped design, the Led Dream screens installed at the reception of this emblematic building are part of the remodeling process of the installation. The building ...