Avit Vision adds PanConnect solutions to its connectivity offer in Spain22 March 2019 The modular junction box system of this European company allows each customer to choose, among a wide range of connectivity components, everything you need in the ...
Lifesize Icon 300 and 500: brings cloud video conferencing to companies of any size and sector20 March 2019 While Icon 300 is designed specifically for small spaces, the model 500 enables full-motion 4K content sharing in bandwidth-constrained businesses. Lifesize carries the ...
Plantronics and Polycom change their name to Poly19 March 2019 Esta denominación es fruto de la nueva estrategia para impulsar las interacciones entre las personas. Bajo el nuevo nombre de Poly ha acudido al evento Enterprise Connect 2019, Where is he ...
Power AV deploys innovative visual systems to serve international events14 March 2019 The integrator of audiovisual solutions for events has responded to the visual needs of auditoriums and common spaces during the recent edition of MWC in Barcelona, as well as ...
Jaguar Land Rover uses Panasonic AV technology to create a collaborative environment13 March 2019 In the new software center, located in Manchester's Neo Building, have been installed 19 Panasonic Professional Displays, as well as control systems, unified communications hardware and ...
"With the integration in NVX, from Crestron we have rewritten the way to deploy AV systems in corporations", Antonio Ortega7 March 2019 The new generation DM NVX is one of the main pillars that head the new Crestron catalog. These were presented at ISE 2019, junto a un completo ecosistema ...
Atlona expands Omega family with new solutions for 4K/UHD presentation and collaboration4 March 2019 A esta línea, que fue lanzada al mercado el pasado otoño, se han unido el extensor HDBaseT AT-OME-EX-KIT, el receptor/escalador AT-OME-SR21 y el conmutador AT-OME-ST31A. Atlona ha incorporado tres nuevas soluciones ...
El Tour Charmex Educación 2019 comienza su andadura en Valladolid28 February 2019 Esta gira que acaba de iniciarse recorrerá ocho ciudades españolas y finalizará en el mes de septiembre en Bilbao. Su objetivo es mostrar cómo la tecnología permite desarrollar nuevos métodos ...
Barco's Technology Encourages Classroom Interaction and Enhances Learning in Texas Centers27 February 2019 At first, se instaló la solución wePresent en las oficinas administrativas y en una de las aulas del Richardson ISD, now, su implantación se está llevando a las ...
The Tiki Bar of Maverick AV reopened in ISE 2019 with the most innovative Smart Meeting technology21 February 2019 En esta vídeo entrevista Ana Martínez, sales manager Maverick AV Tech Data, y Sarah Torrents, IS Team Leader Maverick AV Solutions, explican cuál es la apuesta de la compañía en ...
Sennheiser and Neumann's wireless technology was put at the service of the Grammys 201921 February 2019 Ambas empresas han jugado un papel fundamental en la operativa técnica de sonido de este importante evento musical, con una transmisión inalámbrica fiable y de alta calidad en cada actuación. the ...
Extron-Logitech Collaboration Pays Off19 February 2019 Fruto de la integración de Extron en el Logitech Collaboration Program son las primeras soluciones que combinan SmartDock y Tap, con las funciones de automatización y colaboración para el control ...
Wolfvision Cynap Pure: Byod wireless presentation system for business and the classroom19 February 2019 This system transforms the meeting room or teaching space into a wireless Byod presentation environment, with features like remote management security encryption. Wolfvision has expanded its family of ...
"Arthur Holm manufactures unique products that integrate with the design of each space", Montse Romero19 February 2019 Technology and design, at the same time quality and durability, mark the developments of Arthur Holm that have been seen in scoop in the recent celebration of ISE 2019, ...
ImaginArt markets the Lumens VS-KB30 PTZ camera controller19 February 2019 El controlador Lumens VS-KB30 está pensado para manejar y ajustar los parámetros de una gran variedad de cámaras, gracias a la diversidad de protocolos con los que es compatible: Visca, ...
Melilla City Council integrates a Shure digital debate system18 February 2019 The plenary hall of this consistory joins the extensive list of public institutions that rely on the digital debate systems of this manufacturer. Quality, reliability and simplicity ...
Black Box Coalesce encourages collaboration at Olulu University in Finland18 February 2019 Este sistema inalámbrico de presentación y videoconferencia ha permitido transformar las aulas y salas de conferencias de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Oulu y convertirlas en espacios de aprendizaje ...
Earpro joins Atlona's distributor network for Iberia15 February 2019 With this agreement, Atlona busca fomentar la visibilidad de sus productos en el sector audiovisual profesional de España y Portugal. For its part, Earpro amplía su oferta de soluciones para ...
Logitech Tap Democratizes Collaboration in Meeting Rooms13 February 2019 Compatible con Google, Microsoft and Zoom, la pantalla táctil de control Logitech Tap busca dar respuesta al problema de la interfaz de usuario en las salas de conferencias. Logitech Tap es ...
Audio-Technica ATUC-IR: Infrared Conference System12 February 2019 Diseñado para ofrecer una óptima escalabilidad y flexibilidad, su diseño inalámbrico asegura que las señales queden confinadas entre los muros de la sala donde se realiza la conferencia. Audio-Technica acaba de ...