The Symposium 2014 Ingram Micro heats engines with more than 1.800 registered attendees21 October 2014 La 13ª edición del Simposium que Ingram Micro va a celebrar el próximo 30 de octubre en Barcelona contará, además de la tradicional área de exposición y ponencias, con zonas ...
Soundcraft Si Performer and Expression: referents in small and medium-sized audio projects21 October 2014 The audio manufacturer Soundcraft has presented a series of references of digital mixers that it is increasingly common to find in small and medium format events, as the ...
SSL expands the range of Live digital consoles for live shows with the compact L30021 October 2014 Solid State Logic has added a new console to its Live line, the L300, un modelo más pequeño y compacto que la L500 pero dotada de la potencia y capacidad ...
Jabra Evolve: professional headphones for work environments with high ambient noise21 October 2014 New Evolve series of headphones developed by Jabra offers an isolation solution to improve productivity, concentration and communication of professionals working in noisy environments. The manufacturer of ...
Melbourne's Planetshakers church updates its PA sound system with d&b audiotechnics20 October 2014 Given the dynamic nature of Planetshakers church services, where the musical component is key and demands a high level of SPL, han actualizado su sistema de ...
JBL 705i and 708i, Reference monitors for better immersive audio20 October 2014 Harman has added to its catalog JBL reference monitors series 7, 708i of 8 inches and two-way, and 705i of 5 pulgadas y dos ...
The Swedish shopping center Heron City updates its sound system with MediaMatrix17 October 2014 Since its inauguration three years ago, The Heron City shopping center has opted for MediaMatrix solutions for its sound infrastructure and has once again been the chosen option ...
TD Maverick presents the new Simply Done program for digital signage and conference solutions17 October 2014 Simply Done es el nuevo programa que TD Maverick, división AV profesional del mayorista Tech Data, ha desarrollado específicamente para facilitar al canal soluciones tecnológicas, asesoramiento y formación en sistemas ...
Dalai Lama uses DPA microphones to address his followers at Buddhist celebrations16 October 2014 Para la celebración del Kalachakra 2014, el Dalai Lama utilizó los micrófonos de DPA ya que daban respuesta a los retos que plateaba la localización del evento en el Himalaya ...
Lutron Electronics harmonizes lighting and sound at renovated Dargun Abbey16 October 2014 Un techo acústico realizado con materiales de última tecnología y un moderno sistema de iluminación basado en los sistemas de gestión y control de Lutron Electronics han configurado el proyecto ...
The Liceu in Barcelona promotes opera in the street with audio systems installed under its canopy15 October 2014 Acercar la ópera a los ciudadanos que transitan por La Rambla y fomentar las visitas guiadas es el objetivo que Gran Teatro del Liceu de Barcelona se ha marcado con ...
Yamaha realiza el mayor despliegue de la serie CIS para el sistema de sonido de Cinecitta14 October 2014 La serie CIS de Yamaha es la gran protagonista del nuevo sistema de audio instalado en Cinecitta, uno de los edificios culturales más importantes de la ciudad holandesa de Tilburg, ...
CSS Audiovisual shows the audio sector the possibilities of the Avid S6 console13 October 2014 The advantages and possibilities offered by the control console, mixes and editing Avid S6 will be made available to the audio sector in the training sessions organized by CSS ...
Sharp brings its 90 LED TV″ and screens for the International Jumping Competition 201410 October 2014 Una gran pantalla de 90 pulgadas LED TV y hasta 35 sistemas audiovisuales y monitores cedidos por Sharp permitirán el seguimiento de la 103ª edición del Concurso de Saltos Internacional ...
Toledo Time Capsule: a multisensory experience that catches the viewer in the Middle Ages9 October 2014 Through an audiovisual show held in six dimensions, that combines videomapping, Holograms, laser and olfactory effects, Toledo Time Capsule engages the viewer in a multi-sensory experience and takes them into a ...
BSS Audio BLU-50: open architecture processor for fixed installations7 October 2014 La familia Soundweb London cuenta con un nuevo procesador de arquitectura abierta diseñado por BSS Audio pensado en su aplicación para una gran variedad de instalaciones fijas. BSS Audio, whose products ...
Shure Distribution UK markets Work Pro Audio products in the UK and Ireland7 October 2014 Equipson ha llegado a un acuerdo de distribución con Shure Distribution UK (SDUK) para que comercialice la gama completa de productos Work Pro Audio en Reino Unido e Irlanda. The range ...
Panasonic WV-SMR10: Network microphones for 360º audio control3 October 2014 Equipado con un conjunto de dieciséis micrófonos y avanzadas tecnologías de procesamiento de audio, el sistema en red WV-SMR10 de Panasonic capta sonidos claros en un perímetro de 6 metre. the ...
12Stone Methodist Church uses Riedel Artist for its intercampus AV infrastructure3 October 2014 El nuevo campus de la iglesia 12Stone en Sugarloaf dispone de una infraestructura audiovisual que conecta todos los edificios a través de una red de fibra que incorpora la plataforma matriz para intercom, ...
Sennheiser SL Interpreter console for simultaneous translations in conference rooms and presentations2 October 2014 Sennheiser has added to its Tourguide portfolio the SL Interpreter console, an analog unit that allows translations of up to four languages thanks to the amplifier that incorporates. Sennheiser SL Interpreter ...