Vídeo en todas partes: es el momento de ampliar la perspectiva de las comunicaciones visuales28 December 2015 Ian Heard, Steven Gage y Jim Oldham, miembros de Dimension Data, disertan en este artículo, realizado para Digital AV Magazine sobre el futuro de la comunicación visual y la colaboración ...
Ise 2016 enriches your proposal to be much more than an exhibition17 December 2015 A few months away from its most lasting celebration, for the first time four days of contest, Integrated Systems Europe (Ise), the edition 2016 will offer "an unprecedented experience", as their ...
TD Maverick sells in Spain Microsoft Surface Hub10 December 2015 A partir del mes de febrero de 2016, TD Maverick empezará a suministrar en España el dispositivo Microsoft Surface Hub. Disponible con pantalla táctil 4K de 55 and 84 Inch, Offers ...
Sound and public address systems for medium-sized premises that add value to the customer9 December 2015 The new Bosch Plena public address systems are specifically designed for small and medium-sized premises, such as restaurants or gas stations, with the possibility to define ...
Yealink expands its offer of videoconferencing solutions focused on the SME1 December 2015 Las soluciones VC110 y VC120 para pequeñas y medianas salas de reunión, el sistema VC400 para entornos más grandes, el vídeo-teléfono con pantalla táctil SIP V-T49G HD y la aplicación ...
Cisco acelera su estrategia de colaboración con la adquisición de Acano24 November 2015 Con objeto de impulsar su negocio de colaboración y poder ofrecer soluciones abiertas e interoperables, tanto en la nube como en entornos híbridos, Cisco va a comprar la empresa londinense ...
El Parlamento de Georgia actualiza su infraestructura AV y emergencias con Vitelsa20 November 2015 Vitelsa se ha encargado de la integración y puesta en marcha del equipamiento audiovisual, integrado por una solución global en alta definición, así como del sistema de emergencias de uno ...
The University of Lleida develops a telepresence robot for people with disabilities4 November 2015 The robotic personal assistant (APR) of the University of Lleida makes it easier for people with disabilities to work from home, interact with colleagues and attend meetings. Herself ...
Microsoft Surface Hub focuses attention on SIMO Education 2015 in its presentation in Spain30 October 2015 El nuevo integrante de la gama Surface ha hecho su aparición por primera vez en España en SIMO Educación 2015, centrando toda la atención de los profesionales para ofrecer a ...
Jabra Expands Speak Conferencing Series Powered by ZoomTalk22 October 2015 This new model that the company has incorporated its Speak series is designed to eliminate the weak points of conference calls in meeting rooms, such as ...
Bosch Dicentis: WiFi conference system for multipurpose rooms21 October 2015 The Bosch Dicentis wireless conferencing system is available in two versions: standard, for small to medium-sized discussions, and extended, including a 4.3" capacitive touchscreen ...
Shure Becomes Polycom Unified Communications Partner20 October 2015 El sistema inalámbrico Microflex Wireless ofrece ahora soluciones de comunicaciones unificadas (Uc&C) basadas en estándares, through interoperability with Polycom configurations, for conference rooms and ...
Sharp transforms collaborative work with the capacitive and interactive display PN-80TC319 October 2015 La nueva pantalla P-CAP PN-80TC3 de Sharp presenta una diagonal de 80 Inch, Recognizes 10 puntos de contacto simultáneos y permite que hasta 4 personas puedan escribir al mismo tiempo. one ...
Polycom revolutionizes the workspace of the future with new collaboration solutions13 October 2015 Make the user the center of the collaboration experience, in a simple and intuitive way, regardless of the size of the room, is the goal of the new solutions that ...
The Jabra Speak speakerphone 810 optimizes audio in collaborative environments2 October 2015 The latest device in the Jabra Spak series facilitates conferences in meeting rooms that exceed a surface area of 100 square meters with more than 15 people gathered, ...
The plenary hall of the Zaragoza City Council is equipped with a Shure DIS system1 October 2015 Shure's DIS discussion system, which has been installed in the plenary hall of the Aragonese capital is composed of a central unit CU5905, 35 dc5905 microphonic bases, 35 ...
Interactive and virtual AV technology for an immersive tour of Gaudí's figure and work24 September 2015 Gaudí Barcelona Projects has relied on Samsung as a technology partner and has commissioned Sono to integrate the audiovisual systems for the new museum installation 'Walking with Gaudí', one ...
Vitelsa technologically equips the new Faculty of Nursing of the University of Seville23 September 2015 Mejorar las infraestructuras y la calidad docente con nuevas tecnologías AV y de comunicaciones ha sido el objetivo del proyecto ‘llave en mano’ realizado por Vitelsa en la nueva Facultad ...
Extron CCI Pro 700: TouchLink Pro conferencing and collaboration control interface10 September 2015 Se trata de la primera interfaz de usuario diseñada para sistemas de control y optimizada para conferencias, colaboración y control AV, que da soporte a muchas de las funciones en ...
SeeSound distributes sE Electronics microphones exclusively for Spain29 July 2015 The Shanghai-based manufacturer of microphones and accessories (China) has entrusted SeeSound with the commercialization of its products in the Spanish market. The Spanish distributor SeeSound adds to its ...