BrightSign and Red Dot renew Pala Casino's content distribution system7 May 2018 The infrastructure of digital signage that has been installed in the Pala Casino Resort and Spa is integrated by 75 screens and has a complex distribution system of ...
The HC Media Studio 101 opens with a Led screen that illuminates the city of Haverhill30 April 2018 For the realization of this project, que precisaba de una pantalla digital brillante con una capacidad de diseño de 90 Degrees, se optó por la instalación del modelo Led FLEXLite ...
Lluís Vives Business School renews AV infrastructure of its function room with Vitelsa24 April 2018 La solución tecnológica implementada está integrada por equipos AV de última generación, que se combinan con los ya existentes. El objetivo ha sido crear un recinto polivalente que permite realizar ...
Tripleplay Caveman expands its support for Avnu PF digital signage displays23 April 2018 The version 1.1 de este software ofrece soporte para las pantallas interactivas ‘todo en uno’ Avnu PF, que incorporan el hardware BrightSign Built-In, así como Samsung Smart Signage Platform 5. Tripleplay ...
Fonestar SCI-750: wireless conferencing system for 256 Microphones23 April 2018 This control unit combines the functions of a conference system with wireless microphones. It has 5 Streaming channels, uno para el micrófono presidente y cuatro para ...
Datapath deploys its technology at Hong Kong Navy Training Center19 April 2018 Cinco controladores de videowall, veinticinco tarjetas de captura y diez gráficas, junto con potentes procesadores y software, todo de Datapath, componen esta estructura de simulación para formar a los oficiales. the ...
OJD creates a service to audit outdoor advertising campaigns in Spain18 April 2018 With the OJD Exterior service, it will be possible to audit the assets, as well as the execution, Duration and efficiency of campaigns, Ensuring transparency and reliability. The Auditor of the Advertising Industry, OJD, ...
Edge Hill University creates a flexible learning space with Panasonic13 April 2018 En la Facultad de Salud y Atención Social se han diseñado tres salas de conferencias independientes y se las ha equipado con proyectores láser PT-RZ670, pantallas 65LFE8 y cámaras remotas ...
The Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University bets on connected Led lighting13 April 2018 The connected Led lighting solution, that has been installed at the University, is controlled by Philips Lighting's Interact Office system. Philips Lighting has equipped Hamdan University ...
Work Pro expands its LS lighting control range with LS-Wing and LS-Nodes12 April 2018 To the LightShark range of lighting consoles, has incorporated the LS-Wing console expansion unit, designed to complement and extend the LS-1 console, and LS-Nodes hardware expanders. the ...
Cruise 1st uses digital signage to offer its cruises10 April 2018 In your new manchester store, has installed a 4K videowall of 2x2, configured with 46 iiyama inches and B-Tech System X brackets. The content is ...
Multi-screen digital scenography around an ice show10 April 2018 The entertainment show on 'Art on Ice' relies on the Dataton Watchout multi-screen display system to offer unique images and visual effects. The entertainment concept of the show ...
El Centro Universitario de la Guardia Civil instala un sistema de conferencias con Audio-Technica10 April 2018 La sala multiusos del Centro Universitario de la Guardia Civil cuenta con una unidad central ATUC-50CU y seis unidades de debate ATUC-50DU. Milán Miscelánea ha instalado en la sala multiusos del ...
AMX NMX-WP-N2410: 4K60 window processor 4:4:46 April 2018 Este procesador está pensado para utilizar en centros de operaciones, bares deportivos, salas de conferencias o cualquier lugar donde se precise mostrar contenidos que ocupen varias pantallas de lado a ...
Crestron incorporates AirMedia technology 2.0 to its new AM-300 wireless presentation system6 April 2018 The AirMedia AM-300 enables secure wired and wireless presentation in salons, lobbies and open spaces, and integrates with calendar platforms. This computer has a DM input, ...
The latest works of U2 and Lamb were based on Genelec technology6 April 2018 Producer Andy Barlow has been using Genelec monitors for two decades and the most recent investment has been made following the co-production of 'Songs of ...
BrightSign manages the content of the Iron Palace's spectacular digital signage network4 April 2018 Los media player 4K de BrightSign son los encargados de proporcionar el contenido de las pantallas de este centro comercial mexicano, que ha sido actualizado con una esfera Led de ...
Bucharest's Hard Rock Café renews its sound infrastructure with Powersoft2 April 2018 The backbone of the audio system has been made inside the restaurant with DSP+D versions of the Ottocanali and Quattrocanali amplifiers. and, All infrastructure, is controlled with the ...
The 'Internet of Light'’ helps build customer loyalty in the retail sector2 April 2018 Utilizando el 'Internet of Light', E.Leclerc, con la ayuda de ZGS, ha diseñado un hipermercado moderno e interactivo en Langon. En este se ha implementado un proyecto piloto que permite ...
Christie Pandoras Box manages an interactive screening at the Barbican Centre28 March 2018 Interlock: Friends Pictured Within es una proyección multimedia interactiva, realizada en homenaje al director de orquesta Simon Rattle. Para su realización se utilizaron los servidores de medios Christie Pandoras Box ...