Telelogos Meeting4Display: Room Management & Booking Solution14 November 2017 Gracias a su estructura escalable, esta solución puede ser utilizada en proyectos de cualquier tamaños, permitiendo realizar la reserva desde una pantalla táctil o través del sistema de calendario de ...
The itinerant event NovaWorld Tour Spain 2017 will stop in Madrid13 November 2017 Su celebración tendrá lugar el próximo 30 de noviembre en las oficinas de Charmex en Madrid y durante su desarrollo se presentará la nueva gama Low Latency, el software de ...
The University Clinic Foundation of the URJC is committed to AV technology for its new spaces13 November 2017 Para la creación del nuevo gabinete médico y un salón de actos, Vitelsa ha proporcionado una arquitectura audiovisual en alta definición, además de la infraestructura de cableado necesaria para soportar ...
Toronto's new Air Jordan store attracts customers with a dynamic and attractive AV system10 November 2017 Para ofrecer una innovadora experiencia de compra, se ha instalado un sofisticado sistema de audio multi-zona y un equipamiento visual integrado por proyectores de Panasonic, pantallas de SiliconCore y reproductores ...
Elan Media uses BroadSign Core software in its digital signage network9 November 2017 This tool is used to provide the contents to the out-of-home network, made up of 270 Screens, that the advertising company has installed in the shopping centers of Qatar. In addition, ...
Movilok, the UC3M and the UPM advance in the design of the tourist showcase of the future7 November 2017 The Esitur projector takes as its starting point the digital signage solution Showcases, with which it is possible to control the content that appears on the informative advertising screens. The University ...
The NEC Demo room hosts an open day to show its AV solutions7 November 2017 In this day aimed at its partners, to be held next year 15 November, You can see the most innovative systems of the company such as the interactive multi-touch table or ...
Icon Multimedia integrates its Deneva information system in the Santiago de Chile Metro7 November 2017 The Spanish company, junto con el integrador Sice, ha desplegado su tecnología integral de comunicación para mejorar la experiencia de los usuarios en la recientemente inaugurada Línea 6 del suburbano ...
Charmex opens its first office in Portugal and consolidates its presence in the country's audiovisual market6 November 2017 Las nuevas instalaciones cuentan con un showroom en el que se ofrece un espacio dinámico para promover las soluciones interactivas que comercializa para los sectores educativo y corporativo. The line ...
LG videowall help manage rail traffic in Argentina3 November 2017 En el centro de control que gestiona el tráfico de las líneas de Urquiza, San Martín y Belgrano se han instalado dos videowall, en configuración 3x2, y uno en 4x2, ...
Allen & Heath releases major firmware update for dLive3 November 2017 Denominada Fistral, esta versión añade prestaciones como el Mezclador Automático de Micrófonos (AMM), la capacidad de conectar varias superficies de control a un mismo MixRack, soporte del nuevo hardware orientado ...
Yealink strengthens its line of high-end video conferencing solutions with the VC8002 November 2017 This equipment stands out for its audio and video capabilities, and the simplicity of its handling, thanks to its Android-based interface. In addition, allows you to establish two simultaneous sessions of ...
Vitelsa provides AV equipment to the auditorium of Sant Carles de la Rápita2 November 2017 In the new building, two double columns of speakers have been installed on the sides of the stage, as well as other high performance in the front and subwoofers to reinforce ...
RMG Korbyt: content management platform for digital signage applications2 November 2017 Presented as the cornerstone of the company's strategy, this tool is designed for use in the retail and hospitality market, as well as in corporate internal communications. ...
Mercedes-Benz Arena renews its IPTV and digital signage infrastructure with Tripleplay31 October 2017 In the VIP areas, Bars, F restaurants and outlets&B have been installed around 200 Screens. A network that offers a direct communication channel with the ...
Datapath Introduces New Generation of Video Drivers for Critical Environments19 October 2017 Diseñados para aplicaciones de visualización que requieren alto rendimiento y fiabilidad, el fabricante tiene ya disponibles los modelos VSN982 y VSN1182, que se suman a los dos controladores de la ...
Live Entertainment Roadshow: Panasonic will show the latest in technology applied to shows in one day19 October 2017 Para dar a conocer todas las posibilidades que brinda la tecnología al servicio de la creatividad, Panasonic, en colaboración con Blacktrax y d3, organizará el próximo 25 October in ...
The NH Collection Eurobuilding offers rooms that are lit according to the emotions of the clients18 October 2017 The Mood Rooms has been equipped with the most innovative technology and with the help of the Philips RoomFlex control system, guests can select their lighting scene, sound ...
ViewSonic and Intel join forces to facilitate collaboration in meeting rooms16 October 2017 Con objeto de transformarlas en espacios inteligentes, conectados y seguros, han combinado la aplicación Unite con las pantallas interactivas ViewBoard. In this way, se permite facilitar la administración de la ...
Christie and Cocolab revive the archaeological zone of the pyramids of Teotihuacán11 October 2017 To create the videomapping show were used 19 Roadie 4K45 projectors, que se ubicaron en dos unidades móviles y eran gestionados por el software NUUP desde estaciones de trabajo ...