Madonna ofrece espectaculares conciertos en su gira Rebel Heart ayudada por Digico29 February 2016 En los conciertos realizados durante la gira, se está utilizando el sistema SD7 con una consola de expansión de faders EX007 donde sus ingenieros técnicos mezclan las voces y los ...
D&b promoted in ISE 2016 networking with sound system integrators29 February 2016 With a wide range of novelties, la compañía subraya que su participación en este certamen ha servido a los integradores para encontrar “las soluciones más adecuadas para instalar de modo ...
Eikonos helped to capture the attention of the visitor who came to the MWC 2016 with AV solutions29 February 2016 With a traditional style, where the brand image was reinforced, the NEC Corporatión stand at MWC 2016 had the participation of Eikonos for its assembly and ...
Seville's San Isidro Labrador Parish optimizes its public address with FBT and Sennheiser26 February 2016 In the central nave, two FBT DLA 804A loudspeakers have been installed and two Project speakers have been installed in the chapel 315. A DMM processor 8008 takes care of the mixing ...
Metallica and the Meyer Sound LEO inaugurate Quebec Arena with a circled TM Array25 February 2016 American thrash metal band has used for the first time a LEO Meyer Sound family speaker system in circular arrangement, combinado con elementos de control de ...
Moment Factory flys over the Muse Drones World Tour stage with 3D systems and interactive content24 February 2016 La gira mundial de la banda de rock británico Muse llega a Europa respaldado por el éxito y la crítica durante sus conciertos en Estados Unidos, no sólo por su ...
Vitelsa provides the Pablo de Olavide University with a complete audiovisual equipment24 February 2016 En el salón de grados de la biblioteca universitaria se ha creado un espacio multifuncional donde se fusionan capacidades de reunión y comunicación en un mismo entorno docente. likewise, the ...
AMX Iberia and Earpro sign a strategic alliance to offer joint and integrated solutions23 February 2016 El acuerdo de colaboración entre la filial ibérica de AMX y el distribuidor de numerosas marcas del Grupo Harman contempla la comercialización de soluciones tecnológicas completas e integrales de esta ...
Panasonic attends MWC 2016 to present their latest developments for IoT23 February 2016 En el Mobile World Congress de Barcelona, Panasonic está dando a conocer su apuesta por los dispositivos conectados que son aplicables a una gran variedad de entornos como Light ID ...
Magnetrón incorporates Oehlbach Power and Electronic solutions to its offer22 February 2016 The wholesaler has reached a new agreement with this German manufacturer of solutions to improve data transmission and audio, to market in the Iberian market the ...
High TS2: acoustic enclosures that meet the demands of musical groups22 February 2016 Compuesta por los modelos TS210, TS212 y TS215, la nueva línea de Alto Professional dispone de un sistema de amplificación capaz de proporcionar una potencia continua de 550 W and ...
Sennheiser promotes dynamic work environments with TeamConnect Wireless18 February 2016 The manufacturer has just presented in the latest edition of ISE its first wireless audio conferencing solution in response to the demand of business executives, that allows you to start and ...
Lady Gaga performs to the rhythm of Intel technology during the Grammy Awards17 February 2016 Animaciones en 3D, Holograms, efectos luminosos, un gran mural led como telón de fondo, brazos robóticos que dan vida a instrumentos de música… fueron algunas de las técnicas utilizadas durante ...
Stereo Rent renews its speaker park with the new Bose F1 812 Array16 February 2016 The Barcelona-based audiovisual services company has expanded its proposal of equipment for events and rental with the legendary Bose 812, consisting of a top and a subwoofer. The system ...
dLive manages the sound of the Promessas gospel festival in Sao Paulo16 February 2016 El nuevo sistema de mezcla digital dLive de Allen & Heath ha sido seleccionado para gestionar el FOH, los monitores y la retransmisión del festival Promessas, celebrado recientemente en la ...
The sound of Meyer Sound accompanied the staging of the Super Bowl 5015 February 2016 During the celebration of the Super Bowl and the different shows that have taken place to commemorate its 50 anniversary, LEO equipment, Leopard, Meyer Sound SB-1 and SB-3F ...
Grupo Adagio assumes the distribution of Digitech/DOD, of the Harman Group, in Spain and Portugal15 February 2016 The company will market the brands of Digitech/DOD pedals of the Harman International Industries Group in the Iberian market, fully covering the distribution of digital effects and multiprocessor pedals for ...
Meyer Sound: an entire constellation of audio with pinpoint accuracy12 February 2016 In ISE 2016 is demonstrating with its Constellation system, designed to precisely control reverberation time, the first reflections and other key parameters determining the clarity of ...
Lawo deploys in ISE 2016 its solutions for IP-based audio and video infrastructures12 February 2016 Lawo has advanced infrastructure solutions at its stand at the Amsterdam RAI, such as drives for video V__line I/O and audio A__line I/O as well as networks with processing ...
Yamaha demonstrates at ISE 2016 the possibilities of network audio and the mixing potential of your consoles12 February 2016 QL1 consoles, TF1 and CL1, el sistema wireless MusicCast y los switches de red para instalación son algunas de las soluciones que Yamaha exhibe en ISE 2016. Yamaha goes to ...