Zentralmedia Expands Audio Solution Offering with Tascam's US-1200 USB Interface2 June 2014 Tascam's US-1200 USB Audio Interface, distributed in Spain by Zentralmedia, It is designed in rack format of 19 pulgadas con seis entradas y dos salidas que pueden usarse de ...
Harman adds intellivox speakers to its JBL Professional audio portfolio30 May 2014 Earpro has included in its offer of audiovisual solutions the acoustic columns JBL-Intellivox, audio equipment suitable for places of worship, Airports, train stations and other reverberant spaces. after ...
BIT Broadcast 2014 continues to be the benchmark of the audiovisual environment with more than 8.000 present29 May 2014 El Salón reunió las novedades de 224 companies of 25 países y recibió la visita de 8.138 Professional. El éxito de convocatoria de los 60 workshops, with more than 3.000 ...
AOC u2868Pqu: 4K monitor 28 inches for imaging professionals28 May 2014 Imágenes ultra nítidas, gracias a la resolución Ultra HD de 3840 X 2160 Pixels, es lo que ofrece el monitor de 28 pulgadas AOC u2868Pqu. Una pantalla equipada con DisplayPort, ...
Vitelsa equips the Convention Center of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau28 May 2014 La compleja e integral rehabilitación de los pabellones modernistas del conjunto monumental del Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau ha contado en su proyecto con la experiencia tecnológica ...
TDC provides the audiovisual equipment for the spectacular 3D mapping projections of vivid Sydney28 May 2014 light, colour, image and sound are the protagonists of the spectacular projection facilities, 3D mapping and lighting organized during the Vivid Sydney Cultural Festival, one ...
Tech Data encourages its channel with a global campaign during the World Cup in AV equipment28 May 2014 En el marco de la inminente celebración del Mundial de Fútbol de Brasil, TD Maverick, división especializada en el mercado audiovisual profesional de Tech Data, ofrece cada semana al canal ...
Harman acquires AMX to reinforce his professional switching proposal, automation and control27 May 2014 The multinational audio and entertainment company Harman International has signed an agreement with The Duchossois Group and its subsidiaries to acquire AMX LLC for 365 millions of dollars (267,5 millions of ...
Extreme Networks Develops AVB Network Solution to Optimize AV Content Traffic27 May 2014 La nueva solución de Extreme Networks, basada en tecnología AVB, optimiza los entornos de red Ethernet para facilitar el tráfico de audio y vídeo, sin precisar sistemas dedicados. Una herramienta ...
New version EclerNet Manager and digital audio manager NXA4-40023 May 2014 The manufacturer of professional audio systems Ecler-Laboratory of Electro-Acoustics has available the new version of the application EcleNet Manager (v2.17r6), as well as the NXA4-400 digital audio manager. Dos son ...
Sónar+D, New International Congress on Creativity and Technology in the Digital Culture Environment21 May 2014 Impulsado por el festival Sónar y destinado a potenciar el talento y las oportunidades de negocio en el entorno digital, Sónar-D se convierte en congreso internacional sobre creatividad y tecnología ...
Ecler HMA120: audio mixer with integrated player designed for installations21 May 2014 El mezclador de instalación autoamplificado HMA120 de Ecler incorpora reproductor de audio y ofrece sistema talkover con dos niveles de prioridad. La empresa de Pro AV, Ecler, acaba de anunciar el ...
Bill Fontana shows his sound sculptures with Coolux's AV technology at the Abu Dhabi Festival20 May 2014 The XI edition of the Abu Dhabi Music Festival has had the participation of the composer Bill Fontana, who has chosen the Sheikh Zayed Bridge and the desert for ...
BIT Broadcast 2014 warms up engines to show the latest technological advances in the audiovisual sector16 May 2014 Organizada por IFEMA del 20 to the 22 May, BIT Broadcast presentará las novedades y soluciones tecnológicas de 224 companies belonging to 25 Countries. more than 70 workshops, Presentations, workshops ...
El centro de cultura Kino Siska utiliza las soluciones de d&b para su sistema de audio16 May 2014 D's technology&B Audiotechnik ha sido la opción elegida por el centro de cultura urbana Kino Siska de Eslovenia para la solución de audio que se ha instalado y ...
HP Workstation manages the video content system on the Spanish tour 2014 by David Bisbal13 May 2014 As official sponsor of the Spanish tour of 2014 by David Bisbal 'You and I', HP will supply innovative audiovisual and computer systems in this tour that begins next ...
Sublimotion es la nueva experiencia multisensorial del chef Paco Roncero donde fusiona gastronomía y tecnología audiovisual13 May 2014 Paco Roncero ofrece una nueva experiencia gastronómica en Sublimotion, un restaurante exclusivo en el que los comensales disfrutarán de una fusión de arte culinario y tecnología audiovisual, sentados sobre una ...
Denmark turns the Eurovision Song Contest into one of the most innovative audiovisual shows of the year12 May 2014 the 59 Eurovision Song Contest, held at the B&W Hallerne Arena, former shipyards in the capital of Denmark, ha puesto en escena uno de los mayores espectáculos audiovisuales ...
DigaliX XTable brings works of art exhibited in museums to visitors for in-detail observing12 May 2014 The interactive table of the Catalan company DigaliX was the main protagonist of the space dedicated to art at the IngramMicro Symposium, Imagine event, celebrated the past 7 and 8 ...
DPA microphones accompanied the Eurovision participants in their press conferences12 May 2014 El pasado sábado se celebró una nueva edición del festival de Eurovisión y DPA participó en el evento con sus microfonos d:screet Supercardioid. Unos equipos que fueron utilizados en la ...