Sono performs a rear-projection of 30.000 lumens for the charity dinner 'We Are One'23 June 2017 The fifth edition of the charity dinner 'Somos Uno' has counted, one more year, with the work of this specialist in audiovisual services, that has supplied the equipment and has ...
AV AMX Incite management devices combine BSS technologies, dbx and Crown22 June 2017 Estos selectores de presentaciones eliminan la necesidad de adquirir múltiples dispositivos de gestión de señales y ofrecen un óptimo valor a los clientes que necesitan una solución de presentación robusta ...
The version 2.10 of Powersoft Armonia improves the process of measurement and alignment of sound systems21 June 2017 The new update of this remote control and monitoring program for audio systems offers integration with Smaart 8, Greyboxes configurations and support for the latest Greyboxes amplifiers ...
Tecco incorporates Vaddio's collaboration solutions into its commercial offer in Spain21 June 2017 Con la incorporación de las soluciones colaborativas del fabricante estadounidense a su propuesta comercial, la compañía española afianza su alianza con el grupo Milestone AV Technologies, del que ya distribuye ...
The Hotel ME Cabo San Lucas personalizes the sound of your stays with&b audiotechnik21 June 2017 The infrastructure consists of a complex system in which 8S loudspeakers have been used, 5S and 10AL-D, as well as 10D and 30D amplifiers, and 12S and 18S-SUBs subwoofers ...
Audio-Technica helps make Spiritland's music experience a reality20 June 2017 Una amplia gama de productos de su catálogo han sido instalados en esta sala, permitiendo que puedan interactuar en un mismo espacio radiodifusión, live sound, instalación de audio y ...
OrCam MyEye helps visually impaired people read with smart algorithms20 June 2017 This reading and visual recognition device 'learns' through algorithms and artificial intelligence, allowing people with low vision or some kind of hearing what cannot be seen ...
Crestron goes one step further with Avia to bring professional sound in business spaces19 June 2017 These multichannel amplifiers and digital signal processors (Dsp), whose advantages have recently been shown in InfoComm 2017, simplify programming, tuning, expansión e integración de sonido en cualquier ...
Beyerdynamic TG 500: wireless system for small scenarios and presentations19 June 2017 This solution is available in five sets each containing an individual receiver and two disconnectable antennas.. The TG 550 Vocal Set is ideal for singing, while ...
Crestron Vector: speakers for commercial applications and large spaces16 June 2017 Esta línea de altas prestaciones, que se ha presentado en InfoComm, es idónea para auditorios, salas de conferencias y salas divisibles. Está integrada por soluciones que van desde un coaxial ...
Bose Panaray MSA 12X: modular array speaker for acoustically difficult spaces16 June 2017 This self-powered system has twelve 2.25" full-range transducers (with response from 75 Hz to 14 khz) in a column line array configuration, para ofrecer niveles de ...
Crestron Mercury shows its advantages for collaborative meetings in InfoComm 201715 June 2017 Esta solución de sobremesa ofrece todo lo necesario para que las reuniones sean productivas y transcurran sin problemas, además de compatibilidad con cualquier aplicación de colaboración web. El fabricante ha ...
Eurecat shows off its new immersive and interactive 3D sound technology in Sónar+D 201715 June 2017 Con la denominación de Sfëar, los investigadores del centro tecnológico Eurecat (miembro de Tecnio) muestran, until next time 16 de junio en este evento de Barcelona, este avance que hace ...
A spectacular AV staging of light and color accompanied the event of the pharmaceutical Libbs14 June 2017 La convención anual de esta multinacional se desarrolló en un entorno donde primaron los elementos audiovisuales entre los que destacó una proyección de más de 40 metros y un espectacular ...
Crestron deploys secure solutions, simple and scalable for business rooms in InfoComm 201714 June 2017 The manufacturer presents several innovative products at this event and for the first time in the United States, such as the Mercury meeting solution and the DigitalMedia NVX series, la única solución ...
Belden will focus its assistance to InfoComm 2017 in the HDbaseT standard13 June 2017 Para solventar los problemas de interferencias recomienda una infraestructura que soporte las distintas señales y proporcione escalabilidad de futuro en la instalación. To do this, presentará en Orlando un cable especial ...
Bose Professional incorporates PhaseGuide technology in its EdgeMax ceiling speakers13 June 2017 Combining the typical coverage patterns of surface speakers with the aesthetics of ceiling speakers, These new equipment represent a new category of products from the manufacturer. the ...
Rock Vineyard 2017 counted again with the systems of D.A.S. Audio for sound12 June 2017 The systems of this Spanish brand have been since the year 2012 bringing sound quality to this event, that in its last edition has brought together more than 200.000 people ...
Equipson to attend InfoComm 2017 with the latest AV developments from Work Pro12 June 2017 LightShark lighting software, the new elevator tower concept developed by Work Lifters and the WorkCAD3 AV platform are the main novelties that can be seen in Orlando. At InfoComm ...
Vogel's strengthens its position in the audio and video market with the acquisition of Marmitek12 June 2017 Tras esta operación, Marmitek continuará su actividad como una empresa independiente, beneficiándose de la red de distribución internacional de Vogel’s; mientras que esta última podrá utilizar su conocimiento y experiencia en ...