Roselli gym is committed to AV technology as a support for physical activity15 November 2017 The sound infrastructure of this gym, newly opened in Turin, has been made with Ecler technology. Los altavoces Audeo se han instalado en las salas de máquinas ...
The University Clinic Foundation of the URJC is committed to AV technology for its new spaces13 November 2017 Para la creación del nuevo gabinete médico y un salón de actos, Vitelsa ha proporcionado una arquitectura audiovisual en alta definición, además de la infraestructura de cableado necesaria para soportar ...
Toronto's new Air Jordan store attracts customers with a dynamic and attractive AV system10 November 2017 Para ofrecer una innovadora experiencia de compra, se ha instalado un sofisticado sistema de audio multi-zona y un equipamiento visual integrado por proyectores de Panasonic, pantallas de SiliconCore y reproductores ...
The ATH-M50x headphones are offered in a limited edition in red10 November 2017 Muy utilizado por los ingenieros de audio, este dispositivo profesional proporciona una sólida definición en los graves, gracias a sus transductores de 45 Mm. Una solución idónea para grabación, mixture ...
LDA and Renkus-Heinz offer clear and transparent sound in large spaces9 November 2017 Places of Worship, Railway stations, Auditoriums, Sports centres and conference centres are some of the ideal projects for the American firm's loudspeakers. Its power allows you to cover ...
Extron HC 404: AV system for professional collaboration and education8 November 2017 Esta solución incorpora conmutación de vídeo, Scaling, extensión de señales y control del sistema en una pareja de compactos módulos de transmisor y receptor. Su control de encendido automático permite ...
Charmex opens its first office in Portugal and consolidates its presence in the country's audiovisual market6 November 2017 Las nuevas instalaciones cuentan con un showroom en el que se ofrece un espacio dinámico para promover las soluciones interactivas que comercializa para los sectores educativo y corporativo. The line ...
Allen SQ Digital Mixers & Heath for high-resolution, low-latency audio6 November 2017 The manufacturer has presented this new range of mixers, intended for live sound applications, AV and installation, consisting of two models using the XCVI FPGA engine ...
MIRA transforms a museum room for its new stage dedicated to 3D sound3 November 2017 El 3D Sound Room by SON Estrella Galicia centrará su propuesta musical en la electrónica de baile para lo que contará con un sistema multicanal de 32 altavoces que permitirá ...
Allen & Heath releases major firmware update for dLive3 November 2017 Denominada Fistral, esta versión añade prestaciones como el Mezclador Automático de Micrófonos (AMM), la capacidad de conectar varias superficies de control a un mismo MixRack, soporte del nuevo hardware orientado ...
Vitelsa provides AV equipment to the auditorium of Sant Carles de la Rápita2 November 2017 In the new building, two double columns of speakers have been installed on the sides of the stage, as well as other high performance in the front and subwoofers to reinforce ...
The sound systems of d&b allow the Arcade Theatre to delve into musicals25 October 2017 Para proporcionar una perfecta cobertura se han instalado a ambos lados del escenario altavoces Yi7P de la serie Y, con un Yi10P de fuente puntual más ancha en el centro. ...
Apart sounds the plenary hall of the town hall of Sant Marti Sarroca23 October 2017 Este proyecto forma parte del sistema de conferencias que el consistorio acaba de instalar y que incluye una unidad de presidencia MDS.CHAIR y 19 unidades MDS.DEL para el resto de ...
light, sound and creativity filled the Prado-Retiro axis to celebrate October Moon23 October 2017 This celebration, which took place on the night of last Saturday, It served as a tribute to the 300 years of history of this emblematic area of Madrid. Fourteen national and international artists, ...
Acurus Scorpion: Multi-room audio solution for commercial and corporate facilities20 October 2017 Diseñado en un chasis con dos unidades de rack, es capaz de crear hasta 8 zonas diferentes, with 16 canales de amplificación de audio, y llegar a las 10 Yes ...
The Cathedral of Ávila recalls the history of the city with a light and sound show20 October 2017 On its western façade and the bell tower a videomapping was projected in which the shapes and volumes of the building were played., Creating different perceptions and virtual transformations. this ...
The restaurant of the Pago de Carraovejas winery renews its sound system19 October 2017 For the new audio infrastructure, Ovo8P loudspeakers and a PR4000R tuner from Apart have been used., as well as an Allen GR4 pre/mixer & Heath and microphones ...
The NH Collection Eurobuilding offers rooms that are lit according to the emotions of the clients18 October 2017 The Mood Rooms has been equipped with the most innovative technology and with the help of the Philips RoomFlex control system, guests can select their lighting scene, sound ...
Powersoft technology stars in the new sound system of Rose in Rio17 October 2017 Equaphon, distribuidor de este fabricante en Argentina, ha instalado el sistema de audio en esta moderna discoteca que acaba de abrir sus puertas en Buenos Aires. Rose in Rio, A new ...
Allen & Heath expands its proposal in personal monitoring with ME-50010 October 2017 This sixteen-channel mixer has been designed to offer an affordable solution for rental companies, orchestras or temples, so that musicians can configure and control ...