D&b audiotechnik joins AVnu Alliance to drive open audio standards17 August 2016 The manufacturer of speaker systems joins this consortium that promotes the adoption of protocols such as Audio Video Bridging and Time Sensitive Networking (AVB/TSN) and an open ecosystem ...
Yamaha expands its EMX series with two new portable integrated mixers16 August 2016 Los modelos EMX5 y EMX7 ofrecen más potencia, Functions, portabilidad y facilidad de uso en una solución compacta de sonorización para su uso por parte de músicos, artistas y ponentes. Designed ...
Sennheiser EK 6042: two-channel wireless receiver for cameras16 August 2016 Designed to work indistinctly with analog and digital transmitters from this manufacturer, This dual-channel camera device can be automatically configured via IR. Available in the Spanish market through ...
One of the hot spots of Playa de la Concha is sounded with Apart29 July 2016 The new chill out terrace, baptized as El Perlón, It aims to be one of the most characteristic places in the city. For the musical atmosphere of the place, se han instalado un total ...
FBT Vertus CS1000: compact line array for live and fixed installations28 July 2016 Built with a modular and scalable design, This audio solution incorporates a bi-amplified system composed of a Bass reflex subwoofer 12 Great excursion inches and a passive satellite. the ...
d V7P point source speakers&b debut on Rocky Horror Show27 July 2016 En este espectáculo musical se utilizan estos equipos para el anfiteatro, los niveles superiores y la galería, con un arreglo en línea en stack sobre el suelo para las butacas de ...
Esprinet creates an AV Pro business unit to strengthen its presence in the audiovisual market26 July 2016 With this strategy reinforces the service for customers of the integrating AV channels, corporate and SMB. The new division will be led by Marcos Larroy and supervised by Javier Aldea ...
The Padres Blancos school in Seville updates the audio and lighting system of its theater22 July 2016 Tras realizar un estudio acústico-arquitectónico, Mimmo decidió optimizar la infraestructura del centro docente utilizando la tecnología de Work Pro y Mark Pro. La empresa sevillana Mimmo Diseño y Eventos ha optimizado ...
The AV facilities of the Olympic Museum of Norway recall the history of the Games22 July 2016 The centerpiece of this audiovisual exhibition is the 'Lysgaardsbakkene', an elevated interactive circular platform of 3,5 meters in diameter representing a ski jumping track. For your ...
JBL Professional PD500: Loudspeakers for large sound projects21 July 2016 Sucesora de la serie PD, this line, compuesta por cinco modelos, mantiene la potencia y cobertura de su predecesora y es idónea para utilizar en instalaciones deportivas y grandes auditorios. the ...
Play Radio Valencia equips its studio with Work Pro audio solutions20 July 2016 The installation has been equipped with Neo speakers 8, the Multiplayer control system 4, MMX audio mixers 62 and the WPA headphone amplifier 6600. Hace unos ...
Panasonic will carry out an extensive AV deployment for its marketing campaign as official sponsor of Rio 201619 July 2016 Contará con un pabellón corporativo, el Estadio de las Maravillas, donde se proyectarán imágenes que mostrarán su colaboración con los JJOO a los largo de 25 years. In addition, realizará diferentes ...
Sonoidea celebrates three decades of AV experience, quality and unique projects14 July 2016 Responsible for emblematic projects such as the equipment of the Berklee campus in Valencia or the subtitling system of the Palace of Arts among many others, this Valencian company celebrates ...
Denon Professional 300C: rack 1U audio player14 July 2016 Este versátil sistema de reproducción de audio cuenta con conexión para dispositivos USB en el panel frontal y una reproducción de audio de alta calidad a un coste asequible. Disponible ya ...
The Pepper robot entertains the passengers of the Costa Diadema on their journey through the Mediterranean13 July 2016 The ship's staff has been joined by five of these robots that aim to ensure that passengers enjoy the best entertainment on board. Pepper es capaz de ...
Fundación Telefónica turns Teresa Perales' biorhythms into a piece of music13 July 2016 Este proyecto tecnológico, que aúna música y deporte, ha querido poner de relieve qué es lo pasa en el cuerpo de la deportista paralímpica dentro del agua. To do this, herself ...
'Adele Live 2016' puts to the test the new microphone TG MM1w of beyerdynamic12 July 2016 On her current world tour, the British singer uses this measuring microphone as part of the sound system to ensure optimal quality at all her concerts. La gira mundial ...
Antequera Light Fest seeks to turn the city into the benchmark for Spanish videomapping festivals12 July 2016 This initiative, que tendrá su primera demostración este domingo en la Puerta de Estepa, unirá a empresas tecnológicas y videocreadores de todo el país para que presenten sus artísticas obras ...
JBL VTX M: stage monitors for demanding, maximum-power applications11 July 2016 Integrated by VTX M20 and VTX M22 models, this line incorporates the neodymium Differential Drive woofers, los transductores de alta frecuencia D2 con doble diafragma y unas nuevas ...
Euipo creates conference room in its Brussels office with advanced AV technologies11 July 2016 This integration project, that Vitelsa has made, tiene como objetivo satisfacer la necesidad de la Euipo de disponer en Bruselas de instalaciones propias para desarrollar actividades de relación y ...