Community provides sound control in spaces with difficult acoustics24 April 2020 This brand from the manufacturer Biamp has a wide range of solutions for installations of all sizes for the viewer, regardless of the venue, have the best ...
Sony unveils two cameras for remote communication and content production24 April 2020 Estos compactos sistemas ofrecen una solución flexible para numerosos sectores como difusión audiovisual, enterprises, education, health, Etc. Las nuevas cámaras de Sony: SRG-XP1 (POV) y SRG-XB25 (formato caja) permiten obtener imágenes ...
SysconFace: facial recognition and temperature detection screen for installations21 April 2020 This system is able to detect whether or not the user has a fever, whether or not you wear a mask, in addition to being an efficient tool for access control and management ...
The new range of Samsung QLED 4K and 8K TVs reaches the Spanish market14 April 2020 Disponibles para su comercialización en España, estos equipos incorporan además la tecnología Quantum dot del fabricante. Con resoluciones 4K y 8K, la gama de televisores QLED de Samsung, presentada hace unos ...
Mersive develops an active learning system and a cloud-based management portal8 April 2020 Solstice Cloud y Solstice Active Learning son los nuevos sistemas que se añaden a la cartera de soluciones de este fabricante. El fabricante de soluciones de colaboración Mersive Technologies ha presentado ...
Unilumin takes a step further in ultra mini-Led technology with its UMini range2 April 2020 Both this new development of Led visualization of 162 Inch, as UMini Led 4K of 0.9mm integrate this technological innovation. Led visual innovation, with a high resolution, durability and energy efficiency ...
Sonotrack: real-time capacity management and control system for retail2 April 2020 Esta solución en tiempo real garantiza el cumplimiento de las normativas relacionadas con la máxima ocupación de un local en supermercados, grandes superficies y otros establecimientos. El estado de alarma por ...
Panasonic drives high-performance software communication with KX-NSV30026 March 2020 Este sistema es la transición del hardware del servidor de comunicaciones empresariales a uno de comunicación por software, para garantizar un óptimo rendimiento con una experiencia de usuario rápida y ...
Martin Audio develops two new high-performance cardioid subwoofers25 March 2020 The new models to be flown SXCF118 and SXC115 have been designed to complement the WPS and WPM line arrays of the manufacturer. Suitable for both live sound and installations ...
Coronavirus tests networks in Spain responding to growing traffic25 March 2020 IP traffic has grown by 40% and mobile voice services double their activity during the covid-19 pandemic confinement time. The data provided ...
NEC Display introduces Message, its new generation of large format screens24 March 2020 Composed of three series: Essential (me), Message (M) and Message Advanced (ma), These displays cover everything from the most basic digital signage application to commercial and corporate applications. The Message range ...
Elation develops a hanging and energy-efficient version of its Fuze Led luminaire19 March 2020 El modelo Fuze Pendant ofrece un diseño flexible y para colgar con una iluminación potente, con colores vibrantes y luz de lavado para aplicaciones permanentes y temporales. Iluminación Led inteligente, versátil ...
dbTechnologies takes the concept of line array loudspeakers to a new level with VIO C18 March 2020 El fabricante de sistemas de audio italiano ha desarrollado una serie completa de altavoces de fuente lineal activa de 2 vías para una amplia variedad de aplicaciones, from ...
Samsung T55: curved 'edgeless' monitors to improve productivity17 March 2020 Elegant and minimalist design, This series of equipment is available in sizes of 24, 27 and 32 Inch, with Full HD resolution. The Samsung T55 series of curved monitors, Composed ...
NanoLumens redesigns its Engage range with affordable Led panels that are easy to install16 March 2020 Esta línea de productos se ha desarrollado con cabinets más convencionales, con una relación de aspecto nativa de 16:9 y marco delgado, para ofrecer una accesible solución a nuevos compradores ...
Biamp expands the TesiraConnect range to incorporate AVB and Dante in its AV solutions9 March 2020 La inclusión del dispositivo de doble red TesiraConnect TC-5D permite a los diseñadores incorporar sin problemas tanto AVB como Dante en los diseños de sistemas para ofrecer soluciones completas. En línea ...
Philips PDS presents its visual innovation for companies to the Spanish market, hospitality and education4 March 2020 After a successful participation in ISE 2020, where he has exhibited his latest developments in screens, Monitors, professional TVs and communication solutions, its managers in the Iberian market explain this ...
ISE culminates with 52.128 visitors its latest edition in Amsterdam and advances the news for Barcelona 202124 February 2020 No doubt, the edition 2020 of ISE in the RAI will not only be marked by its march, After fifteen years in this Dutch venue, but to be held in a "context ...
Sennheiser introduces the new generation of MobileConnect audio streaming21 February 2020 This solution, que el fabricante acaba de presentar durante su participación en ISE 2020, ofrece a los estudiantes ayuda auditiva personalizable desde su propio teléfono móvil. Basado en WiFi, MobileConnect de ...
Shanghai Art Center debuts China's first Constellation system19 February 2020 This Meyer Sound solution is installed in the main theater. The acoustic characteristics have been created with 160 Full-range self-powered enclosures and lower frequencies are ...