Bosch provides its conference solutions to Schwarzman College1 September 2017 Located in Beijing, this school has installed the Dicentis wireless system for interactive conferences and the Integrus language distribution tool for simultaneous and multilingual interpretations. Schwarzman University ...
Yamaha firmware 3.0 incorporates dan dugan automatic mixing to MTX/MRX and AES6725 August 2017 In the face of the growing demand for systems for presentations and conferences that are flexible and easy to configure and use, the serial inclusion of this auto-merge functionality in ...
ALE integrates PGi audio solution into its collaborative communications platform28 July 2017 Rainbow y GlobalMeet abordan los puntos críticos que normalmente limitan la adopción de comunicaciones unificadas y colaboración. Las ventajas de la solución se reflejan en conferencias de audio HD que ...
Sennheiser Speakerphone SP 220 Uc: portable speaker for conferences up to 12 Participants27 July 2017 This compact hands-free equipment consists of two units that are joined by cable and allow their use together or separately. Your weight of 210 grams converts you ...
WePresent renews its gateway for WiPG 1000-P wireless presentations26 July 2017 This solution, que permite compartir pantallas desde cualquier dispositivo en una resolución de hasta 1080p, incorpora nuevas funcionalidades como acceso USB para invitados, compatibilidad con AirPlay o la posibilidad de ...
Crestron updates its EMEA experience centers with the most innovative solutions19 July 2017 This strategic initiative has begun with the Cobham flagship where the latest generation of DigitalMedia has been installed., the Mercury console, the SSW room availability system, the ...
Sony presents distributors and customers with the most innovative in collaboration for education and business13 July 2017 En el evento se han podido ver soluciones ya presentes en el mercado como Vision Exchange, y otras que verán la luz en los próximos meses, como la línea TEOS, ...
Charmex shows the latest AV solutions for the education sector in its showroom in Barcelona11 July 2017 Las jornadas de puertas abiertas, que está celebrando para distribuidores y usuarios finales, están sirviendo de escenario para dar a conocer soluciones como los monitores multitáctiles interactivos Clevertouch, the systems ...
AMX facilitates the integration and management of systems in plenary and voting halls10 July 2017 Este conocido sistema de control añade, además de la gestión de sistemas de debate y votación, otras funcionalidades que ofrecen al usuario una mejor experiencia y resultados de sus sesiones ...
Bayer installs an AV infrastructure at its headquarters in London that encourages collaboration and communication6 July 2017 The building has more than 60 common spaces where a wide range of AV devices has been installed, as NEC screens of different formats, Biamp collaboration systems ...
Polycom consolidates its strategy in Spain with specialization as a business axis5 July 2017 The company's commitment will focus on strengthening its presence in vertical markets such as education, health and the financial environment. In addition, are betting on other sectors such as ...
Ricoh strengthens its presence in the business collaboration market with the purchase of Techno Trends5 July 2017 Following this acquisition, the first of the Ricoh Group at European level in this area of knowledge, both companies open a new joint stage in which they will operate independently ...
Polycom strengthens integration with Microsoft Office 365 of your voice and video solutions23 June 2017 Con objeto de ayudar a que el vídeo empresarial sea más sencillo de utilizar, el terminal RealPresence Group Series ha sido certificado para Microsoft Skype for Business online en Office ...
Ingram Micro adds Yealink solutions to its Unified Communications division22 June 2017 This manufacturer of SIP terminals and audio conferencing has solutions such as T21P and T27G systems or the T4 series, diseñada para clientes de centralitas y cuyos cuyos modelos incorporan ...
Tecco incorporates Vaddio's collaboration solutions into its commercial offer in Spain21 June 2017 Con la incorporación de las soluciones colaborativas del fabricante estadounidense a su propuesta comercial, la compañía española afianza su alianza con el grupo Milestone AV Technologies, del que ya distribuye ...
Crestron unveils its new programming and visualization solutions for room reservation20 June 2017 Las pantallas táctiles TSW y la señal de pasillo SSW se conectan directamente con las plataformas de calendario más populares para facilitar la reserva y la localización de las salas ...
Harman Professional Solutions powers AV collaboration with its new range of solutions20 June 2017 El fabricante ha presentado durante la reciente celebración de InfoComm 2017 en Orlando una amplia gama de soluciones para que cualquier espacio de reunión corporativa sea más productiva, participativa y ...
Crestron Mercury shows its advantages for collaborative meetings in InfoComm 201715 June 2017 Esta solución de sobremesa ofrece todo lo necesario para que las reuniones sean productivas y transcurran sin problemas, además de compatibilidad con cualquier aplicación de colaboración web. El fabricante ha ...
The Palacio de Congresos de Valencia presents the AV potential of its technological transformation9 June 2017 The Valencian venue has completed its technological renovation, carried out in two phases, which has culminated in an innovative provision of audiovisual equipment in the auditoriums and rooms that compose it, ...
Logitech MeetUp: videoconferencing with 4K optical systems for small meeting rooms8 June 2017 Esta compacta cámara ofrece un campo visual super-ancho, of 120 Degrees, de manera que todos los participantes en torno a una mesa de reuniones pequeña son perfectamente visibles. It features ...