Vitelsa achieves the maintenance project of the AV systems of the Cortes de Castilla-La Mancha1 July 2014 The regional parliament of Castilla-La Mancha, located in the former Franciscan convent of San Gil, in the city of Toledo, awarded Vitelsa the maintenance of the audiovisual systems. the ...
Venue updates 4.5 and EuControl 3.2 for Avid S3L, available in the third quarter of 201430 June 2014 Share previews between two or more systems, creating custom fader layers for each snapshot and working with the S3 surface as an audio interface and standalone EuCon controller are ...
Earpro brings together the professional lighting and audio industry in its HandsOn Days27 June 2014 Shure's new equipment, JBL, Soundcraft, Martin Professional and Russ by Martin, brands represented in the Iberian market by Earpro, have been the main protagonists of the HandsOn Conference ...
Primavera Sound 2014 has shone with the lights of Robe and Vari-Lite on the Pitchfork stage27 June 2014 The Granollers-based company Ara So has been responsible for the lighting, sound and video from the Pitchfork and Vice stages that have been used for the ...
WizeFloor and Panasonic projectors help hospitalized children recover faster25 June 2014 Hans Christian Andersen Children's University Hospital was the first healthcare facility in Denmark to install the WizeFloor interactive solution, in combination with Panasonic projectors, for ...
Digital AV Magazine renews the web in its commitment to quality and informational immediacy24 June 2014 La nueva imagen de Digital AV Magazine ha mejorado su interface en aspectos tan destacados como la propuesta de artículos relacionados con la actualidad o la calidad fotográfica. Una renovación ...
Union Depot Transportation Center Dives into Digital Signage without Losing Its Neoclassical Style24 June 2014 Tightrope Media Systems Supplies Dynamic Digital Signage Systems, as well as interactive kiosks, required for the redevelopment of the Union Depot multimodal transportation hub in Minnesota. located ...
JBL VTX-F: nuevos modelos compactos para la serie VTX como complemento a las referencias line-array23 June 2014 Calificada como un hito en la aplicación de la ‘ingeniería creativa’ de JBL, su nueva generación de line-arrays de la serie VTX destaca por su funcionamiento, integración de sistemas y ...
Equipson updates its line of Neo installation speakers and unveils them on InfoComm 201419 June 2014 Neo 5 A ES and Neo 5 IP are the two new bets with which Equipson has gone to Las Vegas, unos altavoces de instalación idóneos para todo tipo ...
Beyerdynamic: new Revoluto microphone units for the Fifth conference system17 June 2014 The new microphone units with Revoluto technology from beyerdynamic complement the range of this type of device for the supplier's Quinta wireless conferencing system. The German manufacturer ...
D&b provides the sound to the South African roots festival Oppikoppi17 June 2014 A lo largo de sus veinte años de existencia, Oppikoppi se ha convertido en uno de los festivales de música más populares de Sudáfrica, donde tienen cabida una gran variedad ...
The sound of Rock in Rio Lisboa 2014 vibrated with the teams of JBL VTX and Vertec16 June 2014 The Rolling Stones, Robbie Williams, Arcade Fire, Linkin Park and Justin Timberlake performed their concerts at Rock in Rio in Lisbon, organized between the 25 of May and the ...
Sonar 2014 Played with the perception of the attendees with innovative audiovisual and lighting shows16 June 2014 Unidisplay ha sido el gran protagonista de Sónar 2014, una monumental instalación audiovisual de luz y sonido realizada por el vanguardista artista alemán Carsten Nicolai, que se encuadra dentro de ...
Brazil 2014: Maracanã Stadium manages its audio system with Allen's GLD-80 digital console & Heath16 June 2014 El mítico estadio de Maracaná, en el que actualmente se celebran los principales encuentros de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol Brasil 2014, ha confiado la gestión del sistema de audio ...
The stadiums of Brazil 2014 use Sennheiser microphones to deliver surround sound 5.1 to viewers13 June 2014 Host Broadcast Service (HBS) está utilizando para recoger el sonido en los doce estadios en los que se celebra actualmente la Copa del Mundo de Fútbol Brasil 2014 The new one ...
Crown expands its DriveCoreInstall amplifier series with analog and network DCI equipment13 June 2014 Four are the new DCI models that Crown has incorporated into its line of amplifiers DriveCoreInstall, two analog (DCi4|1250 and DCi2|1250 ) and two others that add Ethernet connectivity (DCi4|1250N ...
Mediapro creates an immersive audiovisual experience for the museum of the Brazilian Football Confederation6 June 2014 The CBF Experience, that will open its doors next year 14 July, offers visitors a space to immerse themselves in the hundred years of brazilian football history. one ...
AKG DMS Tetrad: digital wireless microphones of 2,4 Ghz, license-free5 June 2014 AKG's DMS Tetrad series allows you to configure license-free systems, with compression-free audio streaming and AES encryption to 128 Bit, to work with quality and ...
Jung KNX Multiroom amplifier for sound distribution in offices and shops4 June 2014 Jung has developed the KNX Multiroom amplifier, an audio equipment that incorporates a web radio tuner and an MP3 player, plus four stereo inputs. El amplificador KNX ...
Neotécnica has available in Spain the new wireless system WMS420 of AKG3 June 2014 AKG's WMS420 Series Inherits the Superior Technology and Sound of this Audio System Manufacturer, represented in Spain by Neotécnica, that are combined into a highly ...