Shuttle SH97R6, barebone en formato cubo con compatibilidad para tres pantallas28 November 2014 El XPC barebone de Shuttle es una solución en formato cubo compatible con los procesadores Intel actuales y futuros que ofrece la posibilidad de conectar hasta tres monitores que pueden ...
Companies are betting on IoT as a way to face strategic and operational challenges26 November 2014 Las compañías globales están apostando por el despliegue de soluciones de Internet de las cosas, según un estudio de Forrester Consulting. La localización en tiempo real por WiFi y los ...
The use of tablets increases a 28% the productivity of Spanish professionals, according to Panasonic26 November 2014 ¿Se han convertido los tablets una herramienta de trabajo indispensable? ¿Mejoran la productividad de los profesionales? Estas son algunas de las cuestiones planteadas en el estudio realizado por Dynamic Markets ...
STMicroelectronics develops the second generation of set-top boxes with 4K technology25 November 2014 Con un formato más compacto y de bajo consumo, STMicroelectronics ha ampliado su familia de SoC Cannes/Monaco con nuevos set-top boxes Ultra-HD 4Kp60 para el despliegue a gran escala de ...
Tech Data suma a su oferta comercial los drones y action cams de AEE MagiCam25 November 2014 Los productos de la marca AEE MagiCam, especializado en drones y action cams, estarán disponibles en el mercado español a través del mayorista Tech Data fruto del acuerdo de distribución firmado ...
IoE, augmented reality and virtualization will be some of the technologies that will mark the innovation in 201524 November 2014 According to the latest study conducted by Setesca, the Internet of Things, augmented reality, virtual vision systems, collaboration, mobility and big data are some of the ...
Roland converts HDBaseT signals to HDMI with HT-TX01 and HT-RX01 for long distances24 November 2014 HDBaseT compatible, Roland has developed a new transmitter and receiver, HT-TX01 and HT-RX01 models, respectively, that are emerging as a complement to its new line of XS audio/video matrices. the ...
Martin JEM Hazer Pro, designed to create advanced atmospheric fog effects24 November 2014 El nuevo sistema JEM Hazer Pro, que genera efectos atmosféricos avanzados de niebla, amplía el rango de soluciones dinámicas para producciones de efectos y entretenimiento de Martin Professional. Con la introducción ...
In Bitam 2014, Magnetron will show the audio solutions of its represented24 November 2014 The Sennheiser D9000 and Sphere microphone systems, Neumann KH120 D and KH studio monitors 310 D, FBT X-Lite and X-Pro processed loudspeakers, and the windproof and ...
Panasonic ET-D75LE90: ultra-short-distance interchangeable lenses for DLP projectors 3 Chips14 November 2014 Diseñadas para proyectores DLP de 3 Chips, las nuevas lentes intercambiables de ultracorta distancia ET-D75LE90 de Panasonic permiten crear una pantalla de 200 inches at a distance of 1,5 metre ...
Sony shows at Medica 2014 the benefits of 4K and IP infrastructure in the healthcare environment13 November 2014 From the 12 to the 15 is being held in Düsseldorf (Germany) Medical 2014, fair attended by Sony to show how technologies such as ...
The audiovisual infrastructure of the Courthouse of Huesca allows to record with the highest quality the trials13 November 2014 Dis Solutions, Shure, LexiconPro and Panasonic provide the technology needed by the new Palace of Justice of Huesca for its audiovisual infrastructure. A team environment that enables ...
Maga Engineering attends Bitam Show 2014 with its complete portfolio of audio solutions12 November 2014 El sistema line array ME10V, dotado de tecnología HEPC, y el recinto acústico ME6.5S, que presenta el tamaño de un altavoz de estantería, son dos de las soluciones de audio ...
Iberia pilots replace their traditional flight portfolio with an advanced electronic system10 November 2014 Iberia has become the first airline in Spain to have an advanced electronic system or electronic flight portfolio, hosted on iPads, that makes it easier for pilots ...
BenQ shows the channel its wireless projection solutions3 November 2014 Wireless Projection Solutions, Wireless-based, is the proposal that the manufacturer BenQ has presented for the education environment, Business & Domestic. El fabricante de proyectores BenQ ...
Arthur Holm incorporates an interactive system for the control and maintenance of the Dynamic range3 November 2014 In its strategy to facilitate the integration of systems, Arthur Holm has added an interactive system for remote control and maintenance of its entire range of motorized monitors. Arthur ...
AMX and Earpro respond to the new collaboration needs of the business environment31 October 2014 Responding to the requirements presented by the new meeting spaces in companies has been the theme of the event held by AMX, in collaboration with Earpro, the ...
Charmex begins its expansion process in Latin America with activity in Peru and Colombia29 October 2014 Los mercados de Perú y Colombia focalizarán en un primer momento la actividad del mayorista Charmex en América Latina, como parte de su proyecto de expansión en la región, que participará ...
UDE goes to Matelec 2014 with the latest audio news for professional installation29 October 2014 The multifunction audio player RM-101 is one of the novelties with which UDE Audio has come to Matelec 2014. likewise, Icon Multimedia is presenting at the stand of its partner ...
Matelec 2014 opens its doors with energy efficiency as a pillar28 October 2014 of the 28 to the 31 October, Feria de Madrid hosts the 17 Matelec edition, a room in which solutions and services aimed at the control and management of ...