Powersoft shows control capabilities for spatial sound at the Les Champs Libres center18 August 2017 This cultural complex, located in the French city of Rennes, It now has a progressive multipoint sound system, Installed at first to meet artistic requirements ...
Amsterdam Arena upgrades its audio system with d solutions&B17 August 2017 Los responsables de este estadio holandés han apostado por la instalación de sistemas profesionales del fabricante alemán de audio para cumplir con las normativas de la UEFA/FIFA sobre rendimiento e ...
AMX by Harman expands its Incite range with models 813 for classrooms and meeting spaces17 August 2017 Los nuevos dispositivos 8x1:3 Digital Video Presentation Switcher, disponibles a través de Avit Vision, combinan conmutación, escalado y transporte a distancia y control de AMX con tecnología marcas mundiales de ...
Yamaha TF-Rack: Digital mixer for tight spaces and rack mounting16 August 2017 De muy fácil instalación, se trata de una solución especialmente indicada para proyectos con grandes limitaciones de espacio que requieren gran flexibilidad, que se integra con los sistemas basados en ...
ALE integrates PGi audio solution into its collaborative communications platform28 July 2017 Rainbow y GlobalMeet abordan los puntos críticos que normalmente limitan la adopción de comunicaciones unificadas y colaboración. Las ventajas de la solución se reflejan en conferencias de audio HD que ...
Audio-Technica and Allen & Heath help sound Bryan Ferry's performances28 July 2017 En su gira por Europa y Estados Unidos, se han utilizado los micrófonos dinámicos hipercardioides AE6100 para sonorizar su voz y otros modelos de la misma marca para su banda, ...
Sennheiser Speakerphone SP 220 Uc: portable speaker for conferences up to 12 Participants27 July 2017 This compact hands-free equipment consists of two units that are joined by cable and allow their use together or separately. Your weight of 210 grams converts you ...
Sono provided the sound systems for the concert of carrillón celebrated in the Sagrada Familia27 July 2017 For its realization were used 33 micros, entre los que destacan el modelo DPA 1099, que se usó para el carrillón, el DPA Dfacto para la solista y siete Neumann ...
PLAYdifferently Model 1: Analog mixer with the technology of the best studio consoles24 July 2017 This team, pensado especialmente para el DJ profesional que actúa en directo, fue presentado en la pasada edición del festival Sonar con la colaboración de Audio-Technica. Su diseño ofrece una ...
Christie Pandoras Box 6.0 and Widget Designer 6.0 finalists of the AV Awards 201724 July 2017 Estas soluciones están nominadas en la categoría de mejor Control y Gestión de Audio y Vídeo del año. La ceremonia de entrega de premios se celebrará el 29 September ...
Santiago de Compostela celebrates the night of the Fires of the Apostle with an audiovisual and pyrotechnic show24 July 2017 The design and execution of the project has been carried out by Acciona Producciones y Diseño that will offer projections with three-dimensional effects made under the mapping technique, lighting 360 degrees and ...
Audio-Technica introduces the new version of Installed Sound Support with improved modules and graphics20 July 2017 This version of its well-known and free app, developed and updated by Studio Six Digital, includes new modules in response to user demand, as well as improved graphics, ...
Waves develops new Icon control surfaces for LV-1 direct mixer19 July 2017 El fabricante israelí de plugins y sistemas de DSP ha desarrollado una solución para añadir faders y controles físicos al mezclador de directo eMotion LV-1, que estará disponible en España ...
RDL SysFlex: ultra-compact converters to simplify the creation of audio networks14 July 2017 Esta gama de módulos audiovisuales del fabricante, disponibles en el mercado español a través de AV Company, ofrecen soluciones de interconexión para proyectos complejos de audio con dispositivos ligeros, Compact ...
The Cathedral of Girona hosts an immersive show of light and music by Xavi Bové14 July 2017 The visual artist will use for this concert of light and music in real time sixty light projectors, distributed inside and outside the ship, con un sistema de control ...
InfoComm rewards the innovation of Audio-Technica's ATUC-50 digital debate system13 July 2017 Recognized as the most innovative product in its category for its audio quality and advanced controls, as well as for its simple configuration and handling, according to this trade association ...
Afial convenes the 8th edition of the Sound Show, lighting and audiovisual technologies13 July 2017 The audiovisual industry fair, Afial 2018, will be held 27 from February to 1 March at the Multipurpose Pavilion, old Madrid Arena, así como en el Pabellón ...
Two Mallorcan hotels of the Hipotels chain opt for EAW Radius to sound their rooms12 July 2017 In total they have been installed 16 RSX208L system units, 2 RSX18 and other RSX12 subwoofers. All equipment is self-powered and networked through ...
Charmex shows the latest AV solutions for the education sector in its showroom in Barcelona11 July 2017 Las jornadas de puertas abiertas, que está celebrando para distribuidores y usuarios finales, están sirviendo de escenario para dar a conocer soluciones como los monitores multitáctiles interactivos Clevertouch, the systems ...
Crestron and Electric String take Ineos corporate gym to a new AV dimension10 July 2017 The project is based on the creation of an audio system, video and control for employees using this sports space located at the manufacturer's headquarters ...