Sant Just Desvern modernizes its urban furniture with a Led mupi&go3 March 2020 This advertising and digital signage project has had IEPE to achieve the greatest visual impact on passers-by in this Catalan town. Designed by Led&Go & the Specialist ...
Pearl Media deploys a network of digital signage in the Atlantic Terminal shopping center2 March 2020 La infraestructura Atlantic Terminal Network (ATN) It is made up of 15 Lcd, ocho de 85 Inch, four of 98 and three, a doble cara, of 65 pulgadas integradas en quioscos ...
Canal Viu energizes local Figueras commerce with digital signage2 March 2020 The specialist ScreenMedia has carried out the project of the digital network of Canal Viu for the establishments of this Girona town, from which local commerce is promoted ...
Fira de Barcelona bets on an Alphalite outdoor Led display for the pavilion 8.127 February 2020 Fluge Projects, in collaboration with its delegation in Barcelona, has made the integration of this large Led screen, with pixel pitch of 2.9 Mm, with which the enclosure expands ...
Admira develops with Samsung the Eats concept for the hospitality sector27 February 2020 Gracias a la utilización de varias tecnologías cruzadas (video analytics, Wi-Fi social, Iot), el cliente puede obtener información sobre los platos, contenidos interactivos sobre la cocina, incluso recomendaciones de ...
Caliber LedFusion A160: Led screen of 163 All-in-one inches for ProAV applications26 February 2020 Designed with an ultra-thin frame, less than 35 Mm, and bezel-less, offers a viewing angle of 170 Degrees, HD resolution, a pixel pitch of 1,8 Mm, ...
"At Absen we are in an ideal position and very proud to have four types of miniLed panels"25 February 2020 Ben Phelps, retail industry director at Absen, explains how the motto chosen for ISE 2020 - Evolution on display - has materialized in a spectacular live exhibition of ...
Shiseido bets on the image of dnp denmark for its headquarters in Tokyo25 February 2020 This century-old cosmetics company was looking for a visualization solution for the employee cafeteria, that offers a high image quality and will solve the problem of the brightness of the ...
AMP Capital uses Nanolumens Led technology to create the dynamic 'The Clock' experience24 February 2020 En el centro comercial Karrinyup se ha realizado una instalación, que cuelga del techo a una altura de dos pisos, integrada por una esfera de reloj de cuatro lados (every ...
Vivitek strengthens its Novo collaboration ecosystem with NC-X700 and NC-X90024 February 2020 Estos dispositivos de la gama NovoConnect se unen al modelo NC-X300 ya existente. Unas soluciones idóneas para aplicaciones de colaboración en salas de reunión pequeñas y medianas; así como entornos ...
Ultimate Kiosk expands with the V70º Series model its range for digital signage and self-service24 February 2020 Tablet-like design, with capacitive multi-touch screen 32 inches and ten simultaneous touches, This model allows the integration of optional devices to offer more services to the user. El quiosco Serie V70º ...
Ivan del Rio: "Daktronics went to Amsterdam to show off its DNA, in terms of innovation, development and engineering"21 February 2020 The company continues to bet on development, innovation, the technology and the highest quality. Some premises that have been evident in their attendance at ISE 2020, where has ...
LG debuts with its mounting brackets for its transparent OLED videowall21 February 2020 En respuesta a la demanda de los clientes para crear videowall con las pantallas comerciales transparentes OLED de LG, la filial americana ha introducido nuevos accesorios de soporte que permiten ...
Barcelona Metro installs screens to inform about the occupancy level of trains21 February 2020 At the stations of the Line 5, Clinical Hospital, Entença and Sants, se ha puesto en marcha una prueba piloto para informar a los viajeros sobre la llegada de los ...
Omron HVC-P2: sensor de reconocimiento de personas para señalización digital19 February 2020 Diseñado con el software Omron Okao Vision, esta solución integra una cámara y una tarjeta de procesamiento de imágenes, multiplicando por diez la velocidad de reconocimiento de su predecesor. Omron Electronic ...
Navori develops native software for BrightSign's 4K and HD players18 February 2020 QL Player digital signage software allows BrightSign users to add their media players to an existing network of SoC displays, Android and PC players. Navori continues to expand ...
Comm-Tec sells Smart Media Solutions and Evoko products in Iberia17 February 2020 Disponibles en los mercados de España y Portugal desde el presente mes de febrero, los sistemas de SMS forman parte de la división de Herramientas de instalación, while the ...
Madrid modernizes downtown newsstands with Led technology17 February 2020 For creation, A custom support has been designed that allows two screens to be integrated into the furniture already built, next to each other, with dimensions of ...
Sharp focuses on the Smart Office concept its growth strategy in the Spanish market17 February 2020 The Japanese multinational wants to boost its business in Spain and Portugal in the coming years with technological solutions for new work environments, focused on interactivity, Connectivity ...
LG SVH7: borderless image quality to create video walls of any size17 February 2020 Configurado con pantallas de 55” y marco ultrafino de 0,44mm, este sistema ofrece una fácil gestión de personalización para crear videowalls de cualquier tamaño y entornos. El nuevo videowall de LG ...