InfraRed or ShadowSense? Which touchscreen technology is best suited for each business?23 May 2018 From Panasonic analyze these two technologies, that are integrated into its range of professional multi-touch screens to meet the needs of each company and application. Las tecnologías de pantalla multitáctil interactivas ...
DAS Audio amplía su gama Vantec con el subgrave autoamplificado doble 218A22 May 2018 La nueva unidad Vantec 218A cuenta con un doble altavoz y está dirigida al mercado de sistemas portables y DJ por su compacto tamaño y potencia. Vantec 218A es un sistema ...
Pandoras Box synchronized the audiovisuals of the world's largest spherical building17 May 2018 At Expo Astana 2017, in the Nur Alem building, Christie Pandoras Box was used to control the hundreds of computers that were needed for videomappings, immersive projections, facilities ...
Internet Kioskos presents its new range of interactive digital terminals17 May 2018 Interactive ticketing systems, touch and adjustable and payment terminals make up the new range of Internet Kiosks to adapt to different applications. The new range of digital Internet terminals ...
BrightSign boosts the digital signage network of robinsons store in Dubai15 May 2018 The digital signage network, created and installed by DigiComm, is integrated by a videowall of 3x3, and a large number of Led screens of different formats and sizes. To control ...
Maverick AV Solutions presents the innovation in LCD videowall of Barco UniSee9 May 2018 With the UniSee solution, the Belgian firm Barco has completely redesigned and optimized each component of an LCD videowall to obtain a new form of large format display. available ...
Leyard's new CarbonLight CLI series will configure the main screen at the Panorama Awards4 May 2018 Este videowall Led de Leyard ocupará una superficie de 21 m2. con una diagonal de casi 7 metre, y se empleará tanto para la proyección de los vídeos de la ...
BenQ's ultra-short-range interactive projectors for education3 May 2018 Los modelos MW864UST y MW855UST ofrecen una solución completa para mejorar la colaboración y el aprendizaje en el aula. El proyector educativo interactivo MW864UST de BenQ está diseñado para mejorar la ...
Charmex presents the Unilumin Upad III series for the indoor rental AV market3 May 2018 The interior cabinet of Unilumin, with pixel pitch of 2,6 Mm, Allows configurations of both concave and convex screens. El mayorista audiovisual Charmex tiene disponible en el mercado español ...
Anatronic sells Quanmax 4K box PC for signage and digital kiosks27 April 2018 The models of the QDSP-3000 series of Quanmax are especially suitable in info applications- Entertainment with various peripherals and additional functions. The new box PC with 4K UHD resolution of ...
Bistro Point Restaurant Blushs with Apart, High and Audio-Technica27 April 2018 La instalación cuenta con diferentes sistemas de Apart Audio entre los que se encuentran 16 unidades Mask6CT, el amplificador digital de potencia Revamp4240T, el preamplificador Zone4 y el reproductor PCR3000RMKIII. ...
FBT innovates in the design of sound reinforcement systems with the Horizon VHA array25 April 2018 With the aim of responding to the needs of rental companies and system integrators, the Horizon VHA series (Vertical/Horizontal Array) ofrece una óptima cobertura y flexibilidad ...
ViewSonic offers high-gloss laser projection 24/7 for large installations with LS800HD24 April 2018 Este proyector láser de 5.000 lúmenes y resolución Full HD incorpora la tecnología SuperColor de ViewSonic para ofrecer imágenes nítidas en grandes espacios con gran luminosidad ambiental. La tecnología de fósforo ...
Optoma ZH420UST: ultra-short shot laser projector and 4.000 Lumens23 April 2018 Este proyector Full HD de Optoma integra ajustes de combadura y deformación de bordes para su sencilla instalación e incluir HDBaseT en su aplicación en espacios de ocio y recepciones. of ...
Alto Professional presents its series of self-amplified venues TX2 and TS323 April 2018 New design, Powerful sound and more features define the self-powered acoustic enclosures developed by that audio manufacturer. Inspired by the Truesonic series, la serie TX2 de Alto Professional (fabricante cuyos ...
Cisco Brings Spark and Webex Platforms Together to Improve Meetings and Collaboration20 April 2018 La solución para reuniones en tiempo real Cisco Webex converge ahora con su plataforma Spark para facilitar las reuniones, el trabajo y la colaboración en equipo. El resultado de la convergencia ...
BenQ offers with PX9230 projection 6.000 lumens for large spaces16 April 2018 With flexible configuration, BenQ's PX9230 installation projector uses five types of lenses for easy integration into any enclosure. With XGA resolution and a luminosity of 6.000 ...
Eizo equips with HDR support and PQ curve its professional monitor ColorEdge CG319X13 April 2018 Desarrollado para creadores de contenido vídeo y edición, el monitor ColorEdge CG319X de Eizo ofrece resolución DCI-4K (4.096x.2160p) y soporte HDR. El monitor profesional Eizo ColorEdge CG319X es el sucesor del ...
Leyard and Planar showcase their display and Led innovations at world-leading AV fairs12 April 2018 Los certámenes Prolight+Sound en Frankfurt y NAB en Las Vegas muestran estos días las nuevas pantallas de vídeo LCD de la serie Planar VM, el videowall Led de la gama ...
Audio-Technica: ATH-M60x professional headphones in Prolight+Sound 201812 April 2018 Estos compactos auriculares se añaden a su reconocida línea M-Series y están diseñados para su uso en estudio, aplicaciones móviles y broadcast. Prolight+Sound 2018, which is held until the next 13 ...