Rode adquiere la firma de soluciones de sonido en vivo Mackie14 December 2023 El proveedor de soluciones de sonido en vivo Mackie pasará a formar parte del fabricante de micrófonos profesionales Rode, que amplía estratégicamente su propuesta de audio al comprar su matriz ...
Riedel boosts R+D with the opening of a new technology center in Berlin13 December 2023 Ubicado en Checkpoint Charlie, el Technology Hub de Riedel se une a los de Wuppertal, Eisenberg, Vienna, Zurich, Montreal y Oporto; y su objetivo será impulsar el desarrollo de sistemas ...
D&b audiotechnik optimises its Soundscape ecosystem with En-Bridge software13 December 2023 Available for Windows and MacOS, En-Bridge is the new software tool with which you can&b audiotechnik optimises the interoperability between the DS100 signal engine and the translation of ...
Shure Axient Digital starred in the audio at the Latin Grammys in Seville12 December 2023 Retransmitida en directo por primera vez en la historia desde Sevilla, la 24a edición de los Grammy Latinos contó con el sistema inalámbrico Shure Axient Digital y su software para ...
Lithuania Dramatic Theatre Sound System Connects with Optocore11 December 2023 Al tiempo que se ha realizado la reconstrucción del teatro Dramático Nacional Lituano (LNDT) se ha instalado un completo sistema de sonido, integrado por consolas DiGiCo y un sistema PA ...
Biamp certifies its Parlé conference bars for Microsoft Teams11 December 2023 La familia Biamp Parlé incluye la barra de videoconferencia VBC 2500 y la de audioconferencia ABC 2500, así como las VBC 2500a y ABC 2500a que incorporan una salida dedicada ...
Gynn's stadium sets a benchmark in sound with Dynacord and Electro-Voice5 December 2023 Two MTS-4153-64 Electro-Voice point source loudspeakers have been installed, one for each side of the field, with low-end support, provided by four dual X12-128 subwoofers of 18 Inch. ...
Audio-Technica ES964: Compact Surface-mounted Conference Microphone30 November 2023 Designed to capture desktop audio in high quality, This microphone from Audio-Technica has one omnidirectional capsule and two bidirectional capsules that can be arrayed in different directions and with ...
Audinate reinforces its corporate image and that of its Dante platform30 November 2023 Desarrollador de la solución AVoIP profesional Dante, la compañía Audinate Group ha presentado su renovada identidad de marca y la de su conocida plataforma, con un logotipo, paleta de colores ...
Genelec responds to the architectural challenges of the Stockholm School of Music29 November 2023 En la sala de conciertos de la Lilla Akademien se ha instalado un sistema de altavoces IP inteligentes de Genelec que proporcionan al recinto un óptimo sistema de sonido distribuido. ...
TiMax Spatial Sound Creates the Soundscape at New Treetop Golf29 November 2023 This United Kingdom theme center features soundscape environments, based on high-resolution 3D objects, created with TiMax's SoundHub show control system ...
Q-SYS designs new bezel-less speakers for its AcousticDesign series28 November 2023 The 'zero bezel' upgrade to the Q-SYS AcousticDesign series corresponds to the 4" and 6", designed to respond to the architectural needs of some facilities, ...
DAS Audio Adds M26X Signal Processor to Its Integral Sound Series28 November 2023 Con dos canales de entrada analógica y seis de salida, el procesador de señal digital Integral M26X de DAS Audio es una versátil opción para sistemas de sonido en directo ...
Altair provides its IP intercom for the development of the supersonic aircraft 'Hürjet’27 November 2023 The control and simulation rooms of the Turkish aerospace technology center TAI have Altair's ER-200 intercom systems as a daily tool for design, Manufacturing & Integration ...
Biamp Vocia responds to the needs of a comprehensive public address system in warehouses27 November 2023 Con una amplia gama de dispositivos, Biamp Vocia ofrece un sistema a medida, por zonas y escalable, con notificaciones de emergencia y gestión remota, adaptado al bullicioso entorno de un ...
Riedel Bolero fosters communication and collaboration at Shakespeare's Globe24 November 2023 Este famoso espacio de artes escénicas de Londres ha elegido el sistema de intercomunicación Bolero de Riedel para sus dos teatros: Globe y Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, in order to ...
Ditec Comunicaciones carries out AV integration at Technip Energies Iberia24 November 2023 As part of the remodelling process of its offices in Barcelona, Technip Energies Iberia has entrusted Ditec Comunicaciones with AV integration to turn its conventional workspaces into ...
Hikvision Elevates Interactive Collaboration with New D5C Display24 November 2023 Presented globally at an online event, Hikvision has detailed the advantages of D5C, Your New Interactive Visual Solution, with 8nm processor and AI camera, Especially indicated ...
KGear Enhances Nanxun Ancient City With All-Round Sound System23 November 2023 KGear's GH4 and GH12 speakers, belonging to the Italian audio firm K-Array, make up the integral sound system of the Nanxun Tourist Route, one of the ...
MCR brings its AV solutions proposal closer to the professional market22 November 2023 The catalogue of the MCR wholesaler includes a wide range of, that responds to all kinds of audiovisual projects. To do this, It has the solutions of brands that are benchmarks in ...