Ernst & Young encourages collaboration in his CFOSpace room with interactive video walls from Panasonic17 December 2018 The auditing company has created an innovative meeting and collaboration room, in which AV technology is perfectly integrated into interactive video walls, configured with 55" Panasonic displays ...
What does a large room need to have a productive and collaborative meeting??17 December 2018 Este artículo analiza las posibilidades que ofrece Devio, una versátil solución desarrollada por Biamp para realizar conferencias, disponible en el mercado español a través de Avit Vision. As the ...
Advanced transforms a law firm's boardroom into a space for legal collaboration26 November 2018 La firma jurídica estadounidense Sudduth & Associates ha inaugurado su nueva sede en Lake Charles (Louisiana) con una sala de juntas multiusos, en la que pueden realizar presentaciones, colaborar y ...
Crestron EMEA inaugura su nueva sede y centro de experiencia en Milán23 November 2018 Diseñado para ofrecer sus últimas soluciones tecnológicas, este nuevo centro de experiencia da respuesta a las necesidades de una amplia gama de proyectos, y desde usuarios finales e integradores a ...
Why automatic mixing is crucial for conferences? Shure replies23 November 2018 The professional audio manufacturer explains in this article the importance of automatic mixing for conferences, whose main objective is to achieve the best audio quality. Shure, brand ...
Radial Presenter makes it easy to set up audio for small events21 November 2018 Disponible en el mercado español a través de SeeSound, este sencillo mezclador para presentaciones AV cuenta con minijack de 3,5 Mm; Microphone input, USB y salidas estéreo balanceadas. Presenter es ...
Griffith University creates an interactive and immersive experience center with Harman19 November 2018 To design the Red Zone, AMX Modero touch panels have been used, JBL Control Series Speakers, Enova DVX presentation switches and ...
Hyatt Place Amsterdam hotel provides a true collaborative environment with LauncherPlus15 November 2018 This plug-and-play collaboration solution from Vivitek has been implemented in one of the meeting rooms to solve existing configuration and connectivity issues, in addition to providing ...
FAO headquarters integrates Panasonic technology to have Full HD video in all rooms13 November 2018 The technological renovation that has been carried out in the facilities located in Rome include 16 PTZ cameras AW-HE130W, five AW-RP50 control panels and two AG-HMX100 digital mixers. the ...
Sennheiser and Neumann present their new microphone systems during the AES Convention31 October 2018 The SK mini-transmitter 6212 for digital wireless microphone system 6000, the ew wireless microphone system 500 G4-KK205, the U set 87 Rhodium and the proposal ...
Vivitek fosters collaboration and learning for the visually impaired26 October 2018 The academy for the blind in Georgia has opted for the NovoPro wireless collaboration solution to improve learning in the classroom. likewise, These devices are also used ...
Logitech RightSense: intelligent automation for video collaboration applications26 October 2018 The Logitech RightSense line of apps, integrated by RightSight technologies, RightLight and RightSound, Offers a better user experience in video conferencing rooms, in an automated way and with ...
IESE implements Barco's newest collaborative learning tool25 October 2018 Barco's Virtual Classroom, that has been installed on the Barcelona campus of this business school, allows you to connect up to 80 people in synchronous sessions from anywhere ...
Audio-Technica presents the ES954 pendant microphone array for meeting rooms16 October 2018 Diseñado principalmente para aplicaciones de videoconferencia, el array microfónico colgante ES954 puede utilizarse en modo simple o múltiple para captar a cualquier persona que esté hablando en la sala. El array ...
La empresa de videoconferencia Tixeo se asienta en España15 October 2018 Esta empresa francesa, especializada en el desarrollo de soluciones de videoconferencia seguras, ha abierto una oficina en España, que estará a cargo de Maribel Poyato, con objeto de reforzar su ...
NEC Display, next to Lightware, organizes an open day focused on workstations11 October 2018 During the event, to be held next year 16 October at the NEC Display Demo Room in San Sebastián de los Reyes, different demos will be made oriented to ...
AVIT Vision expands its offer of professional audio solutions with Biamp2 October 2018 The Biamp range of solutions, distributed in Spain by AVIT Vision, includes Tesira media systems, the Devio collaboration tool, the Audia digital audio platform, the ...
Crestron Introduces Flex B100 Soundbar to Optimize Conference Room Collaboration27 September 2018 This smart soundbar, wall-mountable, offers native Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business features. Incorpora unos potentes altavoces y la cámara de videoconferencia Huddly ...
Maverick AV Solutions brings to the European market the interactive screens of Avocor25 September 2018 El mayorista comercializará su línea de soluciones de visualización interactiva, incluida la serie F50 y las pantallas de colaboración de Windows que estarán disponibles a final de año. The division of ...
MCR distributes ClearOne's visual communication and conferencing products in Spain25 September 2018 El mayorista nacional pone a disposición de su red de partners las soluciones AV y para el mercado de videoconferencia y colaboración de ClearOne para el mercado empresarial y entornos ...