Allen & Heath strengthens its dLive system with new features and applications22 February 2017 The company has developed two new tools for iPad, MixPad and OneMix, that optimize the management and monitoring of this console. In addition, ha lanzado una actualización del firmware para mejorar ...
Neumann unveils its first studio monitor with DSP20 February 2017 This is the KH two-way equipment 80 which includes a digital signal processor and allows its management through the manufacturer's own control software. The new one ...
An immersive videomapping full of lights and shadows the Plaza Mayor of Madrid to celebrate its IV centenary20 February 2017 Considered the largest made to date in Spain, this audiovisual trip has been the starting gun of the activities that have been organized to commemorate the 400 years ...
Powersoft Quattrocanali: Four-channel audio amplification for medium-sized installations16 February 2017 The Italian manufacturer has taken advantage of its recent participation in ISE 2017 to introduce its new four-channel audio amplification platform, composed of three models of 1.200 to ...
The Spanish LDA Audio Tech presented its new NEO Extension models at ISE 201715 February 2017 Participando en una nueva edición de este certamen recientemente finalizado, el fabricante de sistemas de megafonía y alarma por voz para evacuación ha ampliado su sistema NEO con certificado EN 54 ...
D&b improves integration with third parties thanks to an amplifier plug-in for MediaMatrix14 February 2017 This solution will allow a complete sound reinforcement system from the German manufacturer to be accessible through any MediaMatrix control method, and fully interoperable with the concept ...
Sennheiser Expands TeamConnect Wireless Remote Conferencing Solutions14 February 2017 TeamConnect Wireless Set Tray M se ofrece como una alternativa para audioconferencias en las salas pequeñas con hasta 12 Participants; mientras que Set TeamConnect Wireless Case es idóneo para salas ...
Joaquín Herrera chooses audio-technica microphones and headphones to train his students13 February 2017 The renowned school of guitar and flamenco singing Joaquín Herrera has acquired a varied set of microphones from this specialist to transmit to students the nuances of this art ...
Clear-Com explains at ISE 2017 the audio-quality advantages of your new Dante interface card10 February 2017 Este avance permite una fácil integración con la infraestructura AoIP basada en la red Dante y aporta 16, 32 and up to 64 canales de baja latencia y alta calidad de ...
Work Pro shows at ISE 2017 Your solutions for the control of audio and lighting devices10 February 2017 La plataforma de gestión de dispositivos de audio e iluminación, WorkCAD 3, el receptor de sonido BLR 2, el conversor DD 4 y el interfaz de control BL AC 1 ...
Lawo takes advantage of the ISE showcase 2017 to present your processing kit V_pro810 February 2017 Esta nueva herramienta de procesamiento de vídeo de ocho canales y equipada con una completa y potente actualización de software puede probarse en el stand del fabricante en el Ámsterdam ...
Harman Professional enhances an effective and efficient collaboration with its innovations in ISE 201710 February 2017 Numerous innovations in collaboration systems, audio for conferences, Room Booking Touch Panels, Encoders,… marcan la variada propuesta que Harman Professional Solutions está presentando estos días a los ...
Dura Core laser technology and 4K UHD mark the presence of Optoma in ISE 20179 February 2017 Siete nuevos proyectores láser Dura Core, innovadoras herramientas de retail que utilizan la proyección para crear atractivas presentaciones en la tienda, un sistema UHD 4K con tecnología 1DLP y soluciones ...
Shure unveils at ISE 2017 its innovations in conference and microphone systems9 February 2017 A new interpretation console, an electronic display, a powerful digital signal processor, along with two new Centraverse microphones and high-density mode for wireless Microflex systems, ...
Genelec llena de color el audio en ISE 2017 con su serie 40009 February 2017 Pensados para entornos comerciales e instalaciones profesionales estos monitores activos están disponibles en varias configuraciones y un acabado en 120 RAL colours. El color llega a la instalación de audio con ...
Powersoft leverages ISE 2017 to present its new multi-channel installation series7 February 2017 Under the concept '4 Human integration', the manufacturer of control and amplification electronics has presented its new series for the first time with the aim of filling "a niche that was missing ...
Crestron highlights its high capacity for automation and control in the company and home7 February 2017 The Alexa voice command recognition system, amp-1200 and AMP-2100 modular amplifiers, and solutions to distribute signals in 4K to 60 MHz without sampling over networks of ...
Bose Professional presents at ISE 2017 the ControlSpace EX audio conferencing system7 February 2017 This solution includes a Dante-based processor and EX-4ML endpoints, EX-8ML and EX-UH. In addition, has connectivity for various types of audio conferencing systems, including USB, VoIP, PSTN, ...
Sennheiser and FBT audio technology in the Commonwealth of Municipalities of Campo de Gibraltar6 February 2017 The plenary hall of this institution now has a digital conference system DNA and wireless microphones of the German firm, whose sound quality has been reinforced ...
The Monumental Theater relies again on Yamaha digital consoles6 February 2017 The center has renewed its audio system with the consoles of the CL series, that can handle surround sound environments, an essential element for the daily work of ...