Sony MCC-500MD: Low-cost, single-chip Full HD camera for medical use3 April 2014 Economically affordable and with high image quality and performance, the new camera MCC-500MD is the proposal that Sony incorporates to its range of technology for use in the operating room, in ...
Tech Data will focus Metic2014 on thematic areas such as education, mobility, videoconferencing or digital signage2 April 2014 Metic2014, reunión anual que realiza Tech Data para dar a conocer las soluciones de sus representadas, will be held on 9 de abril en el CCIB de Barcelona. Contará con una ...
Ford uses Oculus Rift virtual reality glasses to test its prototypes2 April 2014 El Virtual Reality Inmersion Lab de Ford, localizado en Dearborn, está utilizando las gafas de realidad virtual Oculus Rift para evaluar y probar sus prototipos. Utilizar técnicas de simulación y realidad ...
Aldir adds to its portfolio the new projection screens and supports of Aqprox!2 April 2014 The new projection walls appPM180 and appPM200 of Aqprox!, They are adjustable in height and can be placed on ceiling or wall, with tripod versions, for use in ...
Intelygenz develops an app for Prosegur security guards to use Google Glass in their security work28 March 2014 Los vigilantes de Prosegur podrán utilizar las Google Glass en su trabajo diario gracias a la app que está desarrollando Intelygenz que permite tomar fotografías y vídeos de la localización ...
Intelygenz organizes the largest hackathon for Google Glass developers in Spain21 March 2014 La Escuela Universitaria de Informática de la UPM será el lugar de encuentro para celebrar el mayor hackathon de desarrollo de aplicaciones para Google Glass de España. Un evento que ...
Matrox DSX LE4 PCIe, OEM card for digital media20 March 2014 Matrox Unveiled the Next Generation of DSX LE4 PCIe Developer Video Cards, which with its advanced features for Windows and Linux, optimizan el rendimiento de ...
Sylvania RefLED Superia AR111, for anti-reflective and efficient lighting in museums and shopping malls.20 March 2014 Indicada para comercios, Windows, supermercados y hostelería, la luminaria RefLED Superia AR111 de Havells Sylvania es una alternativa eficiente a los sistemas halógenos AR111 tradicionales. Por sus óptimas condiciones antideslumbrantes, the ...
Vogel's Brings Design and Color to New Wall Swivel Display Mounts19 March 2014 Disponibles en doble brazo y sencillo, Vogel’s ha incorporado cuatro nuevos soportes de color blanco a su línea Wall, pensados para pantallas de entre 32 and 65 Inch. Tras la presentación ...
E-Controls goes to Light&Building with its control and detection solutions for classrooms and hospitals17 March 2014 En la feria Light&Building, que se celebrará en Frankfurt del 30 from March to March to 4 April, E-Controls mostrará sus nuevos sistemas para la detección de movimiento y control de ...
Macroservice offers supports to create interactive touch tables in places with a large influx of public17 March 2014 By combining the TK-142T and TK-170T stands from Macroservice with the IDS displays from Elo Touch Solutions, you can create an ideal indoor interactive table for stores, centros comerciales y ...
Panasonic UT-MA6, 4K technology for 3D design and engineering CAD applications13 March 2014 The Panasonic Toughpad 4K UT-MA6 tablet is an advanced device for three-dimensional design applications that allows you to see down to the smallest detail on screen and is ready ...
Fenix will exhibit at Prolight & Sound 2014 its offer in towers and trusses for events12 March 2014 For the ninth consecutive year, Fenix will be present at Prolight & Sound 2014 with its complete line of towers and trusses, with application in a wide variety of projects such as the ...
Anatronic comercializa el panel TFT-LCD de Bolymin con tarjeta de vídeo para aplicaciones embebidas11 March 2014 Con formato ‘open frame’ y tarjeta de vídeo integrada, el nuevo módulo TFT-LCD de Bolymin, represented in Spain by Anatronic, ofrece en sus 8” un sistema de calidad y asequible ...
Prolight + Sound 2014: Sony shows its solutions for the production of live events and professional audio10 March 2014 Among the products that Sony will bring to Prolight + Sound 2014 in Frankfurt are the UWP-D wireless microphones, DWZ Digital Wireless Series, the portable digital audio recorder ...
Encoder H.264 and Inspired Signage: new AMX media network ecosystem for digital signage3 March 2014 La multinacional AMX tiene disponible Encoder H.264 y dos nuevos reproductores de señalización digital Inspired Signage que mejora su ecosistema de red de medios para garantizar una experiencia sin fisuras ...
Vogel's PFF 5211, mounting solution for single or dual videoconferencing displays3 March 2014 Para dar respuesta a las necesidades planteadas por las aplicaciones de videoconferencia, Vogel’s dispone de su mueble PFF 5211, pensado para alojar una o dos pantallas de gran formato. Idóneo para ...
Sony unveils at MWC 2014 the prototype of its SmartEyeglass with binocular vision27 February 2014 El mercado de las gafas inteligentes está plenamente activo, como se ha podido comprobar en el MWC 2014 Barcelona, donde Sony ha presentado el prototipo de sus SmartEyeglass, with ...
AMX solves the connection in conference rooms with the retractable modules HydraPort and Dual USB26 February 2014 Equipados con cables planos y retráctiles para la caja de conexiones HydraPort de AMX, los nuevos módulos retráctiles Dual USB ofrecen una conexión a red y/o para cargar distintos dispositivos ...
Shure SE846: in-ear headphones with four HD microtransducers and subwoofer25 February 2014 Sound quality and isolation define Shure's new SE846 in-ear headphones, incorporating four high-definition microtransducers and a subwoofer. Shure's new SE846 in-ear headphones incorporate ...