The plenary hall of the Zaragoza City Council is equipped with a Shure DIS system1 October 2015 Shure's DIS discussion system, which has been installed in the plenary hall of the Aragonese capital is composed of a central unit CU5905, 35 dc5905 microphonic bases, 35 ...
TooQ develops a rotating and tiltable support for large format screens and videowall30 September 2015 Diseñado para la fijación en pared de videowall y pantallas de 45 to 70 Inch (until 70 Kg. weighty), este soporte permite girar e inclinar la pantalla para mejorar ...
Beyerdynamic DT 1770 pro: reference headphones for study and monitoring29 September 2015 Evolution of the manufacturer's reference headphones, this new model for study and monitoring meets the requirements of sound engineers, producers and musicians. Los nuevos beyerdynamic DT 1770 ...
Gefen offers in its new matrix 4K Ultra HD switching and HDCP compatibility 2.221 September 2015 The new 8x8 Matrix 4K Ultra HD for HDMI w/HDCP 2.2 (EXT-UHD-88) provides a single point of routing of eight 4K Ultra HD sources to any combination of eight displays, ...
Displax Skin Ultra Fit touch foils from 40 touches for digital signage18 September 2015 Displax Skin Ultra Fit sheets are characterized by offering optical transparency, Multitouch functionality, Response speed of 5 Ms, high resolution with UHD 4K displays and XTR Shield technology ...
AGC Glass Europe develops TIREXtreme glass for multi-touch screens16 September 2015 El fabricante belga quiere dar respuesta a la creciente demanda de pantallas de cobertura táctil con tecnología FTIR con este vidrio de detección multitáctil por infrarrojos para pantallas de más ...
Extron CCI Pro 700: TouchLink Pro conferencing and collaboration control interface10 September 2015 Se trata de la primera interfaz de usuario diseñada para sistemas de control y optimizada para conferencias, colaboración y control AV, que da soporte a muchas de las funciones en ...
Yamaha integrates Dolby Atmos surround sound into its YSP-5600 soundbar9 September 2015 El fabricante de sistemas de audio ha presentado este sistema durante la feria IFA 2015, que se celebra estos días en Berlín, y que supone la primera barra del mundo ...
Sphericam 2: spherical camera to capture 360º images with 4K resolution7 September 2015 Composed of six micro-cameras, WiFi link, four microphones and six Micro SD card slots, Sphericam Camera 2, developed by the engineers of the Kickstarter platform. With a size of ...
Ecler develops a kit to facilitate the installation of professional audio systems2 September 2015 El kit de Ecler, AudeoSB10P21, es una solución de audio profesional 2.1, que incluye los altavoces Audeo 103 or 106 conectados a la salida de un amplificador estéreo integrado, sencilla de instalar ...
Ingram Micro adds the brand of supports NewStar to its portfolio AV Pro1 September 2015 The wholesaler has announced distribution in the Spanish market, through its AV Pro division - Imagine, of the monitor stands of the Dutch brand NewStar from ...
Onkyo and Gibson will present at IFA 2015 Your first joint audio solutions28 August 2015 The X9 speaker and the H500M and E700M in-ear headphones are the first high-resolution sound systems jointly developed by Gibson Innovations and Japan's Onkyo. some ...
MMD Philips: Universal USB Docking Connectivity Center with Vesa Support18 August 2015 Equipped with USB 3.0, Ethernet and Vesa monitor support, Philips SB4B1928UB USB Docking offers great flexibility to swap and connect up to six displays. MMD has given ...
AMX updates the firmware of its H.264 encoders to record the signal in streaming29 July 2015 Available worldwide, this update allows NMX-ENC-1100 encoders and 1105 Record the signal in streaming, by simply connecting a USB hard drive to record simultaneously ...
Vogels Professional presents its new height-adjustable PFC ceiling mounts24 July 2015 Los sistemas PFC 555 and 585 son los nuevos soportes a techo ajustables en altura que Vogels ha desarrollado como solución para instalaciones que requieren sistemas flexibles y graduables para ...
Intronics markets AdderLink KVM extender for distances up to 150 metre23 July 2015 AdderLink XD150 es el extensor que este fabricante ofrece para conexiones punto a punto en instalaciones de hasta 150 meters away, con una resolución máxima de 1.920x1.080p a 60Hz. Muchas ...
Tech Data incorporates Wacom AV creativity solutions into its proposal21 July 2015 The offer includes products such as interactive monitors for production and AV editing, pen tablets, digital pens, navigation devices and software applications. The technological wholesaler Tech Data has incorporated ...
Jung: hotel display to facilitate communication between guests and staff16 July 2015 Con el fin de reforzar sus desarrollos para el sector hostelero, la compañía de mecanismos y automatización eléctrica tiene disponible un nuevo Display de hotel que permite una comunicación más ...
Guestperience: Personalized app for each hotel and encourage interaction with its customers14 July 2015 With the support of the Emprendetur Program of the Secretary of State for Tourism, Guestperience is an innovative app customized for each hotel with which the hospitality sector can improve the ...
Photo Prado: augmented reality to be photographed next to emblematic works of the Prado Museum13 July 2015 Thanks to the app's augmented reality technology, visitors to the Prado Museum will be able to 'pose' next to famous works such as 'La maja desnuda', de Francisco de ...