AMX Iberia changes its name to AVIT Vision1 April 2016 The new choice of name responds to the company's vision of showing the Spanish and Portuguese market its willingness to offer solutions where audio and ...
Allen & Heath goes on tour with Norwegian singer Ane Brun30 March 2016 Con el sistema dLive, compuesto por la superficie de control S7000 y un MixRack DM64, se ha gestionado, desde la misma consola, tanto el FOH como los monitores utilizados en ...
D&b focuses its proposal on Prolight+Sound 2016 in NoizCalc noise calculation software30 March 2016 El fabricante mostrará en la inminente edición 2016 del certamen en Messe Frankfurt su nueva herramienta de software para predecir el cálculo del ruido en el campo lejano en eventos ...
TBWA Spain renews the audiovisual equipment of its headquarters in Madrid with Vitelsa28 March 2016 The project carried out in the main room combines a Full HD projection solution of high luminosity on a large format electric screen with a large Led monitor. ...
The Palladium theatre in London optimizes its public address system with L-Acoustics28 March 2016 SSE Audio Group has installed the PA L-Acoustics Kara system as a long-term rental project in this century-old London theatre with capacity to 2.286 seats. The iconic Palladium London, one ...
Shure KSM8 Dualdyne: dual-diaphragm dynamic vocal microphone for live performances22 March 2016 Sin efecto de proximidad y una alta estabilidad, este dispositivo se presenta como una solución idónea para interpretaciones en directo en las que la claridad de la voz y la ...
ArrayProcessing surprises with its performance in Saitama Super Arena in Japan21 March 2016 On the occasion of the farewell of Reon Yuzuki, one of the most admired artists of this Japanese musical theater, those responsible for the concert decided to use this new audio system ...
Speakerphone SP 20: Sennheiser Small Group Mobile Conferencing21 March 2016 This communication solution, which has achieved recognition in the last edition of MWC in Barcelona, Is specially developed for individual conferences or in small groups through ...
Meyer Sound's Leopard sound triumphs in international musical shows17 March 2016 Los diseñadores de sonido de espectáculos musicales han elegido el sistema de sonido de refuerzo lineal Leopard para sus producciones de teatro por su nivel de claridad, potencia y precisión, ...
TD Maverick Extends Three-Year Av Product Warranty17 March 2016 With this initiative, el mayorista busca incrementar la flexibilidad para el canal y la protección de los usuarios finales en el mercado ibérico. In addition, espera seguir creciendo al ritmo que ...
UNESCO's Paris Headquarters Adds Panasonic's AV Technology to Its Conference Room16 March 2016 Para optimizar las funciones que se realizan en la sala más grande de esta sede se ha instalado el proyector DLP de 3 chip and 20.000 lúmenes PT-DZ21KEJ, the camera ...
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra premieres the work Pokémon Symphonic Evolutions with dLive16 March 2016 The dLive system, that has been used for foh, it was composed of an S7000 control surface with a MixRack DM64, using approximately 70 physical inputs, while the ...
Vitelsa is in charge of the maintenance of the AV equipment of the Museo Reina Sofía11 March 2016 El alcance del contrato incluye la prestación de servicios de mantenimiento de todo el equipamiento audiovisual y de comunicaciones, así como de la asistencia técnica a todos los actos y ...
Sonido premium de JBL durante la 58ª edición de los Premios Grammy11 March 2016 Durante “la noche más grande de la música”, como se conoce la celebración de los Premios Grammy, organizada por The Recording Academy, contó en su 58ª edición con el sonido de ...
Riedel connects av equipment used by athem of the Seas cruiser for his shows9 March 2016 An all-in-one solution allows connection, management and distribution of multimedia signals that affect both the IPTV services of this great Royal Caribbean ocean liner and ...
Amsterdam hosts the first permanent virtual reality cinema8 March 2016 Atrás quedan los habituales espacios con una gran pantalla blanca y sillas rojas. En The Virtual Reality Cinema, el espectador se sienta en una silla giratoria y se sumerge en ...
Led videowall combined with audio as a new experience in events7 March 2016 Un videowall de VuePix, composed of more than 500.000 Leds para cubrir 52 square meters, protagoniza la experiencia visual y creativa durante los eventos que se celebran en el hotel ...
JBL technology solves the audio problems of Barbastro's cult building4 March 2016 An Intellivox DS380 column has been the solution chosen to respond to the problems presented by the church of San Francisco de Asís in Barbastro, un recinto de culto de ...
Zentralmedia adds to its commercial offer in Spain the systems of Eve Audio2 March 2016 El contrato de distribución de los sistemas de monitorización de esta empresa de audio está en vigor desde el 1 de marzo y se realizará a través de un selecto ...
Sennheiser SL DI 4 XLR: analog-to-digital audio converter1 March 2016 The SL DI 4XLR is a Dante interface developed for use with Sennheiser SpeechLine receivers that can be fed and also allows a Dante network to be fed from all four inputs. ...