Optoma to go to ISE 2015 to show its commitment to the AV industry2 December 2014 In ISE 2015, Optoma realizará demostraciones de sus últimos avances en tecnología de proyección e instalaciones profesionales, así como innovadoras soluciones para el mercado retail y pantallas de señalización de ...
Charmex brings AV professionals together in Seville to showcase the most innovative in the sector2 December 2014 The Professional Audiovisual Conference of Charmex International in Andalusia will be held on 3 and 4 of December in Seville with the aim of showing the AV sector the most advanced technologies ...
Ecler CA40 and CA120: micro-amplifiers for AV integration2 December 2014 Compact size, Ecler tiene disponibles dos nuevos amplificadores estéreo que conforman la serie CA, especialmente diseñados para aquellas aplicaciones audiovisuales que requieren de integración con dispositivos de control remoto. the ...
El robot Pepper será el nuevo vendedor en las tiendas de Nescafé de Japón1 December 2014 Pepper es capaz de detectar emociones, mantener una conversación con los clientes e interactuar con ellos. Este nuevo 'agente de ventas' ha sido contratado por Nestlé para promocionar sus productos Nescafé en ...
Work Pro, Arthur Holm and LDA AudioTech organize 'Lunch and Learn' to explain how to integrate AV solutions27 November 2014 Cómo convertir sistemas analógicos en multicanal de audio digital, el estándar EN-54-16 y la sala de reuniones colaborativa son los temas que Work Pro, LDA AudioTech y Arthur Holm analizarán ...
Sennheiser MobileConnect, innovative streaming audio technology to a smartphone27 November 2014 Sennheiser's MobileConnect system uses a Wi-Fi connection to stream lip-sync audio content to a smartphone via an app that turns the device into a mobile receiver. Sennheiser MobileConnect ...
The riders of d&b Improve audio demands at pop events at the Barcelona Auditorium26 November 2014 With the aim of offering variety and quality in its concert and event programming, the Barcelona Auditorium has made a permanent installation of riders from the firm d&B ...
JBL Adds Control 45C/T Loudspeaker to DSD Distributed Sound Software26 November 2014 JBL actualiza su software para diseño de sistemas de sonido distribuidor, DSD, with the 3.5.0 en la que se ha incluido la posibilidad de integrar el pequeño altavoz de ...
IoE, augmented reality and virtualization will be some of the technologies that will mark the innovation in 201524 November 2014 According to the latest study conducted by Setesca, the Internet of Things, augmented reality, virtual vision systems, collaboration, mobility and big data are some of the ...
The BIT Experience Conference will meet in June 2015 to leading professionals in the audiovisual and broadcast sector24 November 2014 The days 17 and 18 June 2015, Feria de Madrid will host a new edition of the BIT Experience Conference in which leading professionals in the sector will take the ...
In Bitam 2014, Magnetron will show the audio solutions of its represented24 November 2014 The Sennheiser D9000 and Sphere microphone systems, Neumann KH120 D and KH studio monitors 310 D, FBT X-Lite and X-Pro processed loudspeakers, and the windproof and ...
Sennheiser's digital conference system improves the audio of the plenary sessions of the Los Barrios City Council20 November 2014 The Cadiz city council of Los Barrios has equipped its plenary hall with a Sennheiser digital conference system, specifically the DNA model, in a project carried out by ...
Yamaha opens a new era in live digital sound tables with Rivage PM1020 November 2014 La nueva consola para mezcla digital Rivage PM10 de Yamaha da inicio a una nueva generación de mesas de sonido en directo más potente y flexible para la producciones musicales ...
Vitelsa installs the audiovisual solutions of the permanent exhibition of the Tribunal de las Aguas18 November 2014 The Tribunal de las Aguas de Valencia commemorates the V anniversary of its designation as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity with a permanent exhibition that integrates an audiovisual installation ...
Audio-Technica integrates microphones into Dante audio networks in any installation18 November 2014 The increasing proliferation of networked audio systems has encouraged Audio-Technica to develop two cost-effective and efficient products., ATND971 and ATND8677, para integrar la microfonía directamente en las redes ...
Paco de Lucía returns virtually to Córdoba thanks to a 3D videomapping to pay tribute to him17 November 2014 The ruins of the Roman Temple of Cordoba have served to virtually recreate and pay tribute to the guitarist Paco de Lucía with a 3D mapping made by the company Congress System ...
HK Audio Cadis: installation line array for indoor and outdoor audio projects17 November 2014 The Compact ADaptative Installation System (Cadis) is an installation line array of the German firm HK Audio, whose products Grupo Adagio sells in Spain, which offers great flexibility ...
Bitam 2014 será la ocasión para conocer los altavoces Serie Y de d&b audiotechnik17 November 2014 El salón internacional Bitam 2014, that will take place in the 26 to the 28 November in Madrid, ha sido el evento elegido por d&b audiotechnik para presentar al mercado español la serie ...
The audiovisual infrastructure of the Courthouse of Huesca allows to record with the highest quality the trials13 November 2014 Dis Solutions, Shure, LexiconPro and Panasonic provide the technology needed by the new Palace of Justice of Huesca for its audiovisual infrastructure. A team environment that enables ...
'A place called world' chooses the Avid S3L-X system for mixing PA on set and recording for broadcast13 November 2014 Call & Play, audio service provider for the show 'A Place Called World', has opted for an Avid S3L-X mixing system and Pro Tools 11 for the ...