Sennheiser updates Control Cockpit with improvements in remote troubleshooting26 June 2020 In addition to optimizing the design and facilitating its handling, the version 4.0.0 adds the ability to monitor the new SpeechLine multichannel receiver and the EM receiver 6000 of the series ...
CTouch creates a virtual training room in its Eindhoven office25 June 2020 For your design, the company has used Barco's weConnect SaaS solution as the backbone, as well as Christie UHD551-L displays, a Logitech MeetUp camera and another Panasonic AW-HE60. in ...
Shure enhances AV conferencing with new Microflex MXN5-C network speaker24 June 2020 Como parte de su gama de audio integral para conferencias, este sistema de fácil instalación y diseño discreto, cuenta con salida de red Dante. El fabricante de audio Shure ha ampliado ...
Tixeo responds to the new needs of teleworking and collaboration24 June 2020 La compañía ha incluido en su versión 15.1 una nueva modalidad denominada Conferencia, que permite a un orador dirigir un discurso, una mesa redonda u organizar un debate frente a ...
The Beatriz Madrid auditorium renews its facilities with the sound of Shure23 June 2020 Con la tecnología de esta marca, representada por Earpro, se ha instalado en este espacio de cerca de 300 metros cuadrados un sistema de conferencias, microfonía y traducción simultánea. Beatriz Madrid ...
Lifesize Incorporates End-to-End Encryption into Meeting Rooms23 June 2020 Esta opción está disponible para todas sus soluciones de videoconferencia, ya sean clientes de pago o gratuitos, tanto para los sistemas de salas de reuniones como para los participantes remotos. Lifesize ...
Crestron Flex R-Series takes collaboration where it's needed most19 June 2020 El conjunto de herramientas de administración, que incorpora esta solución de Comunicaciones Unificadas móvil, garantiza que se puedan administrar más puntos finales con los mismos recursos. Esto ayuda a las ...
Tripp Lite Mobile Interactive Display Promotes Collaboration and Communication16 June 2020 Este equipo integra una pantalla 4K de 65 inches and 20 simultaneous touches, a Windows PC 10, una cámara web desmontable de 1080p y una batería recargable con autonomía ...
Arthur Holm brings his DynamicTalk systems to McDonald's headquarters in Chicago16 June 2020 La cadena de comida rápida cuenta en sus nuevas instalaciones corporativas con los sistemas DynamicTalk y DynamicCableRetract integrados en la mesa de su sala de juntas. Siguiendo su lema ‘They’re lovin’ ...
Poly Studio X range and G7500 system achieve Zoom certification16 June 2020 Con la nueva certificación, estos sistemas combinan la experiencia Zoom Rooms con la innovación de Poly en materia de audio y vídeo, que incluye funcionalidades de seguimiento del interlocutor y ...
ClearOne Versa Room CT optimizes audio and video experience in cloud collaboration applications11 June 2020 En el corazón del sistema se encuentra el Beamforming Mic Array Ceiling Tile (BMA CTH) habilitado para USB, y a este le acompañan la cámara Unite 50 4K, dos amplificadores ...
Biamp completes the integration of HRT in its portfolio under the name of Modena10 June 2020 After its acquisition, the wireless collaboration brand has been fully incorporated into the portfolio of the American manufacturer with this new name that refers to its Italian origins. Once finished ...
Vexia HD1000: 'all-in-one' camera for telecommuting and small meeting rooms9 June 2020 This equipment offers resolution of 1,920x1,080 pixels, as well as optimal sound, thanks to the two omnidirectional microphones and the two hi-fi speakers. Vexia, The technological brand of ...
Las soluciones de colaboración de Biamp han sido certificadas para funcionar con Zoom9 June 2020 Ofrecen experiencias audiovisuales para espacios de reunión de todos los tamaños, and, now, pueden ser utilizadas con el software Zoom y las Zoom Rooms. Las soluciones para salas de conferencias de ...
Extron and GoTo combine technologies to deliver a powerful collaboration solution8 June 2020 Both companies will integrate audio technologies, video and control with LogMeIn's GoToRoom conferencing room solution. The collaboration between Extron and GoTo (LogMeIn company) will allow to incorporate ...
Net2phone Huddle: new concept of virtual meetings and videoconferencing8 June 2020 Among the features offered by this solution is its availability in 30 allow audio control of the moderator and participant. Net2phone Huddle es una solución ...
Panasonic, WolfVision join forces in a unified wireless collaboration solution4 June 2020 The Byod Cynap Pure solution has been integrated into the SQ1 range of screens, using the Intel SDM slot to provide a cable-free presentation tool, nor ...
Prysm expands its 6K LPD line with a model of 225 Inch3 June 2020 This new interactive touch screen, without bezels or seams, offers 6K resolution and a contrast ratio 1.000.000:1. Una solución de gran formato idónea para utilizar en salas de reunión ...
Kramer KronoMeet: cloud-based room programming solution1 June 2020 Available now on the market, this system offers an advanced and intuitive design for the management of meeting rooms and integrates with Google Calendar, Microsoft Office 365 and ...
Bose ES1 Ceiling Audio Solution earns Microsoft Teams certification27 May 2020 Users of this platform will now benefit from a transparent technological experience, no audio devices on the tables, y de un sonido óptimo en cualquier ...