Crestron renews its experience center in Madrid with its latest AV and collaboration solutions12 September 2017 En línea con su iniciativa estratégica de renovar sus centros en EMEA para mostrar toda la gama de nuevos productos del año y fortalecer su posición en la industria audiovisual, ...
Tomorrowland streams five continents with simultaneous lighting control8 September 2017 For the second year in a row, festival managers have made a live connection from Belgium to eight countries around the world, where all the scenarios worked simultaneously ...
Manor Food supermarkets are committed to centralized management of their digital network7 September 2017 The system is responsible for monitoring and controlling in real time the contents of the 656 screens of 12" that integrate this infrastructure, as well as grill management ...
Biamp TesiraForté VT and VT4: network audio for medium and small conference rooms6 September 2017 These digital audio processors are equipped with AEC technology to eliminate acoustic echo and feedback, network audio via AVB or Dante, and USB audio for ...
Mobotix shows the advantages offered by the fusion of its cameras with digital signage5 September 2017 En un evento organizado por Imaginart ha mostrado una solución para retail que muestra cómo un videowall reproduce contenido si alguien se acerca. Esto se consigue a través de una ...
Harman technology brings an integrated AV solution to the Wanda Vista Hefei hotel25 August 2017 With the aim of providing audio coverage for its numerous spaces with different functions, an integrated solution has been created with JBL professional speakers, Crown amplifiers, AKG microphones, processing ...
Crestron, distribuidor oficial AV de la smart city del deporte de Johnson Controls24 August 2017 Como parte del acuerdo tecnológico, el fabricante trabajará con los responsables de Pro Football Hall of Fame & Johnson Controls Hall of Fame Village para desarrollar la primera smart city ...
Avit Vision shows its solution for booking rooms and spaces BookingVision Display21 August 2017 Designed as a 'gateway' to room reservation solutions in companies, institutions and universities, this solution has advanced features, como la señalización mediante luces para avisar ...
Kramer PA-120Z and PA-240Z: high and low impedance power amplifiers for meeting rooms21 August 2017 Independientemente del tamaño del espacio de reunión, estos sistemas de 120 and 240 W cuentan con dos mezcladores independientes de entrada, mezclador independiente por salida y auto-standby ajustable por el ...
Powersoft shows control capabilities for spatial sound at the Les Champs Libres center18 August 2017 This cultural complex, located in the French city of Rennes, It now has a progressive multipoint sound system, Installed at first to meet artistic requirements ...
AMX by Harman expands its Incite range with models 813 for classrooms and meeting spaces17 August 2017 Los nuevos dispositivos 8x1:3 Digital Video Presentation Switcher, disponibles a través de Avit Vision, combinan conmutación, escalado y transporte a distancia y control de AMX con tecnología marcas mundiales de ...
Selfridges implements an internal communication strategy through a digital signage network27 July 2017 The installation is integrated by a high impact Led screen of digiLED in the London 'Team Tunnel' and a network that encompasses more than 30 Samsung Smart displays ...
RealMotion boosts the contents of Sofitel Paris Baltimore's immersive video wall24 July 2017 Este intuitivo e interactivo soporte digital, localizado en el vestíbulo, ha sido diseñado utilizando los paneles Christie MicroTiles y sus contenidos son gestionados con el software de Float4. It's about ...
PLAYdifferently Model 1: Analog mixer with the technology of the best studio consoles24 July 2017 This team, pensado especialmente para el DJ profesional que actúa en directo, fue presentado en la pasada edición del festival Sonar con la colaboración de Audio-Technica. Su diseño ofrece una ...
Christie Pandoras Box 6.0 and Widget Designer 6.0 finalists of the AV Awards 201724 July 2017 Estas soluciones están nominadas en la categoría de mejor Control y Gestión de Audio y Vídeo del año. La ceremonia de entrega de premios se celebrará el 29 September ...
Crualla Festival featured more than 125 square meters of Led screen on your stages21 July 2017 Sono fue la empresa encargada de la instalación de los equipos y de la cobertura audiovisual. El escenario principal contó con dos pantallas de exterior de 5x5 metros de Absen ...
Crestron updates its EMEA experience centers with the most innovative solutions19 July 2017 This strategic initiative has begun with the Cobham flagship where the latest generation of DigitalMedia has been installed., the Mercury console, the SSW room availability system, the ...
Sony X1000ES: professional 4K Blu-ray player for custom installations19 July 2017 This equipment provides practically all the connectivity options necessary for medium projects that include IP control over WiFi or CAT cable networks 5, RS232C bidirectional control e ...
Ingram Micro adds to its IoT division the platform WiFi.Pro17 July 2017 Esta solución permite gestionar redes WiFi a diferentes niveles y perfiles de usuario, adaptándose a cada entorno, y asumiendo la política de servicio de conectividad deseada. Una herramienta idónea para ...
The Cathedral of Girona hosts an immersive show of light and music by Xavi Bové14 July 2017 The visual artist will use for this concert of light and music in real time sixty light projectors, distributed inside and outside the ship, con un sistema de control ...