The benchmark of Latin music in Valencia bets on DAS sound systems28 June 2016 El local de ocio La 57 has 4 formaciones de sistemas alrededor de la pista de baile central, integradas por un subgrave Artec S15A y un sistema Artec 510A, ...
Waves elevates audio to the world of virtual and augmented reality with Nx27 June 2016 Esta tecnología recrea en los auriculares las mismas señales auditivas que llegan a los oídos en el mundo real. El primer producto desarrollado ha sido la herramienta de monitorización virtual ...
The Cathedral of Tarragona offers multimedia video guides with AR to encourage cultural visits27 June 2016 Atraer al templo a nuevos visitantes, principalmente jóvenes, y que conozcan su patrimonio cultural es el principal objetivo del nuevo servicio de videoguía multimedia, creado por DNA Expertus Turismo y ...
Harman shows in Madrid its solution to bring 4K over IP networks of 1 Gbps27 June 2016 Durante roadshow europeo ‘Connect with Harman’, que recaló en Madrid el pasado 22 June, el fabricante presentó sus últimas innovaciones tecnológicas en el campo de la transmisión de AV ...
The Alfa Romeo historical museum enhances its exhibitions with Work Pro and Mark Pro solutions27 June 2016 La instalación de iluminación está compuesta por 4 unidades WD 2012 DMX, que se encargan de alimentar los 44 Spotlight Theatre 650-1000 y Spotlight Multiprofile Spot R26 y que son controlados ...
Allen & Heath Qu-SB: 18-input portable mixer with WiFi remote control24 June 2016 The manufacturer has expanded its series of compact digital mixers Qu with the new interface - Ultra compact Qu-SB mixer, diseñado como solución en forma de cajetín de escenario y ...
Xavi Bové creates a large-format interactive installation that combines mapping and creative coding23 June 2016 This show, denominado 'Banda Sonora Visual', can be seen on Thursday 30 June, and its objective is to create a link between a soundtrack and its visual representation, custom ...
JBL EON208P: Portable PA system for entertainment venues, Classrooms, worship centres and meeting rooms22 June 2016 This equipment is composed of two loudspeakers, that can be located on the ground or tripods, and each of them has a bass speaker of 8 Inch ...
Klipsch R-15PM: wireless speaker system with Tractrix technology22 June 2016 Compact size, These two self-powered speakers marketed by Magnetron incorporate Tractrix technology to offer maximum response to any frequency and minimal distortion. Magnetron, Equipment and Solutions Specialist ...
JCB optimizes its control center with the Highlite laser projection system21 June 2016 The four Digital Projection equipment that has been installed on the ceiling of the room optimizes the work carried out in the center that consists of collecting the data in ...
Sonar 2016 consolidates with the support of 115.500 visitors its commitment as a 'cultural laboratory'21 June 2016 The twenty-third edition of this musical contest, audiovisual and experimental also incorporates Hong Kong and Istanbul to its international headquarters, and Sónar+D consolidates its congress format by bringing together ...
Bose Professional introduces its new line of PowerShare adaptive amplifiers20 June 2016 Composed of three models, dos para instalación fija y otro para eventos móviles, esta gama de amplificadores de 600W permite salidas de potencia asimétricas que pueden compartirse entre los canales ...
Sono performs AV integration in the new offices of Banco Sabadell in London17 June 2016 Located on the floors 37 and 38 of the central Leadenhall of the British capital, The new meeting rooms of this financial institution have had this engineering specialist ...
Biamp TesiraLUX: real-time 4K60 video distribution over AVB/TSN networks17 June 2016 Totalmente integrado con el resto de la plataforma Tesira, los ingenieros pueden utilizar ahora la misma interfaz para sus instalaciones de audio y vídeo, sin necesidad de añadir delays para ...
Sónar opens 2016 with the new media art installation Earthworks16 June 2016 Creada por el estudio británico Semiconductor y coproducida con la Fundació Sorigué, esta obra inmersiva de más de 25 metros de longitud es la gran protagonista de la tercera edición ...
Bisou Club nightclub envelops its customers in spectacular decorative lighting15 June 2016 To achieve this effect, about a hundred Elation Professional teams have been installed, including 32 Led ACL 360i effect units, 24 Heads ...
Allen & Heath optimizes the performance and ecosystem of Qu series mixers13 June 2016 Allen & Heath has optimized the performance and ecosystem of the Qu series compact digital mixers. Acompañando el lanzamiento del firmware v1.9 ha añadido nuevas actualizaciones para la ...
Live sound with Avid S6L during Primavera Sound 201613 June 2016 Barcelona's festival, celebrado del 2 to the 4 de junio en el parque del Fórum de la capital catalana, ha contado no sólo con la presencia de importantes artistas y ...
Crestron Offers New Line of Solutions to Optimize Audio in Meeting Rooms10 June 2016 Nuevos DSP de gran precisión, amplificadores y herramientas de software que simplifican la programación, integración y expansión del sonido en aplicaciones comerciales e institucionales, conforman su nueva oferta. Crestron ha dado ...
Panasonic will participate in the Rio Olympics 2016 with its AV solutions10 June 2016 Among other solutions, instalará 72 pantallas gigantes Led, with almost 2.000 metros cuadrados de paneles, 15.600 Displays, 210 videoproyectores DLP, sistemas profesionales de audio y 70 mezcladores de la serie ...